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--Blame it on L0V3--

A nice, and slow death

--Blame it on L0\/3-- Part 12
The second the elevator door opened on the 1st floor Dave pulled me out the door and to a park. When we finally slow down I see that there is a candle lit picnic set up on the ground. If I was Kate Moss I would smile. But I'm not. So I give a half hearted smile and sit down across Dave. We had glasses of Red Wine, juicy little bite size chicken nuggets, Cho Mein, Fortune Cookies, and ice cream. By the time we're eating our ice cream the can of whip cream Dave pulled out of the basket is almost empty due to our selfish acts of spraying mouth full after mouth full into our mouths. I finally set my bowl of half finished ice cream and reach for the whip cream can but Dave beats me to it, spraying tons on my mouth instead of in. When he finally stops he leans in and deeply kisses me. The kiss was full of false passion, whip cream and some ice cream he was eating. When he pulls away we notice that we both switched positions: he's kneeling on one kneel now and one of my legs is involuntarily wrapped around his waist. He awkwardly chuckles and un wraps my leg but stays in his kneeling position. "Kate it's been 2 years since our last date. You left and was filed as a missing person. A few months ago you were found and today was finally brought back to me. When I found out I was going to see you today I just wanted to make sure I would never lose you again. Kate Moss, will you marry me?" Dave says pulling out a crown looking wedding ring completely covered in diamonds. 5 seconds. That's how long it took for Jason and Lizbeth to come out from their hiding places behind the trees followed by a dozen other people, Liam as well. Without a response Jason pushes Dave's hand and the ring goes on my finger and Jason shouts that he already planned the whole wedding and it's tomorrow. I'm getting married. And it's not to Liam.


@Niall's new girl

Thanks for reading!

SuttonDirection SuttonDirection

that's exactly what I thought writing all those bad Liam parts

SuttonDirection SuttonDirection
omg ssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute thats just the understatment
Poor Liam. XD
iceskatez iceskatez


No problem! Thanks for reading!

SuttonDirection SuttonDirection