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My Unit

Skyler Stone

Today was the day of depature. I woke up early. I had already had my bag packed. I showered one last time since I wont have a real shower for a long time.


I got out of the shower and go dressed into my uniform. I grabbed my side bag and walked out of my house. I hopped in my car and headed for the base.


We had just board the airpalne. I was particularly quiet and the rest of my unit was making small chat......

I'm just worried what would happen if someone in my unit go injured or killed. These guys are my best friends. I couldnt live without them. Imagine if part of you were gone. Thats what it would feel like if one of them was gone..

"Skyler, Skyler you okay?" Someone asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? what? Im fine. Just thinking." I said.

Harry wrapped his arm around me. "It will be okay. Your a good leader. Everyone will be fine." he tried reassuring me but It didnt work. He had no control over what would happen out there.


I was akwaken by someone shaking me.

"Come on Sky. We are here." Liam said waking me up.

We all hopped off the plane and grabbed our gear.

We had run to the base we were assigned too.

Along the way we had seen many sights that couldnt be forgotten.

It worth coming out here and risking our lives. Seeing kids frightened. Its horrifying living here. I want to help. I walked up to that little boy.

"Hey. We are here to help. I promise that, I will do my best to help you." I said in his language. He nodded hugging me before running back to his family.



I love it! Please continue!!!!!