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The gang

Turf War

Harry's pov

wake up everyone!!! We got a meeting!! I yell form across the pent house. In a matter of seconds, everyone stumbles down the stairs. They all sit at the table, yawning like there is no tomorrow. "Harry, why do we all have to wake up this early,it's like 4am" Perrie said with a tired expression on her face. "Yeah" everyone added in unison." Because we have to prepare for the turf war against Scott and he's gang." I explain to them turning to Jada , with a pale face.

"Scott? Scott McCall?"Jada says with a scared expression on her face.

yes that's me , why? I ask.

oh, no reason.

Jada's pov
my heads shots up in shock. Scott my ex, it couldn't be.
Scott? Scott McCall? I ask in disbelief.

"yes that's him, why?" Harry asks

"oh no reason" I say.

"ok, let's gets Starts on placing, who has weapons and hide-" Harry's said as my phone starts ring.
"I'm sorry I have to take this continue with out me" I say any walk into the kitchen.


"hey love" the man said on the other line
who is this? I question demanding a answer.
"don't act like you can't forget" he says.
s-s- Scott? I ask scared and almost shaking as memories come flooding in.
"the one and only, can't wait until I see you and your little boy friend." He says on the other line

I hang up the phone. Holding back the tears, running fast to my seat at the table.
"who was that?" They all ask. "Nobody important" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Are you sure" they say.
"Yeah, let's just get back to work" I say quietly


I hope you like the first chapter love you all <3 :)


Ok :)

Lollipop2644 Lollipop2644

I has been updated

Ahhhh can't wait for more ugh cliffhangers >_>

Lollipop2644 Lollipop2644

I'm writing it right now



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