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Infinite Possibilities

Taking a Stand

Arabella’s POV
Now there is a face I definitely did not forget. Flashback after flashback ran through my head. Every time he beat me or yelled at me, his face was tattooed into my mind. I tried to speak, but he spoke first.

“How could you do this to me? How could you turn me in?” he said, and he stood up. “Turned in by my own daughter!” he raged. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to beat you. I love you, you’re my little girl.” How could he say that? First he yells at me, and then decides to apologize for year after year of abuse! This ends now, I’m tired of not standing up for myself.

“NO! Get out of my life! I don’t need you! You’re not sorry! You treated me like shit, and I don’t deserve it. Get out of here! Leave me alone!” I yelled. I wasn’t going to cry though. I held my ground. Harry called the cops, and they came here fast, and that was the last I ever saw of him.

It was about 7AM now. Everyone else had arrived after the cops came and arrested my dad with life sentence for murder and child abuse. I was furious. My dad had apologized after almost killing me! Drunk or not it was no excuse. I needed to cool off now; I ran outside and let the rain pour on me. It felt so good on my now cast free body. Harry complained that I was going to get sick, so I took his hand, and he led me inside.

He wrapped a towel around my shoulders. I just stared at the wall, expression blank, unsure of what I had just done. I stood up for myself. For the first time in forever, I took charge against my parents, and I stood up for myself. And I sure as hell was proud of myself.

“Ara? Are you okay?” Niall asked me, finally breaking the silence.

I nod my head, “Yeah.”

“Want to talk about it?” Liam asked.

“He’s gone… Forever.” That’s it. My parents are officially out of my life. My family consists of my brother, my boyfriend, and my true friends.

“And how does that make you feel?” Louis asked like a psychologist would. El playfully hit him on the arm. I laughed.

“I feel great!” I said. I stood up, “Without him in my life I am finally free!”

“Well this calls for celebration!” Perrie exclaimed.

“Let’s go to the beach! I’ve been dying to go!”

Everyone agreed and went to get ready. I changed into this: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=75597158

The girls and I lay down on our towels to tan while the guys splashed around in the ocean. I took off my outer layer of clothing and put some sunscreen on. It felt good to be outside for once.

I had my eyes closed when I felt a pair of wet hands wrap around my waist. I opened them to see Harry, and he flung me over his shoulder and walked towards the ocean.

“Harry, put me down! The ocean is cold!” I pounded on his back, but he ignored me. I was flung into the cold salt water. I resurfaced and caught my breath. “Not cool Haz!”

“Sorry! I just didn’t want you to just sit there all day,” he said innocently. I laughed at him. I ran up and tackled him down under the water.

“That’s what you get!” I yelled at him then started to run back to shore. He quickly caught up and spun me around.

“Don’t do that,” he said before he crashed his lips to mine. Every time we kiss feels like the first. It’s like a million unicorns in one. Bad comparison, but I am obsessed with unicorns.

“Oi! Get a room!” Niall yelled.

We pulled a part and laughed before we joined the rest of them playing soccer. We just enjoyed the company and were glad to finally just relax. I’d love to live like this everyday, but we live with what we can get. Like that song they sing, we live while we’re young.


love it
Harrylover201 Harrylover201
Love it! Keep writing! :)
Live-Marie Live-Marie
its awsome i love it
Harrylover201 Harrylover201
This is great!! I love it
Bobbbbb Bobbbbb
your welcome i love your story update
Harrylover201 Harrylover201