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Something Great

What If I'm Not

Harry's POV

"I think Lex is pregnant." I casual spit out as we sat on the bus on our way to the next venue. Lexi was asleep in her bunk, tired from making early every morning to get sick.

"That's excellent news!" Niall clapped me on the back.

"I mean have you been using protection?" Louis smirked up from his phone. I ignored his statement.

"I don't think she knows though."

"And how would you know then, if she hasn't told you." Liam kept his eyes on me.

"She's been sick every morning, and she's been kind of weird."


"Honey, you don't need all of that." I looked at large stack of luggage Lexi packed for the two months she's be with us.

"I'm not like you, I need more then two pairs of pants and three t-shirts."

"Babe, come on." I opened one of the bags. "You have seven pairs of shoes, do you really need seven pairs?"

"Fine!" She through her hands up. "I just won't bring anything besides the clothes on my back!"

"Babe, that's not what I me-"

"If it's good enough for you, it'll be good enough for me!" Then she stomped out of the room.

"Lexi." I went after her. She was sitting in one of the guest bedrooms staring at a lamp. She didn't look angry anymore, her red face wasn't red anymore. I went to her to find out why she was staring so intently at the inanimate object. "You can bring anything you want." Kissing her temple and hugging her hoping she'd wouldn't explode again.

"Do you like this lamp? I don't think I do." Completely ignoring me.

"We should actually head out to the car." I whispered, trying to be gently.

Lately anything would set her off. The night before we had been watching TV and she got really excited about Pretty Little Liars, and she wanted to watch it, but when she got to the channel it was on, the last five minutes were being shown. She cried saying she was sure she had the right time.

"I'm not sure about this lamp though."

"The lamp will be here when we get back."

"That's just it, I don't want it to be here."

"We have to go. You can have your mum change while were away, lets go." I began tugging at arm hoping it would get her to get a move on.

I drove in silence, honestly I was afraid to say anything. In the last hour Lexi had laughed, cried, yelled, and nearly had me naked in bed. She was all over the place. Today hadn't been the first, but had only been magnified because I was leaving for tour. We were leaving for tour.

We made it to the air port literally just in time. Everything seemed to take just as long as we had, we were only passing through the final security gates when our flight was being called. Only having a second to meet up with everyone else before getting on the plane. I had to avoid the fans waiting for us rushing as best I could with my arms full of Lex's things.

We made it to our seat and when we sat down Lexi began crying.

"What's the matter?" I put the arm rest up between us to pull her to me. I couldn't understand what she was saying, there wasn't any point, it was probably something entirely too random to even make sense.


Lexi's POV

"I think she's pregnant." Harry spoke, I could hear him talking with the boys, all of them still pulsing with energy from the show. My hands went to my stomach like they belonged there. Pregnant? I couldn't- well, I guess I could. A baby? It's not like they hadn't talked about it, they had both wanted one, and it wasn't like they were teenagers. They were married, have been for- wow, two years now. A baby.

I made a list of things I'd need to do once I got to the hotel. I'd have to talk to Harry, why wouldn't he talk to me about this. The others didn't have children yet, Perrie was pregnant, but still. And Eleanor was so far away from having children, her Louis had just gotten married.
She'd been away from them, the boys' girlfriends for not even a whole day and she missed them. Quickly she texted Eleanor. Who told me to stay calm, breath, and not to worry.

*You and Harry will make fantastic parents.*

I smiled down at my phone and tried to fall back asleep. It was still pretty early in the night and the lads were still awake. I wanted to drag myself out of bed and fall asleep next to Harry, but he needed his lad time, plus I wanted to hear what else they were saying about it.

"Mate, you really think she is?" There was a pause that meant that Harry was smiling wildly, the dimples in his cheeks, would have never been so deep. Hole in his face. And his olive eyes, they would have been absolutely lit up. His hair, tied behind one of his make shift head bands would bounce as his head moved up and down ever to slightly.

"That really is great."

"I know. I'm going to be a dad." He whisper yelled, probably because he didn't want to wake me. His excitement was comforting.

"I hate to go this way, but what if she's not, like what if she's just acting weird."

"Perrie was going through the same things a few months ago." I thought as Harry spoke aloud. It would make a lot of sense. My crying, and yelling, and why had I even wanted to change that lamp anyhow. I can't believe I hadn't seen it coming. The missed period- that should have been my first clue. "She's pregnant, she's got to be. There wouldn't be any other reason for what's happening with her." What did he mean by that?! I almost rolled out of the bunk and marched in there to ask him that. And there it was again, mood swings.

*Hey, Perrie?* I texted hoping it wasn't too late where she was.

*What's up sugar plum?*

*I think I might be preg* I typed but then deleted it. I wanted to be sure I was before I went off telling everyone. What if I was just getting sick. *Nothing. Just wanted to see how you were doing.*

The next thing I knew I had my phone against my ear, I didn't even know who I was calling.

"Hey babe! You all right back there?" You could hear the happiness in his voice.

"Come sleep with me?" I whispered.

"Course, I was just headed back anyway. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, just I need you." I hadn't thought about my words before I said them.

"Babe I think now is hardly the time."

"Time for what?" I was genuinely confused. A second later Harry was standing in of my bunk peering past the curtain.

"You need me? God, you sounded like you were trying to get me in bed." His eye brow raised meaning he thought I hadn't meant I needed him to sleep, but instead needed him for other bed activities.

"No, jesus. I can't sleep. Not without you." He wedged himself in, we were pressed tight together making sleep come easier then before.


The bus was quiet in the morning, it was also empty.

"Harry?" I whispered not sure if he was still next to me or not. Kind of like when you wake up you're not entirely sure you still have fingers.

"I'm right here." He started moving his hand around my back.

"You think I'm pregnant?" I squeaked without thinking. Harry's body shot up and turned to me, his head narrowly missing to bottom of the bunk on top of us. That smile the one I pictured last night when Niall asked if he was sure, well I was right. His hair slightly more messy now, if that was possible. "I think I am too." I squeaked again.

"Well, we've got to get you a test. Oh god, we'll be parents, you'll be a mum!" He was so excited, so excited. I really hoped I was, that what I was going through was caused my pregnancy and nothing else.

Harry was out of the bed, pulling up his jean and through a t-shirt over his head. "We've got to get a test. They make test right, one's that make you wait a few minutes? Oh! A baby!" He kept muttering to himself. I was still propped up on my elbow staring at him, unmoving. I couldn't move, my legs wouldn't stretch out, and I couldn't move the blanket away from my body. He cocked his head to side. "Why aren't you moving, do you want me to go get it? You stay here, I'll be back in two seconds." He turned to leave, but came back to kiss me hard on the mouth.

"Harry!" I tried calling out, but it came out as a quiet whine. His head peeked back in as if asking my what I wanted. "What if I'm not." I couldn't look a him. I couldn't dissapoint him like that. Act like I was giving him a child when I might not be giving him what he wants most. Everyday you hear more and more about couples not being able to have children cause the eggs are bad. I couldn't do that to Harry. What if my eggs were bad?

"Babe." He walked through the bus swiftly. He took a deep breath. "You are."

"But what if I'm not." The tears had reason to fall this time, I wish they didn't, but the doubt was too strong.

"Sweetheart." He cupped my cheek. "We'll see. If you're not we'll try again." I looked away from him.

"What if I can't give you a baby." I barely heard myself speak. His eyes creased, concern covering every pore of his face.

"Don't say that. We'll adopt, hell. I think we should adopt wither way. And I think it would be me that wouldn't be able to give you children. My jeans." He chuckled. I giggled too, the tension dissolving. He stood up to leave again.

"Harry?" Turning back to look at me again he tripped having to grab hold of the counter to support him. "I want to come." I wiggled out from under the covers throwing on my sweater jeans from the night before. I tugged one if his hats over my head to cover up my hair.

We were greeted out side the bus by a whole team of security and hundreds of fans. I didn't even know where we were, America I think, maybe Australia, I think it did start with 'A'. It was a hassled getting to a car to drive us to the closest convenient store, but we managed. I wished it could have just been Harry and I, but because of the over whelming number of fans, we needed not one, not two, but four security people with us. And mostly for me, Harry was fine, they wouldn't harm him, and I was nearly certain they wouldn't hurt me either, but they were aggressive.

The car pulled up right next to the store doors so It would be easy for us to quickly get in and out. I sat holding Harry's hands in mine, scared. I didn't want other people seeing me buying this test, I didn't want people to know before we did. I didn't want people to assume the test was for me, though it was.

"Lets go back. Have someone else pick it up for us." I whispered.

"We're already here."

"I know, but I don't want to people to think-"

"If we stay in the car we can have someone go in for us."

"No, people already know we're here. Please can we just go back?" He nodded and then asked the driver to take us back. "I'm sorry." I clung to his side crying again.


Wow! First chapter! I hope you all like this as much as you liked They Don't Know and The Way!!!

loads in store for this guy.

Let me know what you think!!!


I seriously love this story!

LadyLu LadyLu

Thank u

Tehe! What a lovely name;)

s-a-r-a-no-h s-a-r-a-no-h

Ahhhhhh MY NAME IS LEXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey. You all reached the reading and view goal quick. But where my comments at? This one does count. I'm still working on the chapter, should be good though!

s-a-r-a-no-h s-a-r-a-no-h