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Hidden Motives (Larry Stylinson)

Chapter 1: Irritation of a Writer

Harry’s POV:

“Um, what was your name again?” I stared at the man dumbfounded, I've been here every damn week and he has the balls to pretend to not know me.

“It’s Styles. Harry Styles.”

He coughed clearing his throat, observing the paper in his shaking hands. He was nervous, I could tell, “Right. Well Mr. Styles, we can’t have you coming back anymore.”

I narrowed my eyes, as he fidgeted under my accusing stare, beads of sweat sprouting on his bald spot and forehead, “This is a publishing office I last check, correct?”


“There is nothing in the law stating that I can’t come in and see if I can get my stories published.” I spat out angrily.

“You have been harassing the editors Mr. Styles. You have overused your stay. Now please leave before I call security.”

“I’m going to sue the shit out of this place.” I growled, as I spun on my heels and marched to the elevator.

Everyone’s heads turned like robots, all eyes on me, the crazy poor writer who could never get his stories published.

Well fuck them. I'll find someone else, and blow this shitty business away.

I stopped in front of the metal doors, pushing the button several times like an annoying kid. I didn’t want to be here more than I already was.

That’s when I overheard a conversation in a cubical near the elevators, “Congratulations Mr. Horan! Your first book will be going to the publishing factory today.”

“Thank you so much sir!”

I narrowed my eyes, as I snapped my neck to where the head editor was sitting. He peered up as if feeling my prying eyes upon him. The elevators door dinged open, as I stood there, not dropping my gaze.

I stuck my hand out to keep the doors from closing, and with my other, dug through my holey old jeans. Working a cigarette out of its box, I steeped back, in the middle of the doors now, placing the white cigarette upon my lips.

Some blonde hair bitch stepped up, yelling at me, “Sir no smoking allowed in the building!”
I gave her a once over, winking at her, as I pulled the lighter out next. The doors bouncing off me in frustration to close itself.

The new author they picked over me stepped out of their small enclosed cubicle to see what was going on.

Of course they chose some blonde hair, blue eyes, bushy tail kid. I shook my head, turning my attention back onto the head editor, as I lit my cigarette. I inhaled its sticky bitter taste, filling my lungs with its smoky calmness, and blew the smoke at the new kid, “Fuck this publishing house and its authors! You choose those who have an in here! I’ll be your worst nightmare!”

I stepped back into the elevator, as it sighed, closing the doors, flicking my butt onto their floor. The new kid calmly yelled out, “Meet me head-on first, then we’ll see if you can even be someone to bother with!” he smirked as the doors slammed shut.

“Well fuck you too!” I screamed at the doors. Now I really needed something to blow them all away with.




kandikatt kandikatt

omg i love it!!!! (:

Omg I love this... And do you ship larry like in real life? Because I am a die hard shipper(; I don't ship it actually I believe in it!

That_Moment That_Moment

Nice update! :D

Can you update the second book of the curse thing I love it