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Lonely Hearts Club

More Of The Living Dead

''Harry?'' He was stumbling along the riverbank struggling to put one foot in front of the other. He was drunk. Very drunk. He looked up into her eyes, his were even more bloodshot than when she had last looked into them, but that green sparkle was still there, just a hint of it was always there.
''Ay Sophie-Mae!'' He said dragging out the 'y'. She swiftly walked up to him putting her hands on his shoulders and steading him, but she was yet to speak. ''You know I've been thinking, why do you have two names, was one just not enough for your parents?''
''Your drunk Harry.''
''Only on you, princess.'' She just rolled her eyes, to her, that sentence had only proved he was even more drunk than she thought. But you know what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts. Sophie-Mae was yet to hear of this saying though. She wuickly glanced over his broad shoulders to check for paparazzi and sure enoug there was a pretty big crowd of them running straight for the pair. Without really thinking it through very much she grabbed his big hand and held it in her small grip, she began to pull his along back to her apartment and at this moment in time she was luckily she had only walked in circles and not too far. She pushed Harry ahead of her and into the safety of her buildings hallway before closing the main door behind her and taking a deep breath. ''C'mon you need some sleep.'' She trudged up the stairs gripping his hand once more and as she fumbled about with her keys Harry's cute side began to show again. He began to quietly sing 'In the Jungle' whilst flapping his arms about in a childish fashion. Sophie-Mae chuckled quietly and muttered ''Your so cute Styles.'' But he still heard her and inbetween continuing to belt out the chorus he muttered back ''I try.''

Finally Sophie-Mae managed to get the door open and was relieved to see Sasha wasn't home yet and hopefully wouldn't be home anytime soon. She literally had to push Harry onto the sofa as he was very content with running up and down the small corridor and eventually she had to lock the door to stop this 19 year old from escaping. Sounds like she was kidnapping him but she wasn't, it was for his own good. ''Have you eaten tonight?'' She bent down so her face was level with his which was laying on the cream sofa and spoke with a voice filled with concern.''
''Does lime count?'' He smirked obviously referring to the lime bars serve to counterract the buring in your throat with certain alcoholic drinks. She rolled her eyes once more.
''How come you still look pretty when you do that?'' He whispered struggling to keep his eyes open.
''Do what?'' But before he could reply his eyes closed and his eyelashed were now resting on his dark circle. Sophie-Mae couldn't help but feel nothing but pity fot this lost boy. All he needed was some guidance, and someone who wouldn't give up everytime things got a little tough. Because it seemed that's what everyone else had done with Harry Styles. Given up, and resorted to watching him throw his life away.

The girl who found nothing strange in having this almost stranger kip on her sofa went into the white cupboard in the corner of the living room and removed a sky blue blanket with white polka dots on it and ufolded it. She walked over to Harry and admired his peaceful face for a moment before covering him with the baby soft blanket.

Soon Sophie-Mae was wrapping herself in her own blanket and closing her own eyes. She almost felt a sense of pride for helping Harry. Not stuck up loo-at-me-im-a-hero pride. But just pride. And a little bit of relief knowing she found him before something bad happened.


@Unexpected oh no I haven't finished it yet! I'm always sure to tell you guys when I finish a story,I had planned to finish it in the summer but I want to end it well and I think this is my favourite story that I've written so I didn't want to rush it and end up ruining it. Realistically I think it will be finished by early in the new year as there is still a lot I want to happen:)

Sophstagram Sophstagram
Will you be finishing the story off or is that it? I really loved it and I want to find out how it ends :)
Unexpected Unexpected
@Just wanted to say HI!

Oh my gosh you're such a cutie,and I'm so happy that i made you slightly happier, if it helps at all, i'm also not too thrilled about going to school tomorrow but remember this..TOMORROW'S FRIDAY! ...Anywho thank you hun:)

Sophstagram Sophstagram
Wow. This story is so good. I was surprised and I saw this story a few times but I never actually read it and know i am mad that I didn't read it earlier. Also thank you because other wise I would still be way to sad about going to school tomorrow. Oh I might have forgotten to mention, YOUR STORY IS FREAKING FANTASTIC :)
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