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Pain & Payne

Chapter 8

Katie's POV

I woke up still wrapped in Liam's arms. I was angry that he was in here but the truth is I knew he came in here every night and it sort of makes me feel safe.

He still scares me and I'm still extremely mad that he slapped me and put some stupid device in my arm but there's really nothing I can do about it.

"Good morning sunshine." Liam mumbled and hugged me close to him.

Should I say good morning?

I mean I talked to him last night so maybe it's time to give up with the silent treatment.

"Good morning." I whispered and felt him jump like he wasn't expecting an answer from me.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked, he's pushing his luck if he expects a full sentence just yet.

I just shrugged and tried to remove myself from his grip.

"Noooo! Don't leave yet!" He pulled me back down and tickled the side of my stomach making me giggle.

"L-liam! s-stop!" I pleaded with him through my laughter as he just chuckled at me and kept up his tickle attack.

"Not until you say 'I love my brother!' and hug me."

I tried to wriggle away from him so that I didn't have to give into him but it wasn't working.

"Okay, okay! I love my brother!" I surrendered and laughed as he slowed down his tickles until he stopped, a large grin on his face as he smugly opened his arms.

I sighed and went to lean forward and hug him but a knock on my door interrupted us.

"Liam! Get the fuck out of there! Katie's mine during the day!" Louis barked at us through the door and all playfulness was gone within a second.

"Ready for another day?" Liam whispered while looking at me sympathetically.

"Of hell?" I asked and he shook his head and tried hard not to smile but failed.

I climbed out of my bed and pulled on a large jumper to stop Louis' wonder hands he seems to have when I'm wearing small amounts of clothing, plus it was cold this morning.

As soon as Liam opened the bedroom door and walked out, I was crushed into a tight hug by Louis.

"Morning baby." He whispered in my ear before placing a rough kiss over his mark that was still on my neck.

I whimpered as his lips pushed on the bruised skin before he grabbed my hand and lead me into the kitchen.

"Morning kid! What are you making for breakfast?" Harry asked as we entered the kitchen, all eyes turned to me as I hid slightly behind Louis.

Louis had told me that the other boys weren't as nice as they seemed, He even told me that Niall often kills girls after he's 'finished' with them so I don't really talk to them that much.

"I um don't know how to cook." Everyone but Liam seemed shocked by my words and I felt very embarrassed right now.

"She grew up with a maid her whole life guys." Liam explained to them and they all nodded in understanding.

"Come to think of it. Where's our maid these days?" Harry spoke up again making me confused.

We have a maid?

"She doesn't start until nine. It's only seven." Liam replied while keeping his eyes on his phone.

"Why the hell are we up this early then?" Zayn asked from behind me and Louis since he had just entered the kitchen, he let out a very audible yawn before walking past me and ruffling my hair as he did so.

"Because we have an important meeting today with an out of state gang who want to collaborate with us." Liam said while swiping the first plate of pancakes that Harry had literally just finished making.

"And it's Katie's first meeting!" Louis spoke up from beside me and pulled me onto his lap as he sat down at the table.

I squirmed because of how uncomfortable I was and Louis let out a moan making everyone else chuckle.

"Don't start what you can't finish sweetheart." Louis rasped in my ear and made me realize that I was grinding on him.

I gasped and tried to jump off his lap but he wrapped his arms around me.

"I - I want to sit there." I mumbled and pointed to the empty chair next to us.

"Nope." Was all he said before pulling me back against his chest and pulling the bowl of strawberries closer to me and eating one.

"Hey I got those for Katie, not you!" Harry growled. I gave him an uneasy smile before grabbing a strawberry for myself.

"I know but Katie likes sharing with me, don't you baby?" He bounced his knee slightly to get my attention and I weakly nodded.

I had learnt the hard way to agree with what Louis says or tells me to do. He yells a lot and had left a bruise on my wrist from when I didn't listen to him yesterday so I'm not making any mistakes today.

"Katie don't let him eat them, you don't like pancakes and you need to eat something." Liam talked sternly, his leadership coming into view which made Louis grunt and pull his plate of pancakes closer so he could eat them.

The rest of breakfast I held a real conversation with Harry.

I had learnt that he was the one to do most of the cooking besides the maid and that he was nothing like Louis told me he was.

He asked me many questions about what foods I do and don't like and if I was allergic to anything.

It wasn't really that bad I guess.

I looked over my outfit that Liam had picked out for me in my mirror.

It was nice, I have to hand it to these guys, for criminals they have nice taste in clothing. I was even allowed to wear a very small amount of make-up today so I went with a bright lip-stain and kept everything else simple.

"You ready sunshine?" Liam poked his head into my room and smiled as he looked over my outfit.

I nodded and he took my hand in his before leading me to the other side of the large mansion that I hadn't been in yet. We had to stop and Liam put in a code to open a set of large metal doors that lead to the south wing of the house.

I'm not quite sure if their utterly stupid or incredibly smart for making their headquarters part of their house but the idea of having some random other gang here where we live terrifies me.

We walked around a few corners until we came to another large set of metal doors, once again Liam put in the code and they opened to reveal a very, very large meeting room that had a lovely view of the backyard.

This part of the house was facing the opposite direction to my room or the lounge room so I was very interested in the view.

"Go look out the window if you like. The other gang isn't here yet so you can look around until they arrive." Liam said while sitting in the biggest chair at one of the large oval tables.

The room had two tables.

I'm guessing one is for the other gang.

I walked over to the large window and looked out at the view. It was really pretty, it had a large deck and garden accessories and a small woods area right at the back of the yard.

"Katie time to sit down. The others will be here soon." Liam called out to me and I slowly walked over to the large table.

I noticed that there was two large chairs at the head of our table and since Louis is second in charge, that chair must be for him. I went to sit in the chair next to the empty one for Louis but Liam shook his head.

"You sit at the head of the table with me. The Payne's run this gang sunshine so we sit at the front."

I nodded and slowly sat down in the seat just as Harry, Niall and Zayn came into the room.

It was at this point that I realized that Liam and all the boys were wearing matching varsity jackets with their initials on them. I had one too but mine was pink and white while all the boys had black and white ones. Mine matched my lip colour so I wasn't complaining, it looked cute on me if I do say so myself and it's my favourite colour.

I didn't see Louis walk in but the boys all left the seat empty that was next to mine on the corner of the table.

I was about to ask where Louis was when he entered through a door on the opposite side of the room, the door lead right outside letting in a cool breeze as he entered.

"Their coming now." He grumbled before sitting himself next to me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

His lips lingered for a few seconds just as the other men walked in, they all smirked at the display of affection before sitting at the other table.

I noticed the there was still four empty seats at our table and tugged on Liam's sleeve to get his attention.

"What sunshine?" He whispered in my ear so the other un-named men couldn't hear him.

"Who are those seats for?"

He quickly looked at the seats I was pointing at before turning back to me.
"Four of our guys that have been located in Australia, their moving back here to become the new main members."

I nodded and stared at the empty spots.

I wonder what they'll be like.

Hopefully not as forceful as Louis, maybe even nice?

As if Louis could read my mind, he intertwined his hand with mine and placed them on the table.

He wasn't usually this gentle and I was quite confused.
I looked up at Liam. pleading him to help me but he just smiled and nodded so I took a deep breath before curling my fingers around Louis'.

"You must be the baby Payne I've heard so much about." The man sitting at the front of the other table smirked at me and winked making me lean slightly closer to Louis.

I know he's a huge dick and is kind of forcing me to be with him but I would rather Louis any day than this greasy pig like man.

"I see you've already been claimed. How do you feel about this Liam?" The man continued and looked between Liam and myself.

"Louis and Katie are none of your concern. Don't underestimate her, she's a Payne none the less." Liam grumbled and the man bitterly laughed.

"Well you see that's why I'm here. I don't want to work with you, I just want Katie."


Yay I updated!
As you can tell the 5sos boys will be entering the story soon! xx

I haven't quite decided if Niall will be a love interest in this version since I did say that there was a chance of the love interests being different. So yeah still making my mind up about that.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter! xx

Have a lovely day/night!

P.S! If any of you ever have questions about any of my stories or want to talk, feel free to kik me! my username is kass_april (: Keep in mind that if I don't reply straight away then it's probably because of the time difference but I will reply!


YASSS!!!! After this, I can die happy!

I'll try for as soon as possible!

I agree with @Yvette_xx please tell me that there will be an update. . . *I cry every time*

When are you going to update??

An update for you love.
Sorry it took so long! xx