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Lost Right Now

Chapter 1

It was really bright so I was sure I had slept through the morning already. I didn't matter though since it was a Saturday so I didn't see a reason to wake up. I could try and go back to sleep but I still had an essay to do so I will just get up. Oh my god, why am I so sore? "Adele?" I think I hear someone say. I open my eyes for the first time that morning. Where am I? This defiantly isn't my room and who just called my name? "Adele? Can you hear me?" I follow the voice to find a boy with curly hair and green eyes sitting in a chair. He looks really tiered with dark bags under his eyes but he is still smiling. Wait why is he here staring at me as if he had just won the lottery? I try to speak but that comes out is more like a cough than anything. "Oh my god, your awake. I need to go get the doctor, I can't believe this!" says the boy that was just in my room and now has run out the door. Doctor? Why would he need to get a doctor? Since I am once again alone I look around the room for the first time. White walls surround me and in the corner is a table with flowers and get well cards. Wonder for who they are for. There is one door that open where the boy disappeared through and another door that's closed. In another corner is a suitcase and a few other things. Next to me are some machines that are beeping every now and then. I try and sit up to when the boy walks back in with the doctor by his side. "Hello Adele, how are you?" I try and say "I'm good" and it does come out but it sounds very weird. "Well that's good. Now can you please tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?" "Three." "Can you feel this?" the doctor asked me as he tickles my feet. As my foot is twitching I say "Yes." He does a few more test on my body while I still have no idea what's going on. "Can someone tell me what is going on?" "Yes, I'm sorry this might be quite shocking but you have just woken up from a coma." "Why was I in a coma and how long have I been out for?" "Wait, you don't remember?" Says the curly haired boy that I forgot was even in the room. "Umm, no and who are you?" I wasn't usually this disrespectful but I'm quite confused at the moment. The boy's smile falls off his face as soon as I ask him the question. "I'm Harry." I think through all the people I know with the name Harry but I can't come up with anyone. The boy just sits down on the chair that is next to the bed and he puts his face in his hands. I turn to look at the doctor again and he starts explaining to me what has happened. "You and Harry where in a car crash three months ago, while Harry only had minor injuries you hit your head quite hard. When you arrived at the hospital you were already in a coma." By now I sitting there with my mouth wide open not having expected any of those words to come out of the doctors mouth. "Now what is the last thing you remember?" the doctor asks. I sit there for a second and think. "Going to bed." "And what happened during the day?" "It was like every normal Friday, I got up and went to my classes at the university I attend and then I spend the afternoon with my friends and then I went to bed after we had dinner and watched a movie." Harry, or at least that's what he introduce himself as, starts shacking and I'm pretty sure he is crying. "Right. What day do you think it is?" As I sit there for a few seconds until I say "January 22nd, 2013." As I say this Harry gets up and runs out the door but not before looking back at me for a second. Like I thought, he was crying and he looked at me as if I had just told a five year old his puppy had died. I look back at the doctor with a confused look on my face. "Okay, so I will run a few more test on you before we can be sure about anything. I will be right back." With that being said he walks out the door and I am once again alone but still very confused.


Hi, this is the first story I have ever posted. I'm pretty sure there are a few spelling mistakes but I hope you will still read this. Oh the beginning will probably be a bit confusing. Anyways I hope you understand what is going on here and I hope you like it. :)


Please update.! I LOVE THIS STORY.!! ;)