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Secrets With My Step Brother**UNDER EXTREME EDITING!**

''Trey,you ruined their moment..''

''I've...I've..always wanted to do that..''i whisper.''Me too..''she mumbles and i open my eyes.

She smiles lightly and i smirk at her. ''HEY,LOOK AT STYLES!''Trey yells. I roll my eyes.

Katie's legs fall from around me and she stands beside me.

''Trey,you ruined their moment..''David says and they laugh.
''Shut up.''i snap and I know my voice was loud. Katie jumps at my voice but under the water, i grab her hand and squeeze it tight.

''Oh yeah? What you gonna do?''David says.''kissy kissy..''Trey yells.

I feel my temper rising. I know Katie's embarrassed but I'm,I'm pissed off.

''Did you know you're little friend is hot..''Trey says.Truth,they're not drunk. I know when they're drunk,and right now,they're not.

''Sexy too..I'd love to fuck her.''David calls and comes a little closer. I make sure i have her hand,i do, so i make my way to the stairs with her.

We get out and i hand her a towel. It was mine but right now i don't give a fuck.

''Where you going Styles?''Someone calls. I ignore them and turn around to Katie.




its okay, i guess....

Well I'm sorry if I offended you but, anyway I really didn't care if your chapters were short. What mattered was that it was a really really really magnificent story. Sorry for any misconceptions.

Amoh1905 Amoh1905

loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was amazing:)


yeah i know its messed up. Just go to the sequel to it