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Chapter 10

(Ana's POV)

After I remembered the concert Niall came in and explained some things to me. Like about Harry being my boyfriend and all. It made me remember a little more, and the Harry came in to talk to me.

"Hey Ana, how are you feeling?" he asked I could tell he was nervous, just by the way he looked and sounded.

"I've felt better" I said honestly. We sat there for a while and nobody said anything, so I was going to talk to him.

"Look, Harry, Niall explained some stuff to me and I know about me and you. I don't remember it all, but I remember a little more, then I did" I sad smiling.

"Really, like what?"

"Well, I remember when we arguged over who gets the right side of the bed, and I remember sometimes you would call me, sweet little nicknames." I said as a smile spread across his face.

" Well, i'm glad you remember some more, oh and the doctor said you can come home in a tomorrow" he said as I smiled

"Really? YAY!!"

"But I need to know who you wanna go home with" he said as he looked down. I don't know weather to go with Niall or him, but I trust him and I know Niall, does to, so that helps.

"I'll go with you" he looked up and had the biggest smile on his face. A smile from ear to ear.

(Harry's POV)

I can't beleive she wants to go with me. I thought she was going to say Niall or someone else. Well, I went home and went to sleep. I am really nervous about tomorrow, because I don't know how to act. I can't call her babe and kiss her all the time and tell her I love her the way I used to. Well, tommorw came faster then I thought, but I got up and got ready and was on my way... I sighned her out and she came out and I must say she looked amazing.
I just wanted to hug and kiss her so bad, but I cant. Not yet anyways. When we walked in the door everybody yelled 'SURPRISE' and of course I knew about it, but Ana of course didn't. Everybody was there, but she only remembered me Niall and Kelsee, she didn't remember anybody else, but she said she kinda recognized them....




I seriously hope this story is not over yet because I want to know if Ana will fully remember Harry.

It says this story is completed does that mean that there is no chapter 12? Does it mean that the book ended?

This is a wonderful story!!! Please update soon!!!!!! I can't wait to read more!!!!

I really like this one!!!! Great story!!


belleblue belleblue

I love it, please update soon! :)