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So, do you like me?


Jennifer's P.O.V
I arrived at school about 5 minutes before the bell rang. Almost every student was already inside the building except for Karen.
"Finally! You're here" she said the moment she saw me.
"Sorry, I had a tough time getting up this morning".
Last night when I got home I finally read all of the messages that I didn't receive during the day while there was no service. Some of them were from my mom, but most from Karen. They said things like "Ok, Casanova, time to leave your victim. Come back", "Jennifer and Harry kissing on a tree...", "Jen, come here! Where are you?", and a thousand more. She also texted Gordon telling him she knew it was his fault and that she'd kill him the next day but after I told her everything she said maybe it was a good idea.

"I smell a date". She had said that last night and now she was saying it again. I shook my head but smiled actually hoping she'd get it right.
We entered school and people slowly turned their heads to me. Every two steps we took, a new head joined the others and followed me with their eyes. Some people were smirking, others looked angry and others just stared at me, curious. I frowned not understanding what was going on and I turned my head to the side to find Karen doing the same.

"Weird..." I told her.
Suddenly three girls approached us.
"Oh dear, is it true?" one of them asked.
"What is true?" asked Karen.
"That you got lost with Harry yesterday!"

I thought about it for a few seconds. How did she know? Oh, right. I had forgotten Harry was a popular boy in school and everyone probably knew by now. Actually, they probably knew from the moment Harry hadn't step out of the bus.
"I heard that you were kidnapped" said another girl.
"What?" I asked, startled.
"Yeah, me too! How did you manage to escape?"
Karen and I shared a glare and then looked back at the shocked girls.
"Who told you that, guys?" asked Karen.
"The Q's" one girl answered. Suddenly the bell rang and the hall started clearing out.

I nodded my head knowing that if one of the Q's had started a rumor, then the whole school knew some of the things that had happened yesterday plus things that the Q's had invented.
The Q's was how we called Melanie, Pamela and Claire, the popular girls in school. It was pretty much like 'Mean Girls', the movie. They ruled the school, whatever they said or did, others followed. Q's was short for 'Queens'. Someone started referring to them like that and when they found out they did not complain. They actually felt like queens. They lived life as queens. And what does a society do? It obeys the queen.

"Hey, it doesn't matter" Karen told me before leaving to her next class. She probably knew I was scared Melanie would do something. Karen knew me so well. "You still have got the boy" she said and winked at me, then walked away.

I stood there for a little and thought about Harry. That was enough to make me feel better. He had already tried to kiss me twice, so I guessed Karen was right, I just hoped the Melanie wouldn't make a big deal out of all of this.
I walked to the classroom where I had my next class and just when I was about to turn the corner, I saw Niall, one of Harry's friends. I looked around knowing he couldn't be far from there, and I found Melanie clung to his hand. I looked at Harry, who to my relief seemed emotionless, but then she placed a kiss on his cheek. I hoped he would let go of her hand and turn away, or at least just stay like that, emotionless. But instead he smiled.
I suddenly felt a tiny sting on my stomach and my cheeks immediately turned red of embarrassment. I knew no much had happened between us, but how come it hurt? How come I felt so stupid?
I continued walking and entered the classroom. I had two more classes before having to face Harry, so I put my best face on and ignored what had happened. At least until I'd see him again.


Harry's P.O.V

"Melanie, I have to go to class" I told her, avoiding to meet her eyes. Instead I looked at Niall, who was making faces and doing impressions of Melanie, trying to distract me.
"Okay, I'll see you on lunch time" she said winking at me. She kissed my cheek again and at the same time Niall made a silly impression, so I laughed.

Finally she left, with her two permanent followers, Claire and Pamela, behind. I sighed.
"Do you think she saw me with her?" I asked Niall, referring to Jennifer. I was a bit nervous and I suppose it showed because he patted my back and then nodded his head.
"Let's just hope she didn't. Don't let your sister be right about what she told you earlier".

I nodded then grabbed my backpack and went to class.


Guyssss! I'm not sure if this is working, so I really really really need you to comment. I need your feedback, please :) I love you!


i love this story!! (:
Heyyy, I'm the author of this, but I just can't log in on this anymore, I'll repost it but on this account!! And I'll try to update e v e r y d a y or at least every t w o days :) just thought you all should know. Thanks for the support
shesnotafraid9 shesnotafraid9
I will read it till the end ;) xx

@Beany Baby!

@Mae Song


Hey guys! I'm the one who wrote this, but I haven't updated because I can't log in anymore, I don't know why! I tried a thousand things but I simply gave up a while ago, and today I was curious and looked for this story and just found out that you actually want to keep reading it! If I wrote it again, better of course, and continued it, would you read it? If not, I'll just continue with the one I'm currently writing. Have a good day! xx
shesnotafraid9 shesnotafraid9
Update pleeeaaassseee