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Delicate Rose

Chapter 1

Loud voices filled the air,once Harry step out of the club tipsy and bright white flashes of the camera blinded him. He put his hand shielding his face,as his bodyguard Paul guided him through the crowd and lead him to the waiting limo at the curve. Some fans fainted seeing Harry and the rest ran after the limo screaming Harry's name. Harry sighed,laying his head on the seat and close his eyes,feeling his head pound in his ears. He loved his fans,no doubt but the pressure of the paparazzi put a lot of stress on him and made his life hectic every single day to say at least. Once they arrived at the Sheraton hotel,Harry wished Paul goodnight and went into his room to take a warm relaxing shower. When he got out dressed and feel refreshed,he saw Louis laying on his bed,playing video-games on the xbox live. "Hey boobear,don't u have ur own roommate to bother and not here,picking on me?" He asked,smirking and Louis knew that he was joking with him. "nope,i rather bother u and plus i'm bored,Liam ain't no fun. He talking about for a hour,about using protection with my wifey Eleanor." Louis said,obviously bored with that subject. "Where's Niall?" Harry asked,eating a muffin and yawned,not bothering to cover his mouth,while yawning infront of his bestfriend. "believe me,u don't wanna know." Louis mumbled. "Where's Liam then?" Harry asked,growing bored staring at the clock. "showing Danielle something." Louis smirked amused,letting Harry know what that meant. "nevermind then,Louis i'm going for a walk. Don't tell Paul,where i am going. I need to be alone,to clear my thoughts ok." Harry replied and Louis nodded,not paying attention anymore to him. His mind was in the game and his eyes are glued to the large television infront of Harry's bed. Harry shrugged,walking to the door and opened it quietly. He looked around the hallways and made sure the coast was clear before shutting the door behind him,he tiptoed down the hallways. Harry left out of the back enterance and met with the cold night air caressing his skin. A wave of loneliness washed over his heart and he sighed sadly,as he felt hot tears falling from his face to the wet hard pavement. He bumped into an young exotic nurse 50 yards from the hotel and catched her before she fell to the cold ass ground underneath her. "Ma'am,are u okay love?" Harry asked,checking if she was okay and she smiled,noticing who he was. She nodded,letting her black silky curls bounced along with her and he smiled,feeling relieved that the beautiful nurse is ok. 'damn she is so fine,' Harry thought,checking her out and bit his lip. "I'm fine Harry,no need to worry about little old me,alright? I'm fine seriously boy." She said,caressing his cheek and Harry sighed,leaning into her touch. Harry quickly pulled himself together and gave her a small smile,not wanting to fall too fast for the stunning beauty infront of him. He just met her,for crying out loud. "ur so cute when u blush like that." She teased him. "do u got a man,boyfriend,fiance or spouse. Are u single?" He bluntly asked. "yes i am single.no i don't have anybody. why u ask? are u interseted Harry?" She joked and Harry laughed,licking his lips. "if i say maybe,will u hurt me with ur granny pocketbook?" Harry teased her this time and she blushed a dark shade of pink,making him tease her more. "boy i'm 27,why i need a granny size bag like that." She looked at him amused. Harry gulped and looked down at the ground,he never been with an older woman before. "baby want to walk and talk,we can stop for coffee at El Cambridge coffee shop?" Harry asked,offering his hand to her and entwined her warm fingers with his,sending him a friendly warm smile. "sure,i been feeling lonely lately and i don't mind,having some company. Do they sell some good coffee?" Megan asked him,smiling and he nodded his head yes,not able to speak cause he fell under her spell. "good,let's go Harry u walk to slow love." Jordan giggled and dragged him down the street,as Harry watched her black curly hair blow around her in the wind. "why so quiet and not speaking,love?" She asked him,cocking her head to the side and studied his body language. "no reason,i'm not use to people treating me diffrent and normally people treat me like i am some Public figure,i am only human." Harry said,wrapping his arm around her slim shoulders and buried his face in her neck,loving the smell of her intoxicating scent on her smooth skin. "Harry what are u doing,looking for something." She joked lightly,biting back her excitement of having him so close to her and he smiled into her neck. She never had a man so close before in her entire 27 years of living on earth,so this would be her first time experiencing it. "nope,i just admiring ur purfume. White diamonds by Elizabeth taylor,is what u wearing right?" He asked her," it's a expensive kind i bought for my ex wife Taylor swift for her christmas present 4 years ago." He mumbled. "u exactly right,u are a smart young lad i ever met in my life." She said,smiling and looked into his warm green eyes,as his phone vibrated. Harry sighed and broke the intense stare between them,as he turned around digging through his left side pocket for his phone. "Louis this better be good,for interrupting my plans tonight." Harry said,annoyed and his eyes widened. "Paul is looking for u and he figure that you are not here in your master suite somehow." Louis said in a rush and the line went dead. Anxiety rose in him and he jumped to his feet. "call me,i gotta go Jordan." Harry kissed her cheek and wrote his number down for her on a napkin,as he ran out of the cafe,not waiting for her reaction or response. "wait u forgot your..."She trail off," your hotel key." She finished. "hell yeah,i am paying him a visit. He such a sexy lad." She said to herself,fanning her face with her hand and followed him,stuffing his number in her pocket. Harold i think i love u.wait am crazy ,going after a boy that i don't really know that well? I shrugged and continue to follow him. I sighed dreamily,i am in love.


I hope u like it,it is my first fanfic on here and i am hoping that u enjoyed it. Harry is 18 in this and Megan is 38. I will post the characters pictures later. Thanks for reading. My name is Megan but the lady character is not me.


I don't know,it's just a age that came to me when i wrote the story. I am thinking about writing a college love story after i finish this story.
Let'sPartyHazza Let'sPartyHazza
I like it but
Why is she so old
Harrylover201 Harrylover201