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Against All Odds


"Sav, you've changed like twelve times. Can we please go? I want to leave."

I roll my eyes in the mirror at Mason. He looks flawless on his worst of days, which is annoying most of the time. Having every girl at school, including my best friends, drooling all over my twin brother is a little bit weird for me.

"It's the first day of senior year! I just want to look good," I say, adjusting my top. "Is this too slutty?"


"I'm serious. If you weren't my brother, would you think I look good?" We both scrunch our faces and I shake my head. "Don't answer that. That's weird, I don't know why I said that. Ew."

"Just hurry up," he laughs, exiting my room and going down the stairs. Well that was the weirdest thing I could have possibly said. I decide to just stay in my outfit, taking a pair of aviators and a black over-the-shoulder bag for my school stuff. This is the time I've been waiting for since the day I started highschool: the beginning of the end. I can't deal with the drama, immaturity, and meaninglessness of this period of my life. I'm just over it. I can't wait to get out of this town and get into the real world where everyone doesn't drive Ferraris and corvettes and living in ten thousand square foot homes. It's sickening. The world isn't like this.

I don't want to be one of those rich kids that complains about how bad her life is when I know that most of the world has it a lot worse than me. I'm not saying that I'm miserable and my life is horrible, I'm just saying that it doesn't mean anything. There's nothing important about my life. It's just...meaningless. I hate it.

The only good thing about my life is Mason, my brother. He's my best friend and I love him to death. Our parents are always gone, whether they're together or not we have no idea. We both get a limitless credit card and a vehicle and in return we don't ask them for anything. And we don't. We have no relationship with our parents outside of money and a home, and we're both completely okay with that. My parents suck at being parents.

"Finally," he groans, already waiting in his convertible. He has a yellow ferrari, I have a white bentley. Cliche, I know. They were gifts for our birthday over the summer, a way to buy our cooperation while my grandparents were visiting. My parents bribe us to show anyone outside our family that we're perfect, we have no problems. If I cared more I would cause a problem for them, but I just want them gone. It's annoying when they're home.

"So, are you going to break up with Natalie yet?" He grimaces and I roll my eyes as I lower my sunglasses onto my eyes. "Mase, you have to do it. You've been over this for over a month now. If you don't love her, you need to let her go. It's unfair to string her along."

"I know, I know. I'm just...having a hard time. Give me a break, we've been together for two years."

Mason and I have the same group of friends, perks to being twins in the same class. We go to one of the elite private schools in Pacific Heights. All the rich kids go there, and if I had my say I would totally go to a public school. People are normal, I'm not surrounded by trust-fund snobs. My friends aren't so bad, but they have their moments for sure.

"Are you finally going to stop playing hard to get with Ryan?" He pokes my side and I squirm away.

"I'm not playing hard to get," I defend. "I'm just...not looking for a relationship."

"Sure you're not. Do you like him or not?"

"Why are we talking about this?" I ask, avoiding the question as he pulls into a spot at school. I run my hand through my messy blonde waves to straighten it out slightly. He puts the top up and we get out of the car, Mason beeping the lock as we walk towards the main building.

"He's so into you it's ridiculous and everyone knows there's something going on with you guys."

"I don't know what to tell you," I say, shrugging and walking through the front entry. We go to the office for our schedules; the first day here doesn't have class, everyone gets their schedules and we take the day to get our books and meet our teachers on our own time. It's really relaxed and most people don't go. Mason and I always do for some reason. We take most of the same classes, mostly because one of the few things my parents require of us is that we take certain classes that will get us into the hardest programs in college. The includes almost all AP classes; chemistry, physics, history and creative writing. That last one isn't an AP class, but I told my parents that it wasn't an option. Second semester will be calculus, biology, english literature, and a free period. It's going to be a really tough year.

"Who is this?" Mason asks, pointing to the teach for my creative writing class. He's not taking that with me; he has his free period this semester instead of next.

"Mr. Styles. I have no idea, he's probably new." Other than last period, we have all of our classes together. Most people would probably hate that, but Mason is one of the few people in this school I can tolerate.

"Where do you want to go first?"

After we'd gone to all of the classes we have together, we got our textbooks and headed our separate ways. Mason went to find some of our friends while I decided to go meet my last teacher, the mysterious Mr. Styles. He must be new; we talked to a bunch of other students today and none of them knew who he was. Time to find out for sure.

Being that the day is almost over, most people have cleared out. As I enter my creative writing classroom, the last of the other students exit. My eyes fall upon a head of curly hair leaning into a pair of large hands. I wait awkwardly near the door; whoever this teacher is, he looks exhausted.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Styles?" I ask, feeling extremely uncomfortable. He lifts his head and our eyes lock for a good minute. I'm completely startled but pleasantly surprised by the piercing green shade of his. I shuffle nervously and he stands from his chair.

"That would be me," he says in a low, raspy tone. I take his extended hand and smile when I realize that he has a British Accent.

"I'm guessing you're not from San Francisco," I venture. He chuckles and releases my hand. He slides his into his pockets.

"Nope. From the UK, actually. Is it that obvious?"

I laugh at his joke; he clearly can tell that his accent is very different from ours. He's quite tall; he has a good four inches on me, and I'm pretty tall. His curly hair is combed back away from his face, looking messy probably from running his fingers through it. His deep green eyes and plump lips create a boyish-looking face, but it's charming and attractive none-the-less. He doesn't look very old.

"A little. How long have you been in the states for?"

"Just moved here over the summer. I graduated from Cambridge and taught over there for a year, but I decided to make a change. Figured I'd try out the American school system," he explains, walking back to his desk and sitting on the edge. "I didn't catch your name."

"Right, sorry. I'm Savannah."

"Good to know. Which class of mine are you in?" he inquires, holding his hand out for my schedule.

"Creative writing." I hand him the paper and he nods his head.

"Last period. Very nice. You're schedule looks...challenging." I laugh as he hands it back to me.

"Yeah, my parents were insistent."

"So, why creative writing?" he asks, folding his arms. "I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious. You seem to be taking a more academic, less creative route with your studies."

I shrug and fold the paper, looking away. "I like to write. It's a hobby of mine. I didn't have a lot of choice in what I took, but I insisted on this one." He nods and we stand there in silence for a few minutes. I should probably leave but...for some reason I don't want to. Weird.

"Are you teaching any other classes?" I ask quickly, desperate to break the silence.

"Yes, I teach any writing or literature based classes. My major was in English, so you're also in my English Literature class next semester. Looks like you're stuck with me for the year." A smirk creeps onto his face and I feel my cheeks flush slightly.

"Seems that way. Anyway, my brother is waiting for me. I should go."

"Okay." He smiles and I stand there staring like an idiot admiring his dimples. He starts laughing a little and I start backing away.

"Right. See you in class," I mumble, walking into the hallway. I take a deep breath and start walking down the hall towards the front of campus where my brother parked this morning. Today has been a long, interesting day. Mason is on the front steps talking to one of our friends, Troy.

"Sav, hey!" he calls, smiling and hugging me when I get to them. "Are you guys coming to the bonfire tonight?"

"I think so," Mason answers. "Bonfire on the beach, right?"

"As always. Alright, I'll see you two tonight. Wear something hot for Ryan," he says, winking. I smack his arm as he walks down the steps to his own car. Troy is my brother's best friend, so naturally we are also quite close. Mason and I head back to my house to get ready for the annual back-to-school bonfire. Anyone that goes to our school is invited, which means some freshmen brave out the reigning seniors. Juniors and sophomores are usually safe, but there's always some hazing that happens. It doesn't really get too crazy, though, so I like going.

"Mase, are we going with Troy?" I call from my room. He comes in and jumps onto my bed while I sort through my closet for something to wear.

"I think so. Is Kylie coming here?" Kylie would be my best friend, the only person that has always been there for me besides my brother. We have plans to get as far away from here as possible when we graduate.

"She texted me and said she would meet us there. I think she might be going with Justin. She keeps telling me that they're just friends and blah blah blah but I don't buy it. I bet they hook up tonight."

"She can do so much better than him." I give a confused look to my brother and he just shrugs. "It's true."

"Yeah, but why do you care?"

"I don't. She's my friend, though. Anyway, I'll let you know when we're leaving."


number one. so i dont know if ill stick with this story, depends on how people respond. if people arent interested ill probably take it down. soooo if you like it, tell me :)
vote, comment, subcsribe :)


I've ready nearly everyone of your fanfics. They are great! When I read you stories I was inspired to start writing my own! It would mean a lot if you checked it out

xcharxharryx xcharxharryx

Lmao. I've been so wrapped up in "A Crazy Thing Called Love", I just had to check out the rest of your stories and I was not surprised to see that they are great!

Mimi_ Mimi_

Lmao. I've been so wrapped up in "A Crazy Thing Called Love", I just had to check out the rest of your stories and I was not surprised to see that they are great!

Mimi_ Mimi_

lol thats awesome!!!! i was so confused when i saw the alert lol im not used to seeing them for htis story anymore

shygurl11 shygurl11

I read this whole story in two days! I love it! Have to start reading the sequel!!!

Mimi_ Mimi_