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Crash Into Me

london calls me a stranger

Halie stood in front of the mirror looking at her outfit. It was pretty chilly outside but it wasn't cold enough for a real coat, which left her with a light sweater and some jeans. "As good as it's gonna get I guess," she sighed.

Halie grabbed her phone and slipped it into her pocket, turned off the bedroom light, and walked into the living room. "Aunt Ev, I'm going to go take a walk around town, okay?"

Evelyn looked up from her stitching and furrowed her eyebrows. "You can't stay in one place for too long, can ya, love?" Halie smiled and shook her head.

"I won't be gone long," she stated. Halie knew it would probably be a good idea to tell her where she was going and who she was going with just for Evelyn's peace of mind, but she didn't want to get her all excited about Harry. It was best to keep tight lipped for a while.

"You've got my number if you need me," Evelyn said. Halie nodded and walked towards the door. "D'ya need some money, love?" she called out.

"Oh no thank you," Halie quickly declined. "I've got some money, you know my mom wouldn't let me out of the country with just five bucks in my pocket. Thank you though."

"Be careful!" Evelyn shouted as Halie shut the front door behind her. According to Harry's directions, she needed to walk about three blocks, take a couple of lefts, and the cafe they were meeting at was in clear sight.

Harry had offered and nearly insisted that he pick her up at her house but again, Halie was trying to keep everything a secret. She was going to enjoy the walk anyway. She had been on a plane and a train for the majority of the previous night and day, her legs needed to be stretched.

The neighborhood was small and quiet which lead Halie to assume that elderly and mostly single people lived there, which was perfectly fine with her. Halie's theory was 'the less people, the better'. Walking down the sidewalk it finally sunk in that people were driving on the opposite side of the road; it was something so small to the British but a pretty big deal to a little girl from America.

Within twenty minutes Halie arrived at the cafe and the first thing she saw was Harry sitting exactly where he said he would be. A huge smile formed on her face as she waved at him and walked to him quickly. Harry stood up as she reached the table and wrapped her in a hug.

"That didn't take you as long as I thought it would," Harry stated, motioning for her to sit before he would sit down.

"I walked pretty fast," Halie replied. "I was kind of sketched out at some points. I don't know about the gangs here in London." Harry laughed and she admired his perfect teeth.

"I'm probably the shadiest person on this side of town right now," he said. Halie's smile dropped and she examined him. "I'm just kidding. You're safe with me."

"I hope so. I'd hate for the first person I meet in London to be a serial killer," Halie joked. Harry bit his lip and smiled at her.

"So this is what I'm thinking," Harry said after clearing his throat. "We walk around town for a bit, I show you all the special spots, and then we just find somewhere and stuff our faces, because I am starving."

"That sounds good," Halie said. She was down for anything he wanted to do, within reason. Halie looked out of the corner of her eye and noticed a small chubby guy behind a car taking pictures of them. She quickly slid her sunglasses down on her face and tried to act normal. She was sure Harry knew about it, seeing as how they follow celebrities everywhere. It was very brave of Harry to take her on the tour despite the possible chance of his cover being blown by paparazzi.

"Let's get goin' then," Harry said, sliding the chair back. He waited for Halie to get up and then walked beside her down the sidewalk. She was slightly surprised at how close Harry was walking next to her, it was unusual for someone you just met.

"It just occured to me that I'm walkin' around London with some boy whose last name I don't even know, nor age. Or, well, I think I know more about your best friends than I do you," Halie said, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

Harry chuckled and sucked in a breath. "You don't need to know someone's last name to have a good time with them, right?" Halie bit her lip and looked up at him, she could tell he was trying to avoid anything about him in the chance that she might find out who he was.

"Age then," Halie said. "I don't want to be walking around with a fifteen year old, or a twenty four year old."

"Well if I look fifteen or twenty four then I need to sort out my life," Harry said with a smile. "I'm eighteen. And I assume you're somewhere close to that mark."

"I'm eighteen too," Halie said, nodding. "What do you do like, school wise?"

"You ask a lot of questions, don't you?" Harry smirked, looking at her through the corner of his eye.

"You answer in questions a lot, don't you?" she retorted. Harry was a bit taken aback by her question and took a moment before speaking.

"I uh," he began. "I'm not in school." Halie obviously knew that, she was just trying to make conversation.


"Enough about me," Harry said. "What about you? Why are you an ocean away from your home?"

"I told you, I'm staying with my aunt for a while," Halie replied, fidgiting with some lint in her pocket.

"You're obviously not looking for a fantastic holiday, you're in cold London," he stated. "So why are you staying with your aunt?" Halie was getting frustrated by his questions, but mostly because he changed the subject on her so quickly. Harry wasn't the only one who had things he didn't want to reveal.

"Uh, yanno, my mom just thought it would be cool for me to visit another country and I really missed my aunt," Halie shrugged. Harry seemed unsatisfied with her answer but didn't prod any further.

"How long will you be staying?" he asked instead.

"A while," Halie replied. "A while."

"Good, that gives us time to get to know eachother," Harry smiled. "We don't want to spill all of our secrets on the first day, that wouldn't be very fun."

"You speak in riddles a lot," Halie commented without thinking. She didn't want to seem like such a critic, or too nosy, but sometimes it couldn't be helped.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean," he said before disappearing into a shop. Halie groaned and followed after him quickly. She glanced around and saw that it was a shoe store and wondered why in the world they were in there.

"We have shoe stores in America," Halie said. "Contrary to popular belief we don't all walk around barefoot and pregnant in the south. A lot of us actually own shoes."

Harry stopped walking and let out a belly laugh. Halie was shocked to see him laugh that hard but she enjoyed it. "You just stick out like a sore thumb here Halie," he said through laughs.

"Would it be betta if I talked like this?" she asked in her best British accent. Harry laughed again and shook his head.

"I'll just talk in an American accent then," he said before clearing his throat and doing some exaggerated vocal excerises. "Like oh my God duuuuude. London is gnarly as hell brooooo." Halie let out a loud laugh, gathering attention from others in the shop.

"Come Harold, we must go drink some tea," she said, locking arms with him before walking to the front of the store.

"Sup dawg," Harry said to someone as they passed him. They kept up the accents for a few minutes before neither of them could do it anymore. It didn't help that they were out of breath from laughing so much.

They were halfway down the sidewalk when a scream came from in front of them. Halie was startled and Harry seemed very worried as two teenage girls started running up to them. "Uh, Halie I think I dropped my phone in the shop, can you go back for me?" he asked very quickly, looking back and forth between them. Halie agreed and began walking back to the shop, wondering how long he was going to be able to keep the act up.

"HARRY STYLES!" she heard one of the girls scream but casually acted like she didn't hear it.

Halie walked into the shop and wandered around for a few minutes to make him think she was actually looking for his phone. She heard the bell of the door opening and furrowed her eyebrows as he walked to her. "I can't find it," she said.

"It was in my pocket the whole time," Harry replied, taking it out and showing it to her. "How stupid of me."

"Shall we continue on?" Halie asked, although wondering just how far they would actually make it before Harry started losing his wallet or a shoe next.

The next hour was fun and Harry didn't get noticed again. A lot of people were staring at him like they thought they knew who he was but weren't exactly sure. Halie found that when people weren't staring at them or when she didn't hear camera shutters, it wasn't very hard to look at Harry as a normal person. In fact, if it weren't for her Aunt Evelyn she would still be oblivious to who he was.

The fact that Harry was humble and sweet didn't hurt anything either. He was just like someone she would know from back home, except much more attractive and, well, the more she thought about it the more she realized he wasn't like anyone she had ever known. He was different. Harry was one of a kind and that made Halie like him even more.


Plz update
IluvHazza IluvHazza
I love this!
Liam Payne. Liam Payne.
Already saw it on Mibba..love
GoodGirl; GoodGirl;
This is good, I really like it! Post more soon. :)
invaderpayne invaderpayne