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The Setup

Enough Games (Niall)

Yea I know…I shouldn't have kissed her. But honestly I think this counts as a public event so therefore I could kiss her if I wanted to. She was just hanging backstage for this concert. So I couldn't watch her while I sang. I have noticed that she has been acting a bit weird lately. Not in a bad way but like more flustered around me. I have no idea why though. Like when she was saying good luck. First of all she never says that to me…and when she just did it was all weird at not how Cleo usually says things to me. Plus before we got here she grabbed my hand! Usually it’s the other way around. And don't get me started on what the fans have been saying about her. That just made me so sick and angry. If only they knew what she's been through and our past together. We get done performing and I go back stage to see a passed out Cleo on the sofa. I can't help but smile at her. Honestly she was perfect. Everything about her made her perfect. I crouch in front of her and slowly shake her awake. "Cleo baby…wake up the show is over…" She flies up and looks around. Yep I am in love with her. But she doesn't love me back or at least isn't interested in me like that. Which completely and utterly sucks. But if we become super good friends then maybe she will slowly start to fall for me. "Niall I am so sorry! Wow I am such a shitty girlfriend."
"Its fine Cleo! Come on its time to get on the tour bus. Last night was our last time in a hotel for awhile." I see her sigh but she gets up off the sofa. I put my arm around her waist and pull her close. She leans on my shoulder while wrapping her arms around my torso. We get on the bus and all the boys smile at us. "That's our bunk and--"
"Its above me so no sex or I will come up and stop it." Harry looks at both of us and winks. Cleo face is almost as red as her hair. I just kiss the side of her head. She doesn't come up with a sassy remark though. Which shocked me. Her phone starts to play Mickey's ringtone. Great. She answers and leaves the bus. "Whose that she's talking to mate?" I look at Liam. Liam and Cleo have gotten to be good friends…which is nice I guess. "Her friend Michael."
"She has guy friends?" I am about to snap at him.
"Yea apparently they are super close."
"I detect some jealousy…" I look at Liam. Harry is just grinning at us. Soaking it up probably because he knows that whatever I say might hint that I have known Cleo when we were little. "Liam why would I be jealous. Maybe he is…" Cleo comes back up and she's crying. I rush over to her and take her back off the bus. "Cleo what happened? Is everything okay? He wasn't a dick was he?"
"No…its just…he's…he didn't…I have to call Lola."
"Come on Cleo tell me…" She looks at me and just shakes her head. God what the hell is…wait a minute. Cleo said something about Mickey and that job of hers. Did he not get it too? Is that why she is upset? "Lola didn't answer. I'm going to bed." Then she climbs back on the bus. I get back on and Harry is the only one still up. Probably waiting for me. "Is she okay?"
"Yea I think so. I'm going to bed…" Harry just nods while I climb up. I pull Cleo onto my chest so we fit in the bunk. Honestly this isn't the most ideal sleeping conditions but what could you do. I slowly start to drift off to sleep.

"Cleo I'm home!" I walk into our house and see that the lights are all out. I know that I am late coming home but I didn't think I was this late. I climb up the stairs to our bedroom and open to see the bed made and my wife nowhere to be seen. "Cleo?" I walk over to the bed and I find a note. I read it and I sit down on the bed. She is leaving me because she says she doesn't love me anymore. 3 years of marriage and this is how she ends it? Like hell. I drive to her old apartment and knock. "Niall what are--"
"I'm here to get you back! What the hell? You don’t love me anymore?! That’s a lie and we both know it. Why are you leaving?" She looks down at the ground. I know what she is going to say. The same thing she said when she vanished for a year when we were dating. "Niall…I just can't…you deserve someone better."

"Niall wake up! You're squeezing me too tight!" I wake up and come face to face with Cleo. I look at her and I realize that I am in love with her. Like our song. I am truly, madly, deeply, crazy in love with her. "Oh um sorry…just a bad dream." She just sighs and lays her head back down on my chest. I kiss the top of her head. I should have never agreed to this stupid just friends thing. Because I can't just be friends with her. These dreams are only getting worse. "Hey Niall…"
"Do you always dream about me?" Shit…did I say her name again? I hope not too loudly because that would be super awkward in the morning. I don't really know what to say to her. I mean the truth would just be creepy. "Sometimes…quite often…I didn't yell or anything right?"
"No you're good...just mumbling." She giggles a bit at me.
"Stop laughing! Its embarrassing…but I can't help it."
"What was it about? And its okay…I'm not judging you its just cute." Cute? She thought it was cute…god she is so perfect. She was running her hand up and down my chest so I was having a hard time focusing on what to say. "Um…we were married and you tried to leave me by saying that I deserved better than you."
"Well you do. I don't deserve your love." I don't know why but that made me really angry.
"Cleo. Shut up. You are perfect okay? You are everything to me. And I just hate hearing you say that you don't deserve to be loved. Because you deserve it the most." Then instead of her fighting me back like usual she just started to cry. Holy shit what did I do? I didn't mean to make her cry! "Cleo I'm…stop crying…god I am such a terrible--" She cut me off by placing her hand over my mouth. She rolled directly on top of me. "Niall…why are you so perfect? Even growing up you were always that ray of sunshine in my life. You were a thing from my past that I didn't want to have anything to do with but now…you're back to being that ray of sunshine. I think it is physically impossible for you to be mean or terrible. You make me happy. And what you just said…I will always remember." Then she removed her hand and kissed me. This time I was not going to push her away. I kiss her back with everything I got. My hands are on her sides while hers are in my hair. And holy shit it is like fireworks are going off. Sadly she stops and smiles at me. "I think we should go back to sleep." I just nod but I don't see how I am supposed to after that. So I just laid there until I felt tired again. Then I drifted back off to sleep hoping for a happy dream.

The Next Morning
Cleo was shaking me awake I think. So I roll over and ignore her. "Baby no I'm still tired." Then I hear Louis's voice ring out. "Fine but you wanted sex so don't be complaining to me you dog." I shoot up and hit my head on the ceiling. Fuck that hurt. "Where is Cleo?"
"She went out running I think. Not quite sure. She isn't back yet." I hop out of my bunk and throw on some clothes. We were already at our next venue. I storm out of the bus and collide right into Harry. "Morning sunshine! Cleo is a crazy fast runner! She's in the venue showering…" I look at him. He's smiling. He must have gone running with her. They have been running together off and on. I don't really mind. He looked like he just showered too. "How'd you know--"
"You have your 'Cleo went somewhere and I'm on the hunt' face on right now." Then he just vanished into the bus. I head into the venue and find the girls' locker room. Then I hear singing. Not superb singing but still nice enough. I think its Cleo…but I'm not sure since I have never heard her sing ever. She was singing 'Through the Dark'. The water shut off and I quickly leave. I will just wait for her in the hallway. She comes out like 10 minutes later. I look at her and smile. "Hey…I didn't know you could sing Cleo." Her face got so red. Redder than that time when the teacher called her out on flirting with me. Which I don't think that she was but we were talking during class. "You shouldn't have been in there Niall!"
"I just was curious to see if you were actually in there…"
"YOU SAW ME NAKED?!" She looked a bit pissed off now.
"I um…no no…I only heard you!"
"You are so nasty! I can't believe you! Shame on you Niall." I could tell she was kidding because she was using that tone she always used growing up when she fake scolded me. I can't help but smile at her. I was slowly getting the Cleo I knew to come back but honestly I love this one just as much. I want a nice mix of them. One where she can kid and be relaxed around me but still be sarcastic and witty. Because it suited her. I just love everything about her. Everything…even that big scar on her arm from her dad. I loved how tough it made her look. And her eyes. Don't even get me started on those. Her laugh was so nice to hear. Her smile is a bit rare now but when she does her whole face lights up and its so fucking cute. "Well I'm sorry. I think. But hey only one more month then we are on a long break again!" I am looking for her to say something about that job.
"Really only one more month? Wow its flown by! Oh I can't wait to be home…but I have a job like right when I get back. No time to rest in this business."
"Maybe I'll have a word with your mom then you won't have to work right--"
"No! Its fine Niall. I've been on a nice vacation. I look forward to going back to work." She smiles at me. God I know she is hiding something. I just want to know what the hell this job is and why it may be taking her away from me!


Woohoo! Another update!! :) Will Cleo tell him about the job? Will one of them finally confess to each other about their feelings? Words will be said and their bond maybe stronger...but yet also weaker? STAY TUNED!

Man oh man....we are getting down to the wire in this story!! :)) I hope you guys are really enjoying it!

~A xxx


The story is completed...I don't have anymore updates for this one. But feel free to check out my other ones! :)

omg uodate

I AM SO SORRY! But I hope you liked it! Read my other stories! There are many more stories to come so don't you worry your pretty little head. :)


Noo It cant end. I love it :(

Aw thanks babe! And I know but it is... :'(