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The Exchange


Harry's Point of View

Alyssa is still reading to me except we have now shifted to the top of her bed where her pillows are. Sitting for over an hour with no back rest is pretty uncomfortable. I watched over her shoulder, listening to her words. She's so calm when she reads; so happy.

She was eighteen. She was the most beautiful woman in a hundred years. She didn't seem to care.
"You're all right? Her mother asked.
Buttercup sipped her cocoa. "Fine," she said.
"You're sure?" her father wondered.
"Yes," Buttercup replied. There was a very long pause. "But I must never love again."
She never did.

I'm actually really into the book and jumped as Alyssa closed it.

"You're not going to read anymore?" She laughed,

"We've been reading for over an hour and I'm hungry." I looked at her with puppy dog eyes. "I can read more tomorrow!"

"That's not fair Alyssa." I crossed my arms, being sassy with her.

"What? Why?"

"Because I know tonight you're going to be in here reading while I'm in my room...." I thought about what I'd be doing.


"No!" My face burned and she laughed.

"I'm kidding! Kind of." I nudged her and got up.

"Alyssa! Come help with dinner!" She rolled her eyes--something she did well, and stood.

"I don't know why her voice is so squeaky. When she yells it's so much worse." I laughed as Alyssa poked fun at Megan.

When I left her room and went to mine and checked my phone. Two texts and one missed call.

From: Mum 4:05 pm
Hi love, hope you're having a good time! Love you xoxo

From: Lexi 4:25 pm
Heyy, it's about 8:30 here and I thought you would've called by now...

I guess I should just get it over with,

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, I just miss you. Why didn't you call earlier?"

"I had some homework." Lie.

"So how do you like it? It's your first day right?"

"It's great." Somewhat of a lie. "The people I'm staying with are really nice."

"Is that girl hitting on you yet?" Lexi laughed insecurely. Part of the reason I was so excited to come to the states was to get away from her. Yes, she's my girlfriend--sort of, but it's a long story.

"No, I told you we're just friends."

"Friends? You didn't say anything about friends. She's just your host!" Her anger is making me angry.

"This is why I don't like calling you! You get all angry at the smallest things. We're not even really together anymore Lex; you know that." I know I sound mean but she needs to get it through her head. She cheated on me, I took her back, bad idea.

"Whatever, I just don't want you hanging around other girls. And it really ticks me off that--" I set my phone down on the table as she continued to rant. It would last for about five minutes so I have time to look through my things and pack up for my new classes tomorrow.

"Harry! Harry?! Are you still there?"

"I'm here Lexi. Can we just not argue? I'm not dating anyone and I don't have any little crushes like you seem to think. You aren't my girlfriend anymore and you need to get over it."

With that I hung up my phone and really hoped that whoever knocked isn't Alyssa.

"Dinners ready," she said opening my door. Maybe she didn't hear anything because she had no reaction. Though she normally doesn't have a reaction to anything.

Alyssa's Point of View

My dad put some spinach on my plate as well as a piece of salmon. Yum.

"Why does Alyssa get salmon and everyone else gets chicken?" Erin whined. She has the memory of Dori from finding Nemo.

"We've been over this a hundred times Erin, she's a pescatarian." Mom sighed. I'm not sure if it was at Erin's stupidity or of my choice not to eat meat besides fish.

"So all I have to do is stop eating chicken to get salmon?"

"No Erin, you have to stop eating meat altogether." I took a bite of my spinach and continued to keep my head down.

"That's so dumb. Why don't you act normal and eat like everyone else?" Here we go, double the trouble.

"Shut up Megan, Lys hasn't done anything to you." Luke blurted out as he chewed on the poor little chicken. Normally he doesn't say anything to them. He just let's it happen.

"Thanks bro." I said with a smirk. I looked to Harry and he continued eating. Our family probably makes him feel so awkward. "So Harry, did you meet any friends today?" I looked at him and raised my eyebrows up and down.

"Not really. Some guys from the football team asked me to eat with them but they weren't too kind. And I thought they were quite large to play football. I suppose they're all defense."

Everyone looked at him confused but I laughed, "No, they don't play soccer. They play American football."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Wow, I feel stupid. So that's why they're so air-headed. A real footballer would never act like that!"

We both were laughing hysterically and having our own little conversation while everyone watched. I didn't mind though; bring it on "family".

I took out my 'B-day' folders and put them in my book bag. I think I'm already done trying to impress my peers. I went unnoticed for most of the day but when Amber had no one to pick on she made sure to find me. That's when all the harassment began. Unfortunately I don't have any classes with Marilyn this year since I'm taking all AP classes and she's not; therefore I no longer have a body guard. I'm so pathetic.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Harry walked in in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. It's like ten, why hasn't he changed his clothes yet?

"Just getting ready for tomorrow. What are you doing besides annoying me?" I laughed to myself. It's fun giving him a hard time.

"Can we read? I know it's late but I really wanna know what happens next."

"Hmm, no."

"Why not?"

"Like you said, it's late. And shouldn't you be talking to your girlfriend right now?" I laughed. No, I'm not mad. I should've known, he looks like a tool. Only a tool would cheat on his girlfriend.

"You heard that? Alyssa she isn't my girlfriend I can explain. Let me explain?"

"Harry, honestly, I don't care. I'm not one of those girls. Swear." I hate girls like that. I told myself from the beginning I wouldn't get my hopes up with him. This is exactly why.

Can we talk then?"

"No." I already know what he wants to talk about. Without giving me an option he came in and locked my door.

"Harry, seriously, not now." He walked pass me and stood on my balcony. I left him there for a minute until I realized he wouldn't leave until we talked. "Fine. Speak."

He turned around and leaned against the wall that prevented him from falling. It was a little chilly but I wouldn't budge until this conversation ends. He's stubborn; he reminds me of me.

"Let me see your wrists."

"Get out. We aren't having this conversation." I'm not doing this. Not with him. "I don't need a lecture Harry."

"Just let me see them." He didn't look angry this time.

I loosened my bracelets and slowly pulled them off. The wounds still ache. I walked to him and gave him my right wrist. He touched it lightly and I tried my best not to flinch. Touching them tomorrow would be fine; they'd just be sore. It hurts tonight.

I took in a scent of the night sky. Someone's having a bonfire; I love the smell of fire and burning wood. And the moon, it's a beautiful crescent.

When he was done examining it with his soft hands he did the unexpected. He kissed my wrist and let go. I pulled my wrist back and held onto it as I tried not to cry.

"Please don't do that again." He tilted his head a bit, "promise?"

I can't promise him that, "I can't make a promise that I may not keep." I walked back into my room, freezing now. I dug through my drawer and found a hoodie. After pulling it over my head I found Harry standing in front of me.

"Jesus Harry! Don't scare me like that."

"Read to me?" I sighed,

"Fine, come on."

We sat on my bed and I read him chapter two: The Groom. It isn't my favorite chapter but it is important. The prince has to find a wife, Buttercup that is.


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I'm not sure yet! I'll have to see where it goes because it will be a little different.

Will you be doing a sequel for the new version?

The sequel was taken down a while ago because it wasn't going very well...the new version will be on Wattpad soon if I have a few comments letting me know they want it!

I would read the new version

I can not find the sequel for The Experience. Do you still have it and where is the new version of this story?