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Chapter 24

Chaianne's P.O.V

The day went by slowly and now it's lunch and the girls and I were sitting at our usual table talking to laughing. I felt someone sit down next to me then wrap their arms around my waist.

"Hey babe." Harry said kissing my cheek then taking one of my fries.

"Hey. Where are the others?" Mac asked as I leaned into Harry's side.

"They are coming." Harry said pointing to the door where we saw the other boys walking in. The came and sat down.

"What's the plan for tonight boys?" Liam asked taking a seat next to Jackie.

"Well Carly is having a party tonight." Louis said. Carly always hosts a party on Fridays and the girls and I are never invited since we are the outcasts of the school.

"Will you be my date tonight?" Harry asked me.

"Can't. No one to watch Clarissa, but you go and have fun just not too much fun." I said looking at him sternly.

"I won't go. I can stay and hangout with you guys and maybe we could even go to the fair." Harry said.

"You can go to the party if you want to. I'll be able to hang with Chai and Clair." Shay said.

"Aww you don't want to go to the party with me babe?" Zayn asked Shay pouting.

"I don't feel like a party." she said kissing his cheek.

"Ok well are the rest of you guys coming tonight?" Niall asked.

"Yup!" the other three replied.

"I'll be back." I said taking my phone out of my pocket because it was vibrating. I walked outside and as I answered I felt Harry wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder. My sister's teacher called me saying that Clarissa had to come home because she had a slight fever. I told him that I would be there shortly.

"What are you going to do?" Harry asked as we walked back in and I put my phone in my pocket.

"I'm going to talk to Mr.Childers. He already knows about how I'm in charge of Clarissa so he will understand and I'll get my homework from my teachers before I leave." I said walking to my locker.

"Hate to break it to you babe but you rode the bus today." Harry said. I groaned and stuffed my head in my locker.

"I can call my mum to see if she will pick us up and then take us to get Clarissa." Harry said.

"Us?" I asked turning and looking at him.

"Yes us. It wouldn't make any sense for her to just pick you up and not my considering she is my mum." Harry said as I closed my locker.

"Ok You go call your mom while I get my homework." I said kissing him on the lips before walking to my class that I have after lunch.Once I left the last classroom I found Harry waiting for me outside the classroom.

"She's on her way." Harry said as we walked to the office. We signed out then waited outside for Anne.

"Are we still on for the fair tonight?" Harry asked as we sat on the bench.

"It depends on how her fever is." I said.He nodded his head. Anne soon showed up then she drove us to get Clarissa and then she drove me home. When we got to the house Clarissa got out of the car and I picked her up and thanked Anne for the ride. As I was opening the door Harry shouted after me. I told Clarissa to go into the house and lay on the couch while I talk to Harry.

"I'm going to get sweats from home and then come back over if that's ok with you." Harry said. I nodded my head then walked back into the house and carried Clarissa to her room and changed her into sweats and a t-shirt. I tucked her into her bed then went and changed into yoga pants and a tank top. I sat on the couch and began my homework. As I finished my last math problem I heard the doorbell ring. I closed my book and went to answer the door.

“Hey she’s asleep and I’m doing homework.” I said leading Harry inside. He nodded his head and followed me to the couch. He sat down next to me and I continued to work on my homework while he watched TV. That went on for two more hours. At three Shay and Zayn walked into the house.

“How is she?” Shay asked me.

“I was going to check on her now.” I said standing up and walking to Clarissa’s room to find her on her floor playing with her Barbie dolls.

“How long have you been awake?” I asked her.

“A while.” She said not looking up from her dolls.

“Are you hungry?” I asked her. She nodded her head so I took her down stairs and into the kitchen.

“We are taking you guys to the fair tonight!” Zayn yelled as I walked pat them.

“Ok.” I said getting Clarissa food.

“I want to ride the tea cups first!” Clarissa said from her spot in Harry’s arms. They have gotten really close in the matter of four hours.

“Well then tea cup ride it is!” Harry said tickling her stomach to make her giggle. Shay, Zayn, Harry, and Clarissa went to stand in line for the ride while I stood off to the side. Harry looked behind him and realized I wasn’t there and when he finally spotted me he handed Clarissa to Zayn and came and stood in front of me.

“Aren’t you going to ride with us?” He asked me with a pouty face.

“No, I get motion sick easily.” I said.

“Ok I’ll stand here with you.” Harry said taking hold of my hand.

“Are you sure?” I asked him. He nodded his head and smiled. I smiled back up at him and then turned and saw Clarissa get on the ride with Zayn and Shay. I then turned my attention to Harry and saw him glaring at someone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him so he would turn his attention to me.

“You should have worn longer shorts.” Harry said with annoyance in his voice.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him. He nodded his head to where a group of guys around our age was staring at me.

“Harry it’s no big deal. The ride is over lets go meet Shay and Zayn.” I said leading him to the exit of the ride.

“That was soo much fun sissy.” Clarissa said jumping into my arms making me chuckle.

“Yes!” She said as we continued to walk. She made us stop at a game where you could win a gigantic Care Bear. Clarissa and I both really love care bears.

“Sissy can I have one?” Clarissa asked me.

“I can try, but it probably won’t work.” I said with uncertainty. I saw her smile fade a little bit.

“I can get it for you.” Harry said. It took him two tries each but he got both Clarissa and I hug teddy bears. As we were walking past the group of boys from earlier they whistled at me and that really pissed Harry off and he stormed over to them. I looked at Zayn for help and he followed him.

"What the fuck was that?" Harry shouted at them.

"What are you talking about?" One of the guys asked.

"You know what I'm talking about." Harry said getting nose to nose with one.

"Oh the hot babe?" Another asked.

"Don't call her that and don't even look at her. Got it?" Harry asked through gritted teeth.

"Or what?" The leader of the group asked with a smirk on his face. Harry punched him square in the face and then the leader punched Harry and then they began to fight. Yes I have heard about this side of Harry but I have never seen it and it honestly scared me. I looked down at Clarissa who was still in my arms and saw her crying.

"What's wrong ClairBear?" I asked turning so she couldn't see Harry.

"Harry is scary." She whimpered in my arms. I rubbed her back and soothed her.

"Is she ok?" I heard Harry ask from behind me. I looked at him and then began to walk back to the car next to Shay. When we arrived back to my house I sent Clarissa to get her pajamas on.

"Are you just going to ignore me?" Harry asked as I followed Shay and Zayn into the living room.

"So Shay what do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked turning and facing her.

"What is your problem?" Harry shouted at me.

"I don't know! Maybe the fact that you scared my little sister!" I shouted at him,

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Harry said walking towards me and hugging me. My arms were still crossed.

"Please forgive me?" Harry said looking me in the eyes. I sighed and wrapped arms around his waist.

"Fine but don't let it happen again." I said. He nodded his head and then we kissed.



Are you guys going to update this story soon? I really love it!

SillyGirl SillyGirl

Please update soon I love this story!

A cute! He is so protective!

Awww that's so cute please update

Please update! I love this story!