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Dollhouse saga; "Forever always, For eternity "


**This entire chapter occurs over the course of a few minutes. Keep that in mind while reading.**

Felis POV

“Hold onto me son; we will arrive to rescue Liam in only a minute. I pull Louis close to me as I prepare to transport us through the portal.

“No father! We must save Isla first!” It breaks my heart to hear his pleas to save Isla.

“Louis, this is why I came to you. Son, I tried to change the future when I took Liam’s human life and again when I tried on several occasions in the past century to turn him to dust. Did you ever wonder why I stopped trying to harm him and allow the three of you to live in peace the past nearly two years?”

“I thought you accepted—ahhhhhhhhh!” I hold Louis closer to me and stroke his hair as he is hit with another wave of pain.

“Is it Isla screaming?” I panic, knowing that we need to save her before anything happens to her. I could never forgive myself if I was too late. Louis shakes his head indicating it is not her, but that doesn’t ease my conscious. I know who it is and it scares me even more.

“Louis, I accepted your arrangement with Isla and Liam because I saw into the future how everything would turn out. Once I stopped trying to harm Liam, the future became clear and Liam is part of yours and Isla’s future.” He looks at me a little confused and I’m not surprised. After a century of behaving as though I hated Liam, I am acting as his champion.

“I don’t understand father.” Louis barely whispers because he still is being overwhelmed with voices in his head.

“Son, all will become clear very soon, but we must save Liam first or risk altering yours, Isla’s, and Liam’s destinies. Your actions to do away with Liam has placed him and Isla in danger.”

“Noooooooo!” He looks positively panic stricken. I try to calm him.

“Louis this is not all your fault! I commanded Kathleen to protect Liam in the portal to prevent the future from changing. Unfortunately, I got a glimpse of what she was up to and it is now she who has put Isla and Liam in jeopardy.”

“What?! I’ll kill her myself!” Louis’ eyes turn red, but I need him calm so that we can save everyone in time.

“No Louis. I need you to calm down. Kathleen is misguided. I heard her thoughts. She believes she is helping you and that my orders are preventing you from being happy. However, she has disobeyed the king and placed numerous beings in jeopardy. I will deal with her punishment. Just relax son. Hold on. We will save Liam in a few moments and everything soon will be okay.”

Louis looks like he wants to trust me but is unsure. How can I blame him? Most of his life I haven’t been supportive. I was tough and demanding of him, but it was because I was trying to prevent him from following his destiny. Hopefully, when the dust settles, we will be able to repair the damage I’ve done to our relationship from my being so hard on him.

Moments later we arrive in the portal. My guards are holding onto Kathleen and she looks terrified as she should be. Louis recovered from the screaming voices and is trying to control himself so as not to attack Kathleen; I sense him warring to maintain his self-control.

“Kathleen! What have you done?!!!” Louis screams in her face after storming towards her.

“I was helping you Louis! I would never do anything to hurt you! You wanted Liam put to dust and I was ensuring that happened! If no one interfered, the sun would come up in the portal and he would be dust! But your father just cannot stand to see you happy!! Make up your mind Felis! You want Liam dead? You want Louis miserable because he can’t move forward with Isla so you keep Liam alive? What kind of father ARE you?!” He screams with pure hatred laced in her voice. I stalk over to her.

“YOU STUPID, STUPID GIRL!!! Who do you think you are speaking to your king this way? Who are you to tell me that I would wish for my son to be unhappy? And who are you to disobey your king and place innocent lives in danger?!!!” She cowers at my words and I continue.

“Louis! I will deal with Kathleen. Take the crystal, break through the portal and save Liam and immediately return with him. Now!!!! We are running out of time!!!” Louis does as I ask, takes the crystal, and disappears through the portal. I turn back to Kathleen.

“Kathleen, your crimes against your king, my son, and several others warrant your destruction. I don’t believe I can show you any mercy in this matter. Guards, take her back to the kingdom and jail her until I return.”

“Please your highness! Please don’t destroy me! I thought I was doing what was best for Louis! He is like a brother to me! He asked me to help him and all I wanted was for him and Isla to be together! I swear that’s all I was doing was trying to do what I thought was right!” She pleads and blood tears escape her eyes.

“You should never have disobeyed me. Whatever your intentions were, failing to obey a royal command is punishable by total destruction. If Liam, Isla, or the innocents are harmed or killed because of your inability to follow orders, I guarantee you I will show no mercy because Louis’ happiness will be destroyed. And anything that harms my son must be destroyed! Take her away!” I hear Kathleen scream as my guards take her back through the portal. Immediately, I see that the future is beginning to shift again.


I fly through the portal opening to see Liam only a few feet away from me.

“Liam!!!!!! Oh thank heaven above you are okay!!!” I grab him and hug him. Suddenly, he crumbles in my arms.

“Liam?! What’s wrong mate?! Talk to me! Are you okay?!” As I panic over him another wave of voices crash through my head and I fall onto the ground next to him.

“Lou? What are YOU doing here? Isla is in trouble. Voices---owwwwwwwww!” He is hearing these voices too?

“Liam, you are hearing the cries for help too?” I am confused. I know he can’t hear Isla’s thoughts, but what are we both hearing.

“Yes, the voices keep saying ‘please help mummy’.” Odd.

“I keep hearing the same thing. We need to find Isla!”

“What are you doing Louis? This was your chance to be rid of me?!” Liam regains his composure and yells at me.

“Liam! You know you are family to me! I never wanted you hurt. I wanted you at peace and for all of us to be happy. I’m an idiot! I went about it all wrong and I’ve made a mess of everything!! I am so sorry! Please forgive me! You, Isla, and my family are all that matter to me!” I plead with him to believe me, but I know we are also in a rush. I await Liam’s verdict.

“Louis, I believe you. You didn’t have to come here to rescue me. Where is Kathleen?”

“Arrested by my father. She betrayed all of us.” I say sadly and then remember again we must go.

“Liam, we need to go now! Isla is in danger! Grab my haaaannnddd---ahhhhhh!”

The pain from the voices begins again. I grab Liam and struggle to pull the crystal from my pocket. The pain is unbearable and I don’t know if I can get us back. The voices are so strong and desperate. Everything is going fuzzy and I notice Liam collapse next to me. I am brought to my knees. I can only think of one thing to do.

“Father!!!!” I scream with all my energy as I fall to the ground.

Felis POV

I hear Louis scream and I can see he and Liam are in bad condition just as another vision crosses my mind. The future begins to shift again and I know we are in trouble. I grab a crystal and fly through the portal and grab Louis and Liam. Once I pull them back through with me, they regain their composure. Liam looks terrified of me and I don’t blame him.

“Boys, the future is shifting again. We have to save Isla and the innocents now before it is too late. Nothing can happen to them!”

“Who are the innocents?” Louis asks. Liam looks completely confused. I am not sure how this news is going to go over with the boys.

“Louis, Liam. You need to brace yourselves and keeping moving with me towards the voices. That is where Isla is and she is in danger.”

“Your highness. I am as confused as your son. Who are these innocents? What do they have to do with saving Isla?” I hesitate. I don’t want to tell them because they are going to freak out and I do not have time to calm them down. I need them focused to save everyone.

“I’m not moving another step until you tell me what is going ooonnnnnnnn-ohhhhhhhh!” Another wave of voices must hit and Louis and Liam both fall to their knees cupping their hands over their ears to attempt to ease the pain.

“Someone is about to hurt Isla! She just screamed and these voices now are trying to show me a vision! What is going on father?!” Louis grabs onto my leg to pull himself up.

“This screaming is torture! What do you see Louis? What is happening?!” Louis and I take Liam’s hands and pull him to his feet.

“We are almost there! Just a few more seconds and we will reach her. Isla is about to be attacked by a man named Marcus. She is frozen with fear and not using her powers. He is trying to rape her, but it’s not Isla who is in danger-” Louis cuts me off.

“I will fucking rip his head off and all his appendages for touching her!!!!!” Louis screams and Liam and I try to calm him.

“Louis! You must focus! We are going to be too late to save them if you keep getting distracted with your anger!”

“Louis, calm down mate. Listen to your father. Let’s get to Isla and put an end to the danger. You saved me. Together, we can all save her.” Liam settles Louis.

“What did you mean ‘it’s not Isla who is in danger’?” Louis turns to me with a raised eyebrow. I am out of time. There is no option but for me to blurt out the information.

“Isla is pregnant with your babies. They are the voices you are hearing cry for help. If we don’t get Isla away from Marcus, she is going to end up using snapping out of her shock and use her powers. The toll of the fight will cause the babies to die. They are not immortal beings until birth. We must save the babies now!”

And, just as I predicted, this situation has gone from bad to worse. Louis and Liam are frozen in place. Neither moving or blinking and eye. I believe they are in shock. Must I do everything myself?

“Louis! Liam! Do you want your children to live or not?!” I scream to snap them back into ‘reality’.

“Our children?!” They scream in unison and stare at each other.

“Yes! Isla is pregnant with multiples and one of them is Liam’s.” They look at each other and I can see they want to start rejoicing, but this is going to end in tragedy if don’t focus on the task at hand.

“Don’t you dare celebrate! We have 20 seconds before she changes and then it will be too late!” The boys refocus – finally.

“Please father! Help us save them!”

“I think he’s been trying to Lou. Let’s go!” Liam shouts.

I grab both boys, point the crystal to the portal where Isla is at, and we leap through. We come out only a few feet away from Isla and Marcus. Marcus has her against the brick wall with his hand raised as if to strike her when I see the look on her face. I want to rip his head off myself. I look to Isla and I yell.

“Isla no! Do NOT change! We are here!” I notice Isla look at me and her eyes were about to change color.

“Babe please!” Louis screams to Isla and it sounds like his heart is about to break for the second time in only a few minutes.

“Isla!!!! Please don’t!!!” Liam yells and Isla looks at him with a shocked expression.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Marcus screams.
“I am your worst nightmare asshole! That’s who the fuck I am!” Louis hollers and in a flash flies forward and rips Marcus away from Isla while Liam and I grab Isla and calm her down.

“Liam! You really are here! Alive! Oh thank heavens!” Isla hugs Liam tightly.

“Yes, it’s really me. Louis and Felis saved me and thankfully saved you too.” He hugs her back and kisses her. Isla pulls away and looks at me curiously.

“Felis, you came to save Liam?” I don’t blame her for being confused.

“Yes, I--” I am cut off by an ear piercing scream as Louis rips Marcus’ manhood from his body. Isla, Liam, and I watch as Louis proceeds to behead and dismember Marcus. When he’s finished, he and Isla just stare at each other. My son looks a little fearful of what her reaction is going to be. Isla begins walking towards him and then runs into his arms.

“Louis! I knew you would save Liam! I knew you wouldn’t let us down.” I watch as Liam walks over to them and the three engage in a loving and intense hug.

“Isla, if anything happened to either of you, I couldn’t live with myself. I love you.” He kisses her and then hugs Liam again. I feel a great sense of relief as the danger has passed and I see the future go back into its proper place.

“How do you feel Isla? Are you okay?” Liam asks. His voice is full of concern.

“Yes, are you okay love?” Louis starts to freak out a little. I see how this is going to go if I don’t step in soon.

“Maybe she should sit.” Liam fusses.

“Maybe I should carry her.” Louis responds to Liam.

“Maybe you should both stop it. I am fine. He just scared me. I didn’t want him touching me.” Isla scoffs and I have to chuckle. No wonder they are all perfect for each other. She is more than capable of keeping my son and Liam in line.

“But love, you are--” Oh no he is not going to blurt this out. I cut him off.

“Son, I believe Isla is okay. She probably could whip both of you right now and handle me.”

“Your father is right Lou. Felis, why are you here? I am confused. You came to save Liam?” Isla, in all fairness, has the right to question me. My actions are in opposition to my attitude since she met me.

“Well--” He gets it from his mom, doesn’t know when to shut up. I have to cut him off again. At least Liam has the intelligence to stay silent.

“Louis, shut up. Isla, we have a lot to discuss. Let’s all go back to the palace and I will explain everything.”

I shoot the boys a warning glance and I know that they know not to say another word. These idiots would blurt out to Isla that she was pregnant without thinking twice if I didn’t stop them. A first pregnancy is a big enough shock, let alone what I have to tell her about it once I break the initial news to her.

Louis picks up Isla who looks at him like he’s crazy and he kisses her. She’ll make him a good wife and queen because she will keep him on his toes. Liam runs his fingers through Isla’s hair and kisses her forehead. While I would never have wished this situation on my son, there is no denying these three are happy together.

They all grab onto my arm and I transport us through the portal back to the palace.


So, all those who thought Louis would really kill Liam - haha! Fooled you!!

What do you think about Felis? Did he surprise you?

And the babies? How will Isla take the news?

So much activity, you'll have to wait for Elmo's next chapter to see what happens next!

Don't forget to check out Elmo's 'Story of My Life' and my first solo fanfic 'Snake Eyes' (new chapter coming tomorrow)!


OH PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!! I know this know this book updates slow but omfg please just update date! This book is so amazing! !!! This book is beautifully written and i just can't wait for an update, these is the most perfect book I've read in my life!!! I started crying alt the end of chapter 40 when she gave birth and was comparing the babies with Louis and liam..please update!!!

awwwwww !! omg please update soon !

hazzasboo37 hazzasboo37

I was a total groupie over Dollhouse which, as ELMO told you, led to me getting to co-author the sequel. I love her characters and the first story was awesome.