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Infinite Possibilities

The Concert (Part 2)

Arabella’s POV
The boys dragged us back off the stage, and they have intermission now. Another surprise? I hope this has nothing to do with me.

“Here!” Harry says and hands me a box. I looked at him confused. “You’re supposed to open it, silly.” He laughs at me.

Slowly I tear off the tape and open the flaps to reveal… a calendar?

“Your surprise is a calendar? What am I suppo-“

“Just flip it open to where it’s marked.”

I open it up to see the current month. Only one date stands out because it is circled in bright red. “ARABELLA’S BIRTHDAY” it reads. I totally forgot it was my birthday! Seriously, who forgets their own day they were born?

“Happy Day Before Your Birthday Day!” everyone says.

“Umm… thanks! But why are we celebrating today? My birthday is tomorrow,” I tell them. I am so lost right now.

“Because we are going somewhere, but it’s a secret.”

“How come we weren’t told?” El whined.

“Because, El, you girls were just not made for secret keeping,” Louis tells her.

“It’s true…” I say and they all laugh.

Intermission was now over, and the boys had to go finish the last half of their show. I wonder where they could be taking us.


“And now for the last song of the night!” Niall yelled. The audience booed.

“I just want to make sure the almost birthday girl knows that this one is for her,” Harry tells them. More embarrassment, kill me now…

Gotta Be You blasted through the speakers of the stadium. I would’ve stayed to watch, but I really had to pee. I got up and searched backstage for the bathroom. I went in and did my business.

When I walked out, I was met with a freezing cold iced tea. I guess that’s only the second time now. I slipped on the remains onto the floor. I groan because I hit my head a little.

“I am so sorry!” the person told me. They helped me up.

“That’s okay, not like it’s the first time that’s happened.” I looked up.

“Oh my gosh! Ara?” Oh no, it’s Brad…

I ran as fast as my legs could while soaking wet. How do I keep meeting up with people I know? This time I was not excited to meet up with this oh-so-familiar face. I kept running to get back to the girls. I turned back to see if he was on my trail. He is, but he’s too slow to catch up.

“Harry!” I scream when I see him. I hide behind him.

“Bella! Are you okay? Where did you go? Why are you wet and sticky?”

“Bathroom… tea… fell… Brad,” I say out of breath.

Then “he” walks into the room.

“Look, I said I was sorry!” Brad says.

“Oh, he spilled the drink on you? That’s not so bad, I can get you a new shirt,” Harry said.

“No! You are not sorry!” I yell at Brad. "Stay out of my life!" Brad leaves, and I hope that means forever now. Harry is lost obviously. Let’s just say Brad and I go back a few years.

“Let’s get you home,” Harry says.

∞At the flat∞
Harry’s POV
“Wanna explain?” I ask her. I have no idea who that “Brad” guy was, but I can tell she doesn’t like him. Not just because he spilled the drink all over her, there’s more. She looked terrified.

“Can I please shower and change into my pajamas first?” she asked. I shooed her off. I guess it can wait until she is not sticky.

Arabella’s POV
When I got out of the shower, I dried off and changed into my pajamas:

I crawled under the covers next to Harry, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Wanna talk now?”

“It all started about two years after you had broken up with me. Carly insisted that it was time to move on, but it was hard to because deep down inside, I knew I couldn’t. She set me up with Brad. After a while of getting to know each other I became his girlfriend. I felt like maybe it wasn’t impossible to move on, but he obviously wasn’t the best person to move on with.”

“Why not?” Harry asked me.

“We were wandering around the park, and he told me he had to use the bathroom. I waited for him on the swings, and I was texting Carly. He had been in there for a while, so I went to check on him. As soon as I turned the corner I saw him making out with the head bitch of my school. I dumped his filthy ass right there. I never thought I could trust any more guys after that. At least not until I ran into you again.”

“Ara, I promise I won’t break your heart again, because if I did I would be the stupidest person alive. You are my everything.”

I looked up into his eyes and said, “And you’re my everything.”

“I love you,” he whispered.

“Love you, too,” I said before I nodded off to sleep.


love it
Harrylover201 Harrylover201
Love it! Keep writing! :)
Live-Marie Live-Marie
its awsome i love it
Harrylover201 Harrylover201
This is great!! I love it
Bobbbbb Bobbbbb
your welcome i love your story update
Harrylover201 Harrylover201