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The Bad Boy Effect

Bed Sheets

Harry's Point of View

"So is he coming?" Zayn asked anxiously.

"I told you guys, he's with Ada." Liam sighed for the fifteenth time. I really wanted him here. That way he wasn't with Ada. "I don't think he's coming so let's just get some people over here. My mom is working another night shift and my dad is still on his business trip."

"You sure we should have the party here? Your mom doesn't like us having parties at your house."

"Yeah, we just won't invite a whole lot of people."

Twenty minutes later people showed up that I had never seen before. This was going to be a disaster. "Harry!" I looked over to Liam as he ran around the house frantically trying to hide valuables and things that could break.

"Yeah?" I said as I finished my first drink of the night.

"Could you make sure no one is upstairs and no one goes up there! Lock all of the doors. The key is above Ada's door." I went upstairs and locked each room. Liam's, his parents, the guest bedroom, and lastly, Ada's. Before I locked it I went inside and sat on her bed. I really like her room--it was so perfect. It was so, so Ada. I shook my hair out of my face, I'm not thinking about Ada anymore. I need some alcohol. I locked her door and put the key in my pocket. In the kitchen people were playing beer pong and Liam seemed to have relaxed.

"All the doors are locked Liam."

"Thanks man! Wanna play?" I scanned the room. Ahh, the freshman was here. I wonder who let her in?

"No thanks, I'm going to go take a shot." I walked towards the table and grabbed two shots, one for myself and one for the petite freshman with long brown hair. It wasn't dyed like most of the other girls in school. She seemed all natural but so sexy at the same time. "Hey," I said as I approached her. "want a shot?" She giggled and I pulled out the dimples every girl loved,

"I think I'm okay for now."

"Aww, come on! It's just one shot." I was making her blush. It felt good being a huge flirt again. "If you don't take it I'll have to take both." She smiled with her not so perfect teeth. They were pretty perfect, just not like Ada's.

"Okay, hand it over!" We took the shots and then I got us drinks. We talked for a little while; well she talked and I tried to fantasize about us. It wasn't working so I grabbed her and began kissing her. She didn't push me away so I kept going.

"Get it Harry!" I looked up and Louis was laughing. I rolled my eyes and caught Liam staring at me. He shook his head in disappointment. He has no reason to be mad though. He's the one who told me to move on. I took Lily--I think that's her name--to the stairs. I finish another drink and now I'm definitely tipsy. We kissed some more. She really wasn't that great of a kisser but I was going back to my old ways. Not caring was the best way to not get hurt. I wanted to go further, just kissing wasn't working.

"Do you wanna go upstairs?" I asked as my lips brushed against hers.

"I--I don't know if that's a good idea."

"It'll be fine, I promise." I know my words are beginning to slur and going upstairs is the worst decision I could make right now but I have nothing to lose anymore. Maybe Ada's friendship. She'd forgive me, she's nice like that. I kissed Lucy--Lily, I don't know...whatever her name is--on her neck and she moaned. "We don't have to tell anyone." I whispered into her ear." I felt her nod and I took her hand. I stumble up a few steps but we got to the top. My head is spinning in circles; it hasn't been this bad in a while. I'd just go to the guest room, Liam would kill me if I went in his. He'd dis-own me if I went in Ada's. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the key. I picked her up and laid her on the bed. I slip my shirt off and she touched my bird tattoos--I moved away. No one could touch them except for--, "sorry, your hands are just cold." She could touch whatever she wanted to touch. I moved my lips further down to her breasts and began slipping her sleeve straps off. I took out my wallet hoping I had a condom. She kissed my stomach as I set my wallet on the side table.

"That feels so good, don't stop." I said as I finally felt something bulging in my pants. I ripped the condom and looked up feeling great pleasure. When I opened my eyes there was a picture of Ada and Liam on the table. I threw it and growled. The girl looked at me worried and I smiled, "you're really good at this." Good save Harry, good save. I began unzipping my pants and she helped me take them off. I slid on the condom and pulled up her dress. Right before I completely connected our bodies the door was opened and the lights were turned on. Please don't be Liam, I thought as my head continued to spin. Nope, it wasn't Liam.

"Harry! What the hell are you doing?! Get out of my room!" Was this Ada's room? I looked around. Yup, it was.

I fell to the ground and Ada hit me hard. She picked the girl up by her arm and pushed her out of Ada's room. I looked at Ada in only my boxers. The freshman hadn't pushed those all the way down; I was able to pull them up before Ada saw much. She slammed her door shut and I think I saw her eyes swelling with tears. She was furious. "What are you doing? You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

"What Ada?" I tried to stand up but fell back to the floor. I laughed, "I can fuck whoever I want."

"That isn't the point! You're in MY room! It's one thing to get back at me for not liking you the way you like me but you're going to do it in my room? How could you?" I wanted to look away but I couldn't. I wanted her so bad. I stood up this time and held my balance. I walked closer to her and kissed her. She pushed me back and I fell on her bed. "Put your clothes on, take my sheets off of my bed, wash them, and don't ever expect me to talk to you ever again. I thought I knew you better than this." When I didn't move she picked up my clothes and threw them into the hall way. For some reason I still couldn't move. My heart was breaking all over again. She went to the edge of her bed and tore the sheets off. "Get up Harry!" I finally did as she pleased. I looked at her and she threw her sheets at me.

"Ada I'm sorry. I'm so drunk I didn't even know this was your room. Please don't be mad." She looked at me with sad eyes. I knew she'd come around. She stepped closer and punched me as hard as she could, right square in the nose. I fell over. A smack would have been fine but this hurt.

"Get out of my room." I stumbled out, so ashamed of myself.

Ada's Point of View

"Liam!" I screamed as I slammed my door shut and ran pass Harry. I found the source of the music and screamed at him again. "Liam! Get everyone out NOW!" I seriously could kill someone right now. Everyone stared at me. "I said now!" A tear ran down my face and I wiped it quickly as people grabbed there stuff and walked slowly towards the door. Liam ran over to me. "Get these people out of our house now." I said in a low stern voice.

"Guys, go ahead and leave." People began leaving, picking up the clothes they had shed off, throwing away their red solo cups, and calling their rides. I sat at the kitchen table with Niall while Liam pushed everyone out. Niall still has no idea what happened but I'm way too furious to speak. He brushed some of my hair from my face but I smacked his hand away. It wasn't his fault but I didn't want to be touched right now.

"Okay, everyone's gone Ada. What happened?" Liam sat across from me.

"Everyone's gone?" I raised my eyebrow as my hands continued to shake.

"I think so? Who else would be here?"

"Check upstairs in the hallway." I heard Liam walking up the stairs and then he walked back down.

"No one's up there Ada." He sat back down and I told them what happened. Liam got up and paced. I'm sure he was beyond mad but I couldn't pick my head up to look at him, I was too worked up myself.

"He was seriously doing that?"

"I don't care that he was about to screw some girl!" Yes I do, "I care that it was in my room! He crossed the line Liam. I don't care how drunk he is, there's no way he didn't know that was my room."

Niall spoke up, "It was dark upstairs Ada, he was drunk so it could be that he went to the wrong door." I glared at Niall like I never have before.

"Are you sticking up for the same guy that you wanted to beat a few weeks ago?"

"No! I just...I--" I couldn't believe he was defending him.

"Just shut up Niall! I can't be here right now. I need to go somewhere. Liam let me have your keys."

"No." Niall and Liam said in unison.

"Last time you left you came back in a police car. If you want to go somewhere I'm coming with you." I laughed,

"No, you aren't. I need some space." I looked at Liam, waiting for the keys. When he looked at me, letting me know the answer was no, I slammed my hand on the table and grabbed my shoes. I walked outside, I need some air.

Niall's Point of View

"Do you want anything else?" I sat by Ada on my bed. After her little jog Liam said it was okay if she slept at my house. She really didn't want to sleep on her bed. I swear I'm going to kill Harry. She wasn't crying which made me happy. She was just furious it was in her room. Sure, it hurt her. I know she cares for Harry still but, I wouldn't even go that far. I honestly don't think he knew it was her room but I didn't want to argue.

"I'm okay. I think the cool air helped me relax." She sighed and I figured I should finally tell her another piece of my past. I still owed her from last week.

"I have some more to tell you if you'd like." She nodded and I laid next to her. Her head rested on my chest and she played with my cross necklace. "So we were going to rob a bank. I was actually pretty excited for it. All I had to do was drive. My plan was, if they got caught by the police I'd just drive away like I was never involved. That was a terrible mistake." I chuckled even though that was the scariest night of my life. "We got there and the guys ran in. They got the stuff and then I heard gun shots. I didn't want to be a part of that so I left."

"You left? Just like that?"

"Yeah, I did. I knew I'd probably die but he couldn't kill me if he was in jail."

"True." She was really listening to me. I wasn't making her do crazy things anymore and she still listened.

"I got home and went to sleep. I was woken up by the guys pulling me out of my window. They had gotten away from the cops so I was ready to die that night. I was so scared." She rubbed the top of my hand with her thumb lightly. It felt good, it was soothing. "They put me in the trunk and we went down to the river. Logan held me under the water a few times. I'm pretty sure I almost drowned a few times. It was like he knew my breaking point. Like it happened to him at some point." I took a deep breath, remembering the details.

"You don't have to keep going. I won't be upset." I ignored her and continued.

"I elbowed him in the gut as he was laughing with the guys. They were forced to laugh along or they would be next. After I elbowed him he dropped me and fell back. I guess I hit him pretty hard. I took off as fast as I could. It was hard to breathe because of the amount of water that filled my lungs but I tried. I got to the top of the bridge which was over the water. I stopped to breathe and looked over the bridge. I couldn't see any of them. It was because they were right behind me." I think I'd leave it at that for now. When I didn't continue Ada didn't say anything. She knew I'd finish at some point.

"I'm sorry for smacking you away earlier. I was just so--"

"Don't apologize. I think you handled it pretty well." I don't think now is the time for smart ass remarks. I hugged her tightly and I changed the subject. We talked for a while longer and then fell asleep. I'd love to have this every night. Ada by my side sounds pretty great.


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@Irish Gal
your welcome and i was wondering if you could message me please

thank you so much :)

@Irish Gal
I love the book I know I know I'm new to reading this but I love it so much

@DanishGirl - Ida
Thanks me too :)

Irish Gal Irish Gal

I love ada´s tattoo :)

DanishGirl DanishGirl