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Listening to Niall

Chapter 9: After party

We are about an hour into the movie when Niall hands me his phone.

From: Harry
You and Jamie Dating then?

"What does he care?" I whisper to him
"Does it matter?" He said putting an arm around me and pulling me to him. I rest my head on his shoulder. My head fits right into the crook of his neck perfectly.
I feel like I'm being stared at. I glance aside without moving my head. I'm pretty sure it's Ariel. I know her and Harry can see us from where they're seated.
"Read" Niall hands me back his phone.

From: Niall
Yes we are. No bad feelings?

I give the phone back to him and kiss his cheek. Niall presses send

From: Harry
I hope not. I really do want to hang out with you guys. Hope that’s fine.

I shrug. I don't care, as long it's not a package deal with Ariel.

From: Niall
You're more than invited to hang.
We are going out to eat after the movie if you want to join.

"That's the right thing to do" Niall whispers to me as he knows that if Harry decides to join that means Ariel will be joining too, and I won't be happy about it.
"I suppose its fine" I say.

As the movie ends we get up and make our way outside.
"Where do you fancy eating?" Liam asked looking at Perrie and I.
"I don't care as long it's not a pizza place" I say
"Yeah, I'm done with pizza for the next month" Perrie agreed with me.
Niall came to stand by my side and took my hand in his linking our fingers together. I look up at him but my smile fades fast, seeing Ariel and Harry walking our way.
"Play nice" He whispers in my ear. It's easy for him to say. He doesn't know what a conniving bitch that girl can be. But I reckon I can play nice, since they are soon to find out what kind of person she really is.
"Joining us?" Zayn smiles at them.
"Can't have you guys keeping all the fun to yourselves" Harry smiled back
"Well we are trying to decide where to go to eat" Niall said pulling me to him and wrapping his arms round me.
"Well there is this sushi place" Ariel said
"Jamie doesn't really like sushi" Niall said
"Well there are other things you can order you know" she looks at me
"I don't feel like eating at a sushi place either" Perrie said
"It's fine there are so many different places to pick from we don't need to eat sushi" Harry answered them.
Can it be Harry is sick of Ariel already? It is starting to seem that way.
"So? We are standing here and I'm cold let's just go somewhere even if it’s a sushi place." I say
"I know a place we can go to" Harry nodded with his head "Follow me".
We all start walking after Harry. Ariel runs to keep up with him and links her arm with his.
"No pasta mate, had that already" Niall called out. "You're such a baby" I tell him. He in response picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, which made me screech and giggle.
"Put me down" I yell at him
"After you take back what you said" Niall laughed
"Never!!" I say
"Yes, they are always like that" Liam said to Harry and Ariel who were staring at us. Harry looked amused while Ariel looked shocked.
"It's this little kosher Chinese place, they are really good" Harry points to the far end of the strip of restaurants.
We walk into the restaurant. It was quite pretty the place. With red lights and white chairs.
We are seated down on white low chairs round a low table and given menus.
I get up to go to use the loo. "What should I get you if the waitress shows up before you?" Niall asked me.
"Umm, whatever seems like it's something I'll eat" I say.
As I walk into the bathroom I'm thinking to myself how well Niall and I know and trust each other. And to think we only decided to turn are friendship into a relationship just this morning.
As I walk out I stop in my place. Ariel and Harry are arguing on the side. If I walk out I walk right into them. So I stay where I am.
"What do you mean be nice to her? What do you care?" Ariel said
"They are my friends and they invited us to join them the least you can do is put in some effort" Harry tells her.
"Why are you even trying? Yesterday you date this girl and today she is with a new guy and it seems like they have been together forever" She tells him. I hear Harry sigh
"I'm sure they have a good explanation for it" He finally said.
"Yes I'm sure they do" she said mocking him
"Ariel" He said keeping his voice calm "I don't think this is going so well"
"Yes, that’s because you asked me out when you still like the other girl you dated" She hissed
"That's not true" He said "You asked me out"
"So you do still like Jamie" She stated
"It's not like that, and I really think it's none of your business" He hissed back losing his cool
"You know what Harry? I'm going" She said
"Come on, don't be like that" He told her
"Hope you're friends can drop you off at campus" She said leaving.
Harry stayed where he was gaining back his cool. A girl wanted to get in to where I was, which forced me to leave and walk out.
"You heard it all" Harry looked at me.
"I'm sorry" I decide not to lie to him. "Look Harry, Me and Niall we were best friends for two years now, and this whole thing with him and I started just today after you broke up with me, not before" I say looking into his green eyes, making sure he believes me.
"Jamie its fine. You don't owe me an explanation" he said
"I don't, but I want to give you one. If we are going to hang out and be friends I need to know we are ok" I tell him.
"You know why I broke up with you?" He asked me "I knew Niall liked you. I knew it the moment he started talking about you in India. But I thought maybe it's one sided and he knew it. That’s why he was trying to set us up. But after going out with you, and hearing you talk about him I knew you guys love each other more than friends and I should leave before I get hurt" He sighed looking at me.
"I didn't know until today" I say looking at my feet.
"Jamie. We can be friends. I want us to be friends. What about you?" He asked stepping closer to me
"I'd like that" I say giving him a small smile.
"Good, then let's go back before people start to wander where we went to"

Harry and I walked back to the table and sit down. "Your date left" Liam said
"I know" Harry smiled "Maybe its better that way"
"Didn't like her" Perrie told him
"She really doesn't like you for some reason" Harry looked at me
"We know, that is one of the reasons we don't like her" Liam said
"I got you this" Niall said pointing to the dish in front of me "I know it looks weird but it's good"
"Thanks love" I say kissing his cheek. I can feel Harry staring at me. Maybe it was him during the movie all along.
"We need to squeeze into the car on the ride back, Harry needs a ride" I say
"No it's fine" Harry waved his hand.
"No bro you coming with us" Niall said
"I'll sit in the back and one of the boys can sit in the front so there will be more room." I say
"You saying we're fat?" Liam looks at me
"You said it love not her" Perrie laughed
And just like that the conversation flew. We we're eating and laughing for almost two hours until they kicked us out because they wanted to close.
I sat in the back between Perrie and Harry, and Liam sat in the front.
"Niall lock the doors so they won't open, I don't fancy finding myself on the road" Zayn said
"Whoever can, buckle up" Niall said.
"Here Jamie" Harry pulled the seatbelt over both of us and buckling us in.
"Thanks" I say. I was really close to him.
"You ok there Jamie?" Niall asked. It's like he could feel my discomfort.
"I'm fine, just drive" I said to him.
Liam put on a CD that was thrown there.
"What is this?" Liam said making a face
"Jamie has this thing with people from the YOUTUBE" Niall said
"They do covers? I love them too" Perrie said.

After Niall let everyone off at their dorm rooms we went back to my place.
"It wasn't so bad with Harry was it?" He said
"Not at all" I looked up at him "You know, coming out of the bathroom I heard him and Ariel fight. He knew I heard them, so after she left I cleared up a few things between us so everything was good" I say
"That's why it took you so long" He said
"Well it's late, you should get some sleep. I'll call you in the morning" He pulled me into him for a kiss.
"I wish you would stay but El's going to get in early and wake us up" I sigh
"NO way am I waking up early because of her, sorry love another time" He kissed me again
"Come lock this door after me" Niall said as he was walking out.
"Goodnight love" I say
"Goodnight darling" And he was gone.

I take a shower and brush my teeth. As I get into the covers I look at my phone to change the alarm time on it. I had a message.

From: Harry
Thanks for making me go with you by car

From: Jamie
Of course. Goodnight

I put my phone down and closed my eyes. This is so weird the whole thing with Harry.
Really weird.


What do you think will happen with Niall Jamie and Harry????


I LOVED THE ENDING.... but haz is still alone... oh well

Yassss they kissed! :) i cant stop smiling!

I an so happy

I think her and hazza should be together

They have to get back together :'(((

I just got my friend hooked and so she can tell me :D
But they really have to stay together if they don't I will cry and never stop