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Don't Forget About Us

Chapter 2


"Okay, this one?" Lizzie asked holding up a dress. "That dress is a tent. It's fucking huge!" I said.

She just smirked and turned back around. "This one?" I turned around. "Needs more black." I muttered. "Ah! I found it!" I said holding up my dream dress.

"It's lovely Dav." I grinned at her. "It is." We looked around the store and found a pair of elbow length black silk gloves that wrapped around the middle finger, leaving the hand bare. A pair of black suede pumps and a black veil with a thin flower band on the top.

"Go try it on." Liz shooed me into the change room. "Okay. Okay!" I stumbled in and tried on the clothes. I couldn't believe it. I was getting married! I was so excited.

I walked to the mirror and twirled a bit. "You look beautiful." Lizzie said. "I hope Vic will think so." I smiled before walking back to the room and changing into my regular clothes.

"Let's go pay for this, yeah?" Lizzie said walking out to the cash register. When everything was done I hugged her. "Thanks for being here with me Liz." I said into her shoulder.

"Anytime babe." She smiled. "Now enough with the hugs and shit. You're getting married!" She squealed. I couldn't have been more excited.

We walked out of the shop and started into town. I looked up and saw a One Direction billboard. The one with Harry Styles in it. Yeah, that kind. The guy I missed than anything in the world.

I reached to my neck and my fingers found the charm. I smiled as I felt his name under my fingertips. 'Harry.' I smiled to myself. I left him letters, texted him, and called. Did he answer? No. He got famous and forgot about me. He forgot about us.

I got famous too. I ended up in the movie business but I still tried to contact him.

He never even bothered to try. Even if we couldn't be together, we could still be friends, I told myself. Deep down, I knew that could never be true, but hey, I was getting married and he seemed perfectly fine with out me.

You ever heard that saying? 'If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.' I guess he was never mine then. But a piece of my heart, if not all of it, would always belong to him.

The boy who left me. I didn't really feel like going anywhere so I asked Lizzie if I could head home while she did whatever.

She agreed and I hopped in car and pulling off the curb.

"Davina and Victor." I said, pulling into the driveway of the house.

"Victor and Davina." I grabbed my purse and opened the car door, locking it behind me.

"Mrs. Victor Davidson." I swung open the door and kicked off my shoes, letting the door slam closed.

"Mrs. Harry Styles." I muttered. "I had always liked the way that sounded. Alas, it was never meant to be." I sigh dramatically.

"What wasn't meant to be, babe?" I hear Vic say. I turn my head to see him walking down the stairs, dressed and pulling on his jacket. "Oh um, you know that friend of ours? Bella. Bella Jerome?" I see him nod absently. "She can't make it to the wedding."

"Oh really? That's too bad." He says, walking to the door.

"Wait, where are you -"

"I'll see you in a few, bye."

"Going." I say to the white door. "Okay then."


"Wow." I say, looking over at Victor. "That was good." He pulls me towards him and I let myself rest in his arms.

"Mhm," He mutters under his breath.

"Victor, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, babe?"

"When are you going to tell Dav about us?"

He shifted and opened his eyes to look at me. "Rosie, you know I want to but your sister is so happy right now, and you know everything about the whole situation will be on the news. I just couldn't bare to see Davina go through that." He sighs out.

"I know, and I don't want you to go through that either but, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." I reply, tentatively.

"What is it?"

"I, uh. I'm pregnant, Vic. It's yours."



Love please continue with it

beccah19xoxo beccah19xoxo

continue and update!!!

I agree :)

Saffire B. Saffire B.

Oh god. Please update?? I really like this story as well as your others. Please update !

Chasity Chasity