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Grains of Gold

Chapter 2 – I would.

I wasn’t nervous, the girl took my interest and I was looking forward to read the message.

“Can you draw something for me please? That would be perfect.”

First order ever. Haha Nas, it’s not that far now from becoming famous. I laughed at myself and hurried to type the answer.

“Well at least I can try. What do u want me to draw?”

I brought the cup to the lips and took another sip. How great would it be to become famous? There are just benefits about that. You make friends with other celebrities and maybe even with your idols. You have dedicated fans who love you no matter what. Plus charity work is another advantage in being famous and rich. When I noticed the cup was empty I got back to the reality. That what dreams do to us – tear us away from real life and make us feel happier even if we know there’s no chance for our dreams to come true.

“Do u know the band One Direction?”…

“What are you talking about Jane? What is it? An airline company?” My mind cried when I read the first part of the message. Obviously I know them though I’m not a directioner. I mean I do like some of their songs and the way they act on stage – all that laughing, joking, dancing attempts, water battles – couldn’t make me indifferent. After all I am the same crazy person as they are. But I don’t keep up with their personal lives, don’t know the names of all their family members, I don’t know who they are they dating or are they single. I am not the one who watches all the concert videos, interviews etc. And it’s definitely wasn’t me who hacked the security cameras in shops and airports. I just listen to some of their songs and all I need to know that they are funny young guys who enjoy wonderful time of their lives.

… “Can you try to draw them? Please. That would be awesome!”

There’s no need to ask me twice.

“Why not? I’ll give it a try. Thanks for an offer :)” That’s actually not a bad idea at all.

I still had some work to do for the rest of the day but instead I decided to check out pictures of boys. I didn’t have any on my laptop or cell phone so I typed “One Direction” in google search to see what it could offer me. “How good-looking you all are” I was thinking while looking through numerous photos from red carpets, concerts and photoshoots. It took some time because I fell into process so much that didn’t make a note when requests on the screen were alternating again and again. “One Direction 2013” “One Direction x factor” “One Direction funny”. I really had to stop.

Research showed that it would be quite hard for me to draw them all together; I am not anything of a professional artist. And the idea of drawing them discretely came into my mind. “It will probably take more time but what’s the rush? I want the drawing to be great and that doesn’t happen quickly.” I calmed myself.

Don’t know why but my first choice was Liam. I don’t make favourites. It’s just one of his pictures I saw was perfect and I started drawing him at that exact time. When I raised my head over the paper and looked at the time I was shocked. It’s nearly 8p.m. Nas, what were you thinking of? You know how much homework you have to do for tomorrow?It’s already become dark outside.Sorry Liam. I’ll get back to you later.

Long story short I finished Liam’s drawing in about 4 days, took a picture of it and posted on twitter as usual with mentioning Liam in the tweet. A reminder from Jane didn’t keep me waiting long. She made a retweet and replied to me within like 5 minutes. Girl what are you, keep up to my account like every minute?

“OMG it looks like real Liam Payne. Omg I’m speechless. Keep drawing please I hope you’ll draw all 5.” This girl was sweet. I took a look at the original picture and my drawing. It really looks very very similar. Good work, Nas!

Then there were Zayn’s and Niall’s drawings. It took some time because inspiration is quite capricious thing and it doesn’t follow me all the time. I posted these two on twitter again and my diligence was rewarded if it can be called so. I got more new followers and almost everyone was directioners. They liked my work and I liked to make them a little bit happier. But Christmas and New Year were coming and I had to postpone my art to the better times because of exams. Who even invented the exams? They tear people out from what they really love to do. Don’t get me wrong I am not a stupid girl who has problems when it’s about the exams but I am not a straight A student either. I enjoy my time in university but not as much as I enjoy my time drawing or singing or anything else.

So, exams were passed in the middle of January and I have two more boys to draw. Firstly I took a little rest for myself. Nevertheless exams are emotionally exhausting. In 2 days I set about Louis drawing and finished it very soon. Just Harry left. Same process of posting pictures repeated from guy to guy and my mentions were gone a little bit crazy every day I put a new picture there.

My inspiration absolutely disappeared when it was turn for a drawing of curly headed one. There was too much work although it was long-expected holiday time. I was afraid that the time for Harry’s drawing would never come or at least wouldn’t come till spring. It’s good that I was mistaken. My inspirations always come close to weekend and the end of the January wasn’t the exception. On the night when January turned into February I suddenly drew Harry from the beginning to the end. I was up till early in the morning admiring the result of my hard work. He looked the most realistic of all guys and all the portraits I’ve drawn ever before. I was very pleased and satisfied with it. I fall asleep right at the table and woke up late in the afternoon. I almost forgot that I hadn’t posted Harry’s picture and finally when it was almost midnight I did it. I needed a good sleep so I went to bed just after I did that. For the last time I decided to update twitter and notifications were calling for me.


If you read this please comment and if somebody held out till the second chapter, I promise action very soon. Harry is about to appear. xx


Hi guys! I'm sooooo sorry I forgot the password and now I don't know how to login((
But I made another account and if you are still interested in reading this story, follow this link ;)

Golden Scarlet Golden Scarlet

Hi guys! I'm sooooo sorry I forgot the password and now I don't know how to login((
But I made another account and if you are still interested in reading this story, follow this link ;)

Golden Scarlet Golden Scarlet

Carry on please