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Can't Take It


Harry is still In School for another month until summer and I dropped out so I was bored. I call up my two best friends.
" THATS GREAT!" Zayn pats my back. I just told him and Niall that harry and I are back together.
" how long have you two been together?" Niall stuffs his face with the candy I set out on my table.
" uhm.. I don't know about a week now." I smile remembering our first night as a couple again. Zayn inches toward Niall. They are actually awfully close but it doesn't bother me.
" anyway.. Have you told Liam?" Niall stops eating.
" no I .. I actually havnt heard from him in a couple days." I say now realizing that I havnt even made an effort to call him at all since he told me to make a truce with harry. " I'll just call him tonight maybe."
Niall and zayn are still at the table as I get up to take care of the dishes. They have been so close lately.
" do you guys want ice cream?" I shout. After no reply I say it again. Oh my god whatever. If I had to be in front of them to hear me so be it. I drop the dishes and wipe my hands off. I turn the corner.
" geez guys I have asked abou-" I stop and stare at what I see. Oh my god. I back up and go back to the dishes. Niall and zayn were just kissing. No not kissing fucking making out! Like a hardcore make out. Holy shit. Okay I just am not going to say anything. As I make my way back to them I make a shit ton of noise so they know I'm coming. I don't want them to be embarrassed but I'm so bad at keeping these things tucked away.
" hiiiiiiii guys. So what's going on." I make it bluntly obvious I know something. Okay keep it together.
" uhm nothing." Zayn pats my back.
" what's going on Louis! You look like you've seen a ghost." Niall butts in.
" ghost! Hah! No I havnt seen a ghost c'mon guys. I mean really a ghost. No way." I'm so bad at this.
" okay well maybe we should go..." Zayn leaves it as a question.
" no stay I'm fine really." I beg.
" you don't look fine Lou." Niall says.
" well I am I just felt." I stop, trying to think of something. " yes I felt light headed." I finish hoping they believe it. I mean it was just one kiss. It wasnt anything to exclusive. But why were they doing it. I mean zayn has a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure Niall is straight as a board.
" uhm so why don't we play like a board game. I mean one that doesn't involve-" I relize they arnt buying it. They know something's up.
" okay we are your closest friends and we know when something is up. So tell us." Niall is looking at me with those don't lie to me eyes. God I can't lie to them. I just have to do it.
" okay listen I saw you guys.. Like you were-"
" kissing?" Zayn finishes my sentence. I look up and nod.
" oh uh. Niall?" Zayn is totally red.
" listen we arnt gay. Like we are sure of it. We just.. We are just experimenting. As weird as that may be, Zayn is just my mate Louis. It's a big misunderstanding we are just you know tired of the same thing." Okay I didn't really understand. But whatever I believe they aren't gay.
" oh I totally get it man. " I just shake it off.
They left at around four. And it was now seven. Harry hasn't even called once.
I pick up my phone and dial his number.
" hi babe!"
" hey harry how was school?" I start a casual conversation.
" boring as shit. We didn't even do much.. By much we did a bunch of stuff I didn't bother to listen too."
" haz you know better. You have to graduate school! And you won't pass with fs!" I think I am making a good point.
" why Louis? You didn't graduate."
" so! I can get into any collage I want. They will take one look at me and beg for me." I joke.
" right! Anyway my parents are not home."
" oh.. Where are they?"
" well they have been going to some mystery spot a lot lately and they won't tell me where at. And when they leave they are gone for a few days."
" oh so want me to come over?"
" duh now get your ass over here!" After he stops talking I hang up. I looked like crap pretty much and decided to just go as I was. I pull into his driveway and fix my hair. I'm so excited to see him.


Awhhhh:) boyfrannnnns.


Update soon. I dying to find out what happens

Haha thanks.. And sorry if it's confusing omg, haha

That_Moment That_Moment

DAFUQQQQQQQ.........I don't understand wtf I'm reading anymore.........but this shit is good asf XD

Steal me... Haha.

Thanks and I will as soon as I can

:)xx I know love.

That_Moment That_Moment


Larrysexgods Larrysexgods