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Always Expect the Unexpected

Chapter 17: The End

Harry’s POV

3 weeks later

“Wake up!” I groaned into Sandra’s ear. We now basically lived together and were really close. Last night she decided to sleep in my bed with me. Now I can’t get her up! Figures. I started shaking her.

“No,” she moaned, rolling over in her sleep. Last night after she fell asleep she just started talking. She almost told me everything. Even why she doesn’t accept compliments. It’s actually really sad.


“Sandra, are you asleep?” I asked, worried that if I’d move she’d wake up and cry again. he had just bursted into my room crying, and now she was still next to me, dead silent. “Sandra?” I asked again. Complete silence. I got up and changed from my jeans to sweats. I already took off my shirt. I sat back down on my bed and waited for something. Anything.

“Harry, I’m so sorry,” she mumbled. She had her back to me, so I wasn’t sure if she was awake or not.

“So you are awake? There’s no need to be sorry,” I sighed, rubbing her back. She flinched, but then continued talking.

“Your compliments hurt, kind of. You see, there was this guy back at school you used to compliment me all day. He was so sweet. He wasn’t in my grade and I didn’t really know him. We had a pretty big school, and I didn’t have classes with him. Once, he asked me to go on a date with him. Well, of course I did,” she was silent for a moment and I wondered what was going on. She was mumbling, so it was hard to hear, but I caught every word. “When the date was over, I asked him to drive me home. He said ‘No problem, sweet heart,’ and he drove me. I should have thought it was weird that he was driving with out me giving directions. Eventually he made a wrong turn and drove down a street and parked in an empty drive way. Why are we here? I asked him. He laughed at me and told me to get out of the car. I did as he said and followed him into the house. We went into this room where he whipped me and abused me. This went on for such a long time. Almost every day he forced me there. He told me if I didn’t, he’ kill me. I would rather that, but I knew my family didn’t want it, so I became his little toy. During the day I got compliments, and at night I was tortured. When he finally decided to let me go I was a broken human being. And that’s why I’m sorry Harry.”

*end of flashback*

I would never tell her that I knew. That would end badly. I would just compliment her and be extremely nice to her all day. “Sandra, wake up, beautiful,” I cooed.

Sandra turned over and stared at me. “Stop it,” she frowned.

“What?” I asked her, cocking my head to the side, looking as innocent as possible.

“Stop being so ignorant. I hate it. Stop being blind,” she turned away from me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.

“I’ll be whatever you want me to be, but I will not be a liar,” I whispered in her ear. She shuddered and seemed to relax. She sprang out of my arms and was standing up on the floor. Her eyes were puffy from crying last night.

“Stop playing with my mind, Harry. You just want to sleep with me,” she furrowed her brow and turned from me again.

I pointed to the place on the bed where she had just been laying. “I already accomplished that, didn’t I? Anyway, that wasn’t my intention,” I sighed shaking my head.

“Harry fucking Edward fucking Styles, shut the fuck up!” she yelled at me.

I snapped my mouth shut and frowned at her. I stood up and walked into the kitchen and started cooking bacon, eggs, and toast. I learned that was Sandra’s favorite meal. When it was done I set two plates on the table and picked up a now dressed Sandra and carried her into the kitchen without a word. I set her down next to a chair and then sat down at the one across from her. When she sat down she eyed me suspiciously.

“What’s this for?” she asked. Her expression softened when she started eating.

I didn’t answer her, since she told me to shut up. I just finished my food in silence, which was weird even when I was alone, and then went to go take a shower. When I got out I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist before going to my room to change. I slipped on jeans, a t-shirt, and my favorite Jack Willis hoodie and smiled at Sandra. I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I had an interview today with the other boys and Abbey and Sandra. Sandra had only agreed to come because of Abbey, who begged her until she agreed.

“Do I need to wear anything particular?” she asked me. She looked confused.

I shook my head. “Let’s just go,” I answered, grabbing the keys for my car. We went outside and got in my car and drove to the interview place. I walked into the building with Sandra and then found the boys and Abbey. She had a new glow to her, now that she was married. She seems happier.

“Hey, girl!” Sandra squealed, hugging Abbey the moment she saw her.

“Hey!” Abbey replied with an even higher squeal. They had gotten close since after the wedding. They walked off and started chatting with each other, leaving all five of us together. I grinned at Niall. He was busy watched Abbey and Sandra that he didn’t notice me.

“Niall,” I whispered. I poked his nose.

“Yes?” he responded, smiling at me. He was looking as happy as Abbey. He also looked a little distant at the same time. He was moving slowly.

“I dunno. What’s up?” I asked. I hadn’t talked to him much lately. He’d been involved with Abbey and writing out music for the band that he hadn’t been able to hang out with us. He was finally done with the music so he had a lot more time on his hands to be with us guys. This was the first day he’d seen anyone for a week.

“Oh nothing. I think you guys will love the music I wrote. We just need words to go with it and we’re good to go. I was thinking we could do that I’n a few weeks. How’ve you been?”

“Amazing,” I laughed. I pulled him in for a hug and then we talked to Louis, Liam, and Zayn while we waited for the interview to start. Abbey and Sandra came running over to get us, so we went inside the room we were directed to. It was then that I remembered we were being interviewed in front of a live audience. There was no editing what we were saying, no walking out of the room for a break. I had to stay. I sat down on a couch with Niall and Louis, while Liam, Zayn, Abbey, and Sandra sat on the couch across from us. The interviewer introduced us, and herself, and then got started. I didn’t catch her name, but I didn’t think it was important.

“So, Niall. We heard you got married on Valentines day. How was it?” she asked.

“Oh, it was awesome,” he chuckled. “The honeymoon was even better, but we were pretty busy the whole time.”

Abbey giggled and the interviewer turned to her. “Abbey, people found pictures of Niall and you talking to an old woman in Scotland. Did you know her?”

Abbey furrowed her eyebrows. “No, we were just talking. She was really nice,” she sighed, forcing a fake smile.

“Okay,” the interviewer took a breath and turned to me. “Harry, you’ve been seen with the young lady over there. What’s her name?” she asked.

“Her name is Sandra,” I answered flatly.

“Well, a source tells us you are dating her. Is this true?” she asked, a light smirk dancing on her lips.

I heard a chuckled come from Sandra, so I laughed as well. “No, we’re not. She needed a place to stay and I had a guest room that was waiting for someone to use it. It just worked out that way.”

The interviewer smirked again. “What happened with Sam? You two were inseparable. Did Sandra come in between you two?” she asked.

How did this come to Sam? I shook that off. Hearing Sam’s name gave me a nervous pang in my stomach. I still wasn’t over her. “No, Sandra was actually coming to visit Sam, and we broke up before Sandra even got here. I had forgotten Sandra was coming, and when she showed up at my house Sam came and got her. That was really all that happened,” I sighed.

The reporter looked confused, then looked at some paper in her lap. She glanced back up me. “Sam is seen everywhere with Ed Sheeran. They’ve even been seen kissing. What do you think about that, Harry?” she asked.

I shrugged. “I could care less, actually. It’s Sam’s life. If she wants to be with him, that’s her choice,” I added a smile after that, and some girls in the crowd made “ooooh” sounds. I rolled my eyes and turned to the interviewer again.

“Sandra, I didn’t really have any questions prepared for you. What made you want to come today? Are you just hanging out with One Direction to get famous?” she asked Sandra.

Sandra stared at her for a moment and then laughed. “Oh, for a moment there I thought you were joking,” there were some laughs from the crowd. “Well, I came because Abbey asked me to. I didn’t want to, but Harry dragged me out of bed and forced me to, since it meant so much to Abbey. And, as far as wanting to be famous, hell no. I would much rather cruise through life unknown. Thanks for ruining my day,” Sandra leaned farther back into her couch spot and Abbey hugged her lightly.

The interviewer looked offended before she hook it off and grinned. “We’ll be back after this short break,” she laughed and pretended to whisper to us for the camera. As soon as they yelled cut we all left the stage. I pulled Sandra to the side along with Abbey.

“Sandra, I’m proud of you,” I laughed. “No one usually stands up to interviewers like her. Abbey, are you proud of her?”

Abbey shrugged. “She’s different than me. In the heat of the moment I would’ve broken down.”

I nodded my head. “Well, you handled that well love. Now, let’s get back to that interview,” I laughed.

Sandra’s POV

All I could think was how I may have ruined Harry’s career, since he was the most associated with me. He told me I did well, so I felt better. When we went back on stage I ended up next to him on the couch, and Abbey with Louis, Liam, and Zayn. Niall was on my other side. I felt uncomfortable, but I was glad that no one would be asked questions over here any more. The interviewer, her name was Anne, moved on to asking Liam about Danielle, Zayn about Perry, Louis about Eleanor. Listening to them talk made me feel so much better. Then, she went back to Niall and Abbey.

Abbey’s POV

Just when I thought the interview was over, and Louis was done gushing about Eleanor, everything changed.

“So, Abbey and Niall. I’m back to you two again. You are both so young. You only knew each other for a short time. Abbey got pregnant, and you got married. Don’t you guys think you rushed things a little? I mean, you are so young, both of you,” Anne smiled at us. She reminded me of a fox. A sneaky, no good fox.

“I wouldn’t say were to young, would you?” Niall looked at me from the other couch. I wanted to bad to be next to him right now, to feel his touch, his skin.

“No, we’re not too young at all. We also didn’t really rush things. None of you were totally behind the scenes with everything. We took things pretty slow, if you ask me. What do you guys think?” I fumed, turning to the group.

“They went at a pretty reasonable pace,” Harry commented. The rest of the group mumbled their agreements.

“Well, a source told me that the old woman you guys were spotted talking to had asked you a similar question, and you froze up. When you left her you were heard mumbling things to yourself about it. Are you having second thoughts about your marriage with Niall?” she asked me. Now she reminded me more of a shark.

“Hell no,” I answered, my voice getting high. I was fuming. How dare she ask something like that? “When I’m with Niall I could never be happier. If he leaves the house without me for any reason I have no idea what to do with myself. If he falls asleep before me at night, which rarely happens, I feel completely alone. For the first time in my whole life, I actually need someone, and it just so happens that I have exactly who I need,” I was raising my voice and letting out too intimate of details. Liam grabbed my arm and started rubbing it, as well at Louis. Zayn reached out and squeezed my knee lightly. I relaxed slightly and the looked at my knees. “Sorry,” I whispered.

“What about you Niall, are you having second thoughts about your marriage? Your awful quiet over there,” Anne sounded pleased.

Niall stared at her. “What is wrong with you?” was all he said for a moment. There were hushes in the crowd and everyone went silent. Niall narrowed his eyes. “Why are you doing this to us? Wait, don’t answer that, because I already know. You envy us. You envy anyone who’s famous. You want them to break down so you feel better about yourself. You are one horrible human being,” his voice went dark. Harry and Sandra both grabbed him before he got up and whispered stuff in his ears. His expression softened and he muttered something. The interview ended and we were allowed to leave. I quickly ran Niall and we left. We got in our car and drove away quickly so we weren’t swarmed with fans. We got home and ran inside so we could have peace and quiet. We both sat down on the couch and stared at each other for a moment. I took a deep breath, not sure what to say.

“I wish I had met you some other way,” I sighed. I felt like breaking down right there.

“What do you mean?” Niall asked. It was almost painful to see the quizzical look in his eyes.

“Well, you’re famous. I met you through a contest, and that wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t famous. I didn’t even know who you guys were until the night before I came, and that was because of Sam. I just wish you had never been famous, even though it’s probably the best,” I kept talking and talking. “Niall, I love you, famous or not, and I know nothing will ever change that. Even if your weren’t famous I would have loved you had I known you. The thing is, I can’t take being famous anymore. There is always someone challenging us. Someone who is trying to tear us apart, not just as a couple but as friends. They’re always trying to strike the right nerve at the right time to break us down and force us to loose our reputation. And I know it must suck for you even more because you’re like, 40 times more famous than I am. I know it sucks for the rest of the group as well. I just... wish I met you differently.”

Niall took a deep breath. I noticed tears in his eyes. After a few moments I burst into tears. He pulled me in for a hug and I sobbed into his shirt. “I know Abbey. There will always be people in life like that, though. Famous or not. Some are more vicious than others,” he chuckled. His voice was strained. “They don’t like seeing other peoples success, or their happiness. That’s why you just have to hold on and stay strong through everything. Abbey, stop crying and look at me,” Niall pushed me back and looked into my eyes. “I love you. Don’t ever forget that, do you hear me? I don’t want you letting what anyone says effect you anymore.”

I stared at Niall. At this moment in his arms, I had never been more sure that I loved him. He was completely perfect. Every single aspect of him was perfect, even his flaws, like his farts. But I still loved him more than anything, even life itself. I nodded my head and pulled him close to me. I closed my eyes and listened to his steady heart beat. I listened to his even breathing. I took a deep breath and took in his scent. He still smelled of his cologne. I leaned back and wrapped my arms around his neck while he instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist. I took in his touch. He was warm, like he should be. I pulled my mouth to his and kissed him slowly, taking in his taste. With my eyes closed in the dark room, I still saw light, still felt warmth. In that exact moment, I had never felt more secure, more safe, more in love, more wonderful in my entire life. In that moment I knew I would have never had a chance at meeting someone famous and falling in love. I would have never even expected to meet someone world famous. In that moment, I knew one thing, and one thing only. I needed to always expect the unexpected.


WHOA. Alright, so this is actually the LAST CHAPTER. Amazing, right? I cried he entire time I wrote this, to be honest. I was only thinking about how I wouldn't be able to write anything like this again. After a few minutes of crying I actually began to realize that that was completely true, but in a way better way than I had thought. I'll actually be writing things that turn out SO much better than this.

To make this brief, I just want to say that I'm glad I wrote this because it was the first fanfic I had ever written and I actually got good feedback which made me way more confident. So, I thank the two people that ever commented on my stuff, and I hope you like anything else that I write. I love you so much!


:D I'm in a really good mood, sorry for blowing up the comments!
(>^.^)> <3 <(^.^<) <--- This is me, and my fans! :D
Thanks for the comments and subscribes!! <3
OH. EM. GEE! I HAD to stay up to read this. It's 3:16 am and I am REALLY tired but I HAD to finish reading what you've already written and YES you NEED to write a second one!!!!!!!
iceskatez iceskatez

it's really good!!!