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A Harry Styles Love Story

"This Is For Living."

*Flash forward to New York*

Caitlin’s POV

Harry noticed something off about Sarah over the past few days. I decided to ask Harry about it, so I walked over to him while he was on the couch. I saw a message addressed to Sarah that he was starting to write out.

“Hey Harry, what are you doing? Why are you texting Sarah? Are you cheating on me?” He looked up at me.

“What n-no of course not? Why would you think that?” He looked back down at his phone.

“Well then why are you texting Sarah?” He looks around thinking of an excuse.

“I want to make sure that Nathan is treating her alright because she is like a sister to me.”

“Well, I still think you’re cheating on me.” I turned around so that my back faced him and started crying. I knew that he couldn’t stand it when girls cry.

“I promise you that I’m not if you really don’t trust me then you text her for me just to prove to you that there is nothing going on.” He handed over his phone. I took his phone and texted Sarah. Little did Harry know that this was part 2 of the plan. Set Sarah up with Nathan so that he thinks that she cheated on him. Then ignore her and fall for me.

[Hey, I want to make sure that Nathan is treating you alright.] Sent.

[Yeah, you said you told everyone about the break up so why do they keep asking me questions? –Sarah]

[Well, I will get around to telling them. I think that you should give Nathan a chance. He could treat you better than I ever could.] Sent.

[Yeah, sure. Whatever. Just leave me alone. –Sarah]

I then deleted the messages starting with her asking about the break up until the last message which was [Yeah, Sure. Whatever. Just leave me alone. –Sarah]

Perfect she now hates him. This is easier than I thought.

Zayn’s POV

Melanie has been trying to get Sarah to talk to her but is having no such luck. It then hit me. Nathan has been hanging around with Sarah so maybe he knows something about it.

“Hey, Zayn, why don’t you go ask Harry since I’m getting absolutely no where with Sarah.” I nodded my head. She then got up and walked the opposite way to the room where Sarah was staying which was right next to where Nathan was staying. I headed over towards the hotel room where Harry and Caitlin were staying.

I knocked on the door hoping that Harry would answer it but there was no such luck. Caitlin answered the door.

“Zayn, what do you want.” She said while rolling her eyes and looking at me with disgust.

“Wow, no need to be rude, Caitlin. I wanted to talk to Harry about something.”

“Well, he is sleeping so good-bye!” She tried to shut the door on me but I put my foot in the door stopping it from shutting.

“Well, I don’t believe you.” I just pushed past her and walked into the room. Harry was lying down on the couch sleeping, I think?

“See I told you he is sleeping, besides what is just so important that you had to come in here and see him right now?” She spat at me while shutting the door.

“It doesn’t concern you so stay out of it Caitlin.” I walked over to wake up Harry.

A smirk appeared on her face. “If it’s about Sarah, I already know about it and I have taken care of it”

“What are you talking about?”

“Save it Zayn, I know Harry and Sarah were secretly dating. I broke them up but if you breathe a word of this conversation to anyone then Melanie will be in for a surprise.” She then started getting all in my face about it as well.

“You leave Melanie out of this!” I still towered a good 6 inches over her.

“Mark my words Zayn. Be glad I didn’t kill Sarah like I said that I would. I’m being a nice person by breaking them up.” I can’t stand this anymore, but I’m still curious on how she did it.

“I’m impressed Caitlin, but how exactly did you break them up?”

I then heard Harry groan and roll back over.

She turned back towards me. “Well, if you are so interested. I mean I don’t mean to brag or anything but I used Harry’s phone when he was using the bathroom and texted her saying that he wanted to break up with her to protect her. Then to top it off, I sent her a message saying that she should date Nathan. Just as a precaution to make sure that she stays out of my way.”

Harry’s POV

When I woke up I heard what sounded like Zayn and Caitlin fighting about something. I heard Caitlin mention Sarah’s name so I decided to keep listening.

“If it’s about Sarah, I already know about it and have taken care of it.” Man Caitlin can really sound like b*tch sometimes.

“What are you talking about?” Zayn stated.

I could tell Caitlin was rolling her eyes at this point. “Save it Zayn...Harry and Sarah secretly dating...I broke them up but if you breathe a word of this conversation to anyone then Melanie will be in for a surprise.”

I kept zoning in and out still tired from staying up all night. I was thinking about Sarah all night. My arm started to fall asleep so I groaned but then remembered that they were still in the room. I pretended to fall back asleep and decided to listen to the rest of this conversation.

I then heard Caitlin say, “Well, if you are so interested. I mean I don’t mean to brag or anything but I used Harry’s phone when he was using the bathroom and texted her saying that he wanted to break up with her to protect her. Then to top it off, I sent her a message saying that she should date Nathan. Just as a precaution to make sure that she stays out of my way.”

How could Caitlin do this to me! I bet Sarah must hate me. She must think that I wanted her to date Nathan. I can’t let that happen, but I also can’t do that without making it obvious to Caitlin that I know about it. Sarah can fend for herself right?

I laid there for a while just thinking about everything. Then I waited some more and once Caitlin left the room I took the opportunity to go and talk to Sarah. So I got up and headed towards her room.


Sarah’s POV

I stared at the text messages.

[Hey, I want to make sure that Nathan is treating you alright. –Hazza <3]

[Yeah, you said you told everyone about the break up so why do they keep asking me questions?] Sent.

[Well, I will get around to telling them. I think that you should give Nathan a chance. He could treat you better than I ever could. –Hazza <3]

[Yeah, sure. Whatever. Just leave me alone.]Sent.

Great he doesn’t even care enough to tell everyone that he broke up with me. The same thoughts kept running though my mind. Why would Harry like me anyway?

I walked to my suitcase and pulled out a rag with old blood stains on it. I rolled my sleeves up and laid the blade flat against the surface of my wrist. I started to apply pressure to the blade against my hand. I then heard a knock on the door.

“Who’s there?” I half shouted.

“Sarah, its Melanie open up I want to talk to you.”

I quietly swore to myself and put everything back and went over and answered the door.

“what do you need?” She sighed, “Sarah, I need to talk to you. Is there something wrong between you and Harry?”

I felt the tears coming. “Melanie, could you all please just leave me alone and mind your own business and stay out of mine. I can take care of myself I don’t need Harry.”

“Fine.” She sighed and walked away.

I went over to my laptop and was looking through pictures on tumblr. I then ran across the picture that fan took of Caitlin and Harry. There were photo shopped pictures saying how adorable of a couple they are and how perfect they were for each other.

I looked at all the stupid interviews in which the Harry had to lie to all of the fans about the leaked picture of him and me kissing on the tour bus, while Caitlin was out. Harry never knew about how much hate I was receiving every day because of it.

[@FanofHarry: I can’t believe that Harry was kissing @SarahMinStyles his ex-girlfriend. Then2top it off she goes & dates Nathan. What a slut!]

I read all of the mentions and there was even more.

[@NathansWife: @SarahMinStyles needs to lay off my Nathan! She’s not pretty enough for him.]

[@FansofCarry: @SarahMinStyles Caitlin is 10x prettier than u will ever b. You’re such a whore. U should just go kill yourself & make our lives easier.]

I couldn’t take it anymore. I shut my laptop and picked up a piece of paper and started writing the note.

Melanie’s POV

Something is wrong. I went over to Nathan’s room and knocked on it.

“Hello, oh hey Melanie what can I do for you?”

“I need you to check up on Sarah. She isn’t acting like herself and it’s starting to scare me.”

“Sure, I will talk to her.” I did a sigh of relief and thanked him. Now to see what Zayn has discovered.

Sarah’s POV

I was doing the finishing touches on the note. I signed the bottom and on the back I put, “P.S. Hazza, I love you and I always will.” A tear streamed down my face.

I went back to the bathroom.

“They are right.” I picked up the knife. I talked aloud what I was thinking.

“Maybe I will be prettier in heaven.” I stared at the knife as the light bounced off and made a rainbow. I then held it to my wrist.

“This is for being ugly.” I cut my wrist and felt the blood.

“This is for being a slut.” I made a second cut only deeper.

“This is for living.” I made the final cut and everything faded to black.


omg guys what do u think? no this isnt the end of the story cuz i hate short storiessss so yeah tell me what you think comment and favorite and all that good stuff so yeah i promised you another chapter and here it is enjoyyy


Can you pleaseeeeeeee update?? This story is so good!!!!:)




how about this since i just got my laptop back that means that i will be able to work on my stories more yaya but it is also senior year and i have like no studies this year and i will have to be stage manager for both of my school productions and it is a demanding job as well as homework i dont know why i said that its kind of irrelivant and i forgot where i was going with this...oh right ok so i might not have as much time to work on this story but it you can somehow get this story to 60 subscribers and 58 votes then i promise that i will update ok?
Update please please please
adrianaeee adrianaeee
This story is great! Please update </3
i love this story please update soon !!!!!!!!! <3 <3