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One Way or Another


"It looks amazing!" I gush, stepping into the store. Madison walks over to me. "Is it finished?"

"We have to organize the cash area a little more and the girls are just working on some detailing. Then we'll be ready to go."

"Two days early," I add, smiling. My mother should be happy with that. She nods. "Thank you so much Madison, I know I've been a little spacey this week but you really picked up the slack. It looks amazing in here."

"Doesn't it?"

I turn around to see Zayn walking in. He's been a big help with designing the line, but also with designing the store setup. He's really got an eye for interior decorating as well killer design skills.

"Hey, come to see some of your handiwork?" I ask. He nods and stands next to me, looking around the massive store.

"It's mostly yours, but yeah. It looks great, Savannah, your mother is going to be so impressed."

"You both get a plus one to the even tomorrow night," I tell them. It was invitation only, as per my mother's request, but I made sure they'd each be able to bring someone.

"Great, thanks!" Madison says. "Alright, I'm going to get back to work. Oh, I forgot. Harry called for you earlier."

My stomach flips. "All right. Thanks, Madison."

She gives me a sympathetic smile and I fiddle with the pendant of my necklace while thoughts of Harry run through my mind so fast I can't get a hold of any one of them. Part of me is saying that I over reacted and that I should just get over it. The other part is saying that maybe there's more I don't know about him. The last two years have been so crazy and with everything that I know now, who knows what else he's done? Maybe that's negative and I should think more of Harry, but I can't help it. I'm only human, after all.

But so is he. He's allowed to make mistakes and who am I to hold him to some sort of perfect standard? For all he knew we were never getting back together and there was no reason for him not to go on a date with someone else. I just hated his reasoning. He was "frustrated" with me and the way things were between us. That's not a good enough excuse, not that I'm trying to make excuses for him.

Okay, maybe I am. But I still love him and that usually clouds my judgement a little.

"You okay?" Zayn asks. I forgot he was standing there.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I've been so out of this whole week."

"I noticed," he says, laughing a little. "Everything all right?"

I run my fingers through my messy curly hair and sigh heavily. "Honestly, no."

"Anything I can help with?" he asks. I smile at him, about to protest. I probably shouldn't talk to someone I work with about my problems. "Not as an employee, as a friend. We could go for lunch if you have some time."

"Umm...." Bouncing my thoughts off someone would be helpful and because I've been so busy the last few years I don't have a lot of friends in the city. There's Madison and a few girls from college, but I don't talk to them much unless I see them somewhere. Sophie has become my entire world. "Alright," I agree. "Let's go."

"Perfect," he says, flashing his model-like smile. "I know a great place."

Harry's POV

"Great, five more. Keep going."

My phone buzzes in my pocket and when the guy I'm training finishes his set I pull it out to check.

Tuesday next week. 10 pm.

I stuff it back in my pocket, agitated that Scott won't leave me the fuck alone. I don't care what he has scheduled for me at this point. As long as it doesn't interfere with my time with Sophie or Savannah, I don't give a fuck.

"What's next?" the guy asks. I don't even remember his fucking name, it's not my trainee.

"Cool down, the hour's almost up," I mutter. He nods and I check my phone again to see if there's anything from Savannah. There isn't.

Not one word from her since I left her place on Monday. I honestly have no idea what happened there; one minute we were fighting, then we're in bed, then she's telling me to leave. I don't understand how we go up and down so much, and honestly it makes me nervous. I don't want it to be like last time, I want it to be better. Plus, Sophie being in our lives requires some sort of stability so she isn't scarred by parents that can't function around each other. Maybe if I hadn't gone out with fucking Sam we could be normal. But now it feels like she doesn't trust me. She seems to be going back and forth between still having feelings for me and what her head is telling her to do. I'm hoping she doesn't listen to that. We can work this out, I know we can, she just has to let me talk to her. I need to show her that I love her, that I'd never hurt her on purpose.

"Thanks for filling in man," the guy says, clapping me on the back. I nod and he walks towards the locker room.

I need to get out of this stuffy gym and clear my head. I have my lunch break now anyway, and I have a good hour before my next client comes in.

While I'm walking down the street I debate just showing up at Savannah's office to make her talk to me. That might be a little alpha-male though, and she doesn't really like being forced to do anything. I already called her, and that was pushing it enough. She asked for time and I want to respect that. It's pretty damn hard, though, since I feel like she didn't listen to anything I said to her on Monday. I'll apologize until I'm blue in the face and tell her I love her as many times as it takes, but she doesn't seem to hear it over whatever's happening in her own head.

Why can't she remember the first part of our relationship? Or even the first few months we were in New York? The majority of our time together was amazing, not the fighting unstable mess she remembers it to be because of what happened at the end. I think most new parents go through that stressful time; it's a huge adjustment and there's a lot of pressure. But married couples can't just give up and leave, and we had that option We had an out, a way to bail on each other that we never should have let ourselves have. Giving up should have never been an option, and when she finally said she was leaving I didn't try to stop her. I quickly learned that was the biggest mistake of my life.

"Sorry," I say quickly, my shoulder bumping someone as I walk past them. They glare at me in response and I just keep walking. People in New York are rude. I guess I was a little consumed by my thoughts. Sue me.

I walk a little further towards a burger place that I like to go when I forget to bring a lunch for myself. I would like to say they're the best burger in New York, but they're also the only ones I eat so I guess I don't have much to compare it to.

"Original with everything. And iced tea, please." The girl behind the counter nods and punches it in, taking my money from my hand. "Thanks."

"It'll be ready in just a minute," she chirps. I nod and slide my hands into my pockets while I wait. It's pretty busy in here, lots of people sitting.

I scan the room for a minute, leaning on the bar to wait for my food. When I look towards the back I do a double take. Savannah is here.

And she's not alone.

That fucking designer is sitting across from her, staring at her like the words coming out of her mouth are fucking gold. She looks a little stressed out, but I can't think about that now. All I'm seeing is red, and the guy sitting across the table from her.

So this is how she gets me back. She finds out I went on two dates and now she goes out with the fucking designer? That's great. Real mature, Savannah. This is the perfect way to deal with our issues.

The girl sets my bag on the counter and I snatch it angrily before walking out of the restaurant. How could she do this? Just to get me back for something I told her countless times didn't mean anything to me? I never thought that she'd do that kind of thing, but I guess I was wrong. And on top of it all she knows that I don't trust that guy.

Maybe I was wrong about all of this. Maybe trying again was just one giant mistake.

Savannah's POV

"I have no idea what to do," I say, shrugging my shoulders weakly. "I want to give my family a chance, you know? Sophie deserves to have a family, a real family. I want that too, for all of us, but now I feel like I don't even know Harry anymore."

"Hmm." He nods and takes a sip of his drink.

"Do you think I'm over reacting about this?"

He shrugs. "I mean, I would be pissed too. I don't know if it's a good enough reason to back out completely, though. I think you're just scared because there's so much pressure to make it work between you guys."

"I'm not scared," I retort. I immediately realize I'm lying, and by the smile on Zayn's face I have a feeling he does too.

"Savannah, anyone in your situation would be. It's fine. Just don't let it take away the opportunity before you get a chance to get what you want. I can see how much you want to make this work."

"Yeah," I agree quietly.

"Just make sure it's for you and not Sophie, though. I mean it's great that you want to give her a family, it's very admirable. But you're the one that has to be in the relationship, so if you don't want it or you don't think he'll make you happy then you can't do it. That wouldn't benefit anyone and you'll just hurt her."

"I think you were a shrink in another life," I say, taking a bite of my french fries. He laughs.

"It's possible. I am fantastic at advice."

"I'd recommend you to a friend."

"I may have to really start charging, then."

I laugh. "I appreciate this, Zayn. I really needed to talk to someone, I think I would have gone crazy if I didn't."

"Do you know what you're going to do?"

"I guess I'll see how it goes when he comes to pick up Sophie tomorrow night. I need to figure out if I love him or if I'm in love with him. Because you're right, I need to make sure I'm doing this for me and not just Sophie. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially her."

He nods and checks his watch. "Oh, we should get going. I have a meeting in an hour that I need to get ready for."

"Fabrics, right?" I ask, collecting my garbage.

"Yeah, for the dresses. Did you want to join?"

"Sure. I could use a distraction."

"I really liked the black for the evening gown, though," I argue. "The purple was beautiful, but the black makes a much more classic look."

"Yeah, I had pictured it in black," he agrees. "But the material isn't quite as nice."

"Let's see if we can get some more black samples, because the texture would take away from the look. Maybe silk would be better."

"I'll call them and see," he says. "Anything else?"

I look down at my watch. "Shit, no. I have to get Sophie from daycare, I'm already late."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks, Zayn."

He nods and goes back to his own office. I hurry to gather my things and head downstairs to hail a cab. When I'm inside for the first time all week I don't feel like my head will explode from my thoughts. It was really great to be able to talk to Zayn about everything since I can't makes sense of any of it in my own head. There's nothing more confusing than having a fight with someone and then sleeping with them. I really do feel bad about that.

When I get to the daycare centre there are only two kids left, Sophie and another little girl. Sophie is sitting with her backpack already on her back looking at a picture book. When Angela sees me she comes straight over.

"Savannah, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm so sorry I"m late, things got crazy at work."

"Oh don't worry about that, she was very well behaved," she says kindly. I swear, this is the nicest woman on the face of the planet. At least, in New York.

"Ready, Soph?" I ask. She looks up from her book.

"Daddy too?" she asks. My smile fades and she frowns when I shake my head. I knew going from my mother's place back to our own would be hard for her, but with Harry not around at all she's been really moody and miserable. She gets up from her chair, head hanging low while she walks over to me.

"Sorry again, for being late," I say to Angela, reaching for Sophie's hand. She slowly links hers with mine. "Thanks so much."

"Not a problem, that's what I'm here for," she chirps. She bends down in the patronizing way adults do. "See you tomorrow, Sophie."

"Okay," Sophie says sadly. I laugh a little and lead her outside. The daycare is really close to my building so I can walk. I don't have a car in the city, only Harry does, so he said he'd drive if he had to.

"Okay, keep holding my hand," I remind her while we cross the road with twenty other people. She's been unusually quiet for her, even with the mood she's in this week.

When we get to the building she reaches up for my arms. The doorman greets us but Sophie just puts her arms around my neck and ignores him. He just laughs it off and when I get into the elevator she still doesn't say anything.

"What's the matter, princess?" I ask quietly, smoothing my hand over her hair. She sighs. "Soph?"

"Me sad," she says.

"Why are you sad?"

"Me miss Daddy," she whimpers. The elevator opens and when we get inside I set her on the couch. She immediately sticks her thumb in her mouth.

"I know you miss Daddy, baby, but you'll see him tomorrow, okay? You'll spend the whole weekend with him."

She just looks at me, and I know she probably doesn't care for my response. She wants to see her father, and she should get to. She misses him. Hell, I miss him. But we said tomorrow. So I need to wait.

And I need to figure out what I'm going to say.


what do you think is going to happen?!!?!

im not even sure to be honest :P so your predictions may turn into suggestions ;)

please comment :) theyve been so great and they really help me a lot :) you guys are the besstttt


Harry and savannah having a argument. But they are going to make up in the end.

I love it <3

Jello Jello


Mrs. Styles1913 Mrs. Styles1913

I was Thinking the same thing. How about a guy flirting with savannah. I want to see a jealous harry.

Hiii. could you maybe do a one shot of harry and savannah fighting bc savannah got jealous of another girl flirting with harry or the other way around.. loveee the epilogue by the way :) x

Narryxvodka Narryxvodka