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Can You See Me


Today was my first day of middle school. I hoped this year I would gain the courage to finally tell Niall how I felt about him. Niall and I had been bestfriends since kindergarten. We were very close at times I felt like he liked me back but then i would realize he was the same with all the other girls if you understand me. he would act like he cared about but then do the same with all the other girls. I began to get used to it and fight for his attention. I would throw fits just so he could pay attention to me. i think I was a very dramatic child now that I look back. Anyways Niall and I were very close we would sleep over at each others houses our parents didn't mind. Our parents were best friends you could say. As I am going to my locker I see him talking to Anna. She was nice. Like I said WAS. Anna would act nice to me when Niall was around. Once Niall would leavem alalone with her she would change completely into a rude self centered brat. Niall started to walk towards me with Anna by his side. As they came closer I began to walk away l. I didn't want to talk to Niall or Anna. I heard Niall call my name but I just kept walking and went to class.


So this is my first story. Comment and let me know what you think


@harry'skitty thank you and I will read your chapter
nunyabuisness nunyabuisness
This is amazing love this please keep updating. If you could read a chapter or to of my story i will seriously jump with joy please...!!!
I will try sophie :)
nunyabuisness nunyabuisness
Really good hillary:)! Keep updating! x
s0phayy s0phayy
Thanks :) -
nunyabuisness nunyabuisness