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Immature ways

[Rebecca's POV]
"Just sit with Harry on the plane." Louis sighed for the 10th time this morning after arriving to the airport.
"I will not." I said standing my ground.
"You haven't even spoken to him since your little fight last night." He said handing Paul his and my luggage.
"I've got nothing left to say to that person." I said shrugging and going to go sit and wait.
"You both are being real immature about this." Louis shouted.
I just shrugged and sat down. I don't care if we are being immature, and not talking to each other. They should be happy; we are not fighting. Louis is right, I haven't spoken to him since last night. Those words went deep and i've got nothing left to say. Sure, we are still going to have to act like a couple a lot more now, but it's strictly by Simon's orders.
I'm a good actress.
We were in the process of getting our bags on the plane while we all wait. The girlfriends should be here any minute to meet with the boys, or at least that's what Louis said all the way here. Harry walked by and we glared at each other. He sat down next to me and put his hand over mine, not holding, but something to show 'affection'. Simon put everyone on couple duty. Simon's exact words were "You two are officially a couple 24/7. No buts." We've got no choice.
Needless to say we share one common thing, we hate all of this. He still doesn't know that i'm not getting paid for this. Louis does, not sure about the other boys if he's told them, or not. You may be wondering how i'm going to get by. Well, my idea was to us my money I already had in my bank account. It's not much, but it'll get me through if I spend it wisely. Plus, I know Simon put something in there to help me out. He really is sorry about all of this.
We were sitting when Louis, Liam, and Zayn came up to us with three girls. Girlfriends. Louis flicked his eyes from Harry to me spending him a signal. Harry didn't do anything, so Louis took it upon himself to "accidentally" step on his foot, hard.
Harry sucked in a sharp breath while standing up and pulling me along. "Babe, this is Eleanor, Louis girlfriend." he pointed to the brunette standing next to Louis. "Danielle, Liam's girlfriend." he nodded over to the blondish-brunette curly haired girl with a interlocked hand with Liam's. "And, last but not least, Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend." The purple haired girl next to Zayn.
I smiled at all three. "Nice to meet you all, i'm Rebecca."
"My girlfriend." Harry added in.
I guess they didn't know. Harry and I turned to each other looking at each other weird when they all stiffed a laugh under their breath. Louis had a smirk. I quickly hugged them and Harry and I sat down.
This means i'm going to have to sit with Harry on the plane. Louis. I turned glaring towards Louis to find him already looking at me smiling. He's to blame for this.
When it was our turn to get on the plane, we walked beside Liam and Danielle.
"So, Harry why did Liam have to tell me you had a girlfriend on my way here?" Danielle asked.
"I erm, wanted to protect her from fans. I didn't tell anyone of her, so don't get your knickers in a twist." He said rolling his eyes.
I sighed. "Ignore him, he's just in a pissy mood because he woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I said shooting a glare up at Harry.
"It's alright, babe. So, how are you liking London?" She asked smiling at me.
"Oh, it's...different." I said handing my ticket to the lady collecting them.
She giggled. We walked all the way into the plane and Harry was looking for our seats. I. hate. this. Once Harry found our seats, he literally yanked me into them. I hit the seat hard.
"Harry!" Eleanor cursed looking at me apologetically.
"It's alright El," he smirked. "she likes me being rough with her."
My eyes shut and Eleanor said. "Well, Curly. That's still no way to treat a lady." then walked off to her seat with Louis.
Zayn, Niall, and Liam laughed shaking their head as they pasted. Guess they heard Harry's comment.
"Ass." I mumbled getting situated.
"What?" Harry asked in a not so nice tone.
I just shook my head bending down to get my ipod from my bag. Harry's hand wrapped around my upper arm and tightened his grip. I winced. "Listen, you're going to have to talk to me sometime. You're the one that really needs to grow from this immature action. Not talking to me, what's that going to prove? nothing. Make me look good, you b--" he was cut off by a newspaper being hurled at his head.
"Leave that poor girl alone." The lady who had the seat from across the path from me said standing up. She grabbed the newspaper while Harry looked at her like 'What just happened?'. "Let. go. of. her. arm." she said whacking him with the paper.
He let go and sat back.
I turned at smiled at her. "Are you alright?" she asked sincerely.
"I'm fine, thank you." I said.
She smiled at me and returned to her seat. I sat back and started to laugh quietly. Serves him right. I soon stopped when harry whipped around and was face to face with me. "And I mean it. I don't need a screw up like you screwing things up for me." he then kissed my cheek since the lady was holding the newspaper towards him.
Well dang. Touchyyy.
Pretty much the whole flight we didn't talk, we didn't even look at each other. A good twenty minutes though Harry lectured me on what I should and should not do as his girlfriend. Apparently, he doesn't want the fans to see how horrible I really am. Newsflash curly, you make me this way.
We were going to New York to start the tour off. We had a few more hours to go and I couldn't wait. Being next to him is stressful. I'm glad I don't have high blood pressure because if I did, he'd be the reason for it always sky rocketing. If i'm not dead by the end of tour, i'd be lucky.
RSD hasn't told me the exact date to which the audition is. All I know is that it's in December sometime before Christmas. No one knows I dance, except Simon, but that's it. I'm not hiding it at all it's just no one's seen, or heard me talking about it. I figured if I didn't say anything i'd have one thing to myself. If they find out, whatever. Really doesn't matter to me.
I started tapping my fingers on the armrest in between Harry and I. My brain finally registered that i'm on a plane. I get really apprehensive on planes, and I hate it.
"Stop." Harry said.
I stopped and began just tapping one finger to not make noise.
"Stop." Harry breathed.
Okay, no tapping. After a while, I started bouncing my leg up and down. I didn't know it was bothering anyone until Harry here pinned it down.
He slapped my leg down holding it into place. "Seriously stop." he glared right at me.
"Sorry.." I said putting my hands up in defense leaning back into my seat yanking my leg away from Harry's hand.
"What's with you anyway?" He huffed.
"Nothing." I said trying to ignore him.
"You are doing things that normally people do if they were nervous, or something, what's up?" he asked again.
"I don't like planes." I said turning to him.
"So, you're scared of planes. Great, i've got a pussy for a girlfriend." he groaned.
"Actually, no i'm not scared I just.. don't like them." I said correcting him.
"Sure, tell that to your leg." he said looking forward breaking the conversation.
Get me off of this plane.
For the rest of the plane ride we didn't talk we sat and stared in front of us. The lady who sat beside me asked if he was an abusive boyfriend and I shook my head no. Last thing I need is him yelling at me for telling the lady something wrong. To be honest I almost said he was. Almost, but I thought I better not.
Harry fell asleep. We were landed and I just got up and left. Not waking him; I just left. I was walking with Niall and he was laughing at me for leaving Harry asleep on the plane.
"Serves him right though for putting his hands on me." I huffed walking out of the terminal.
"Well, isn't that what a boyfriend should be doing?" he winked.
Bless this child. If only he knew, what I really meant.
I shook my head smiling when we heard my name begin yelled. "REBECCA, WHAT THE HELL?" Harry yelled running up to me. "Why would you just leave me there sleeping?"
"Oops." I said faking innocents.
"Thanks to you, the women with the newspaper beat me awake." He breathed in my face.
"Sorry." I said giving him the same look of evil back.
"Harry," Louis called.
He turned his face and I watched it drop and him sigh. "I hate you." he said grabbing my hand and walking.
"The feeling is mutual." I said and continued walking with Niall by my side.
We made it to the to SUV's they had for us and we got in. I made Niall bring me with him in the other one. Niall wouldn't let me leave until I kissed Harry's cheek to show the girls we like each other. After that, I ran to the SUV with Niall and we got in.
It was Niall, Zayn, Perrie, and I in this one. Louis, Eleanor, Danielle, Liam, and Harry in the other one.
"So, why do you not want to sit with Harry?" Perrie asked.
"Well, there wasn't anymore room in that one." I lied. "I did you girls a favor and departed from Harry, so you girls can sit with your boys."
She smiled. "You're just to sweet." then mumbled something to Zayn.
Niall and I talked the whole way to the hotel. It was about 8 at night here and we were all starving. Poor Niall looked like he was going to die. I wasn't as hungry. I wanted to go explore for some place to dance at.
We got to the hotel first and Joe, the other bodyguard, gave us our room keys. I was currently changing into my danceoutfit (without uggs). I was ready to go and see if they had anywhere I could go dance at. When I slipped my shirt over my head, my hotel door opened. I looked over and saw Harry.
He dropped his bag and we both groaned looking at each other. "Man, I was looking forward to having a room to myself." he said.
"Me too." I said putting away my plane clothes.
He put his suitcase on his bed moving my suitcase off. "Excuse me, I was there first."
"I get the bed closest to the balcony, always." he said.
I went over and laid on the bed. "Too bad I was here first."
"Do you really think you laying on the bed is going to stop me?" He said coming over picking me right up and throwing me on the other bed.
"Harold." I scolded getting up and removing his suitcase and pulling it off the bed. "Ladies get first pick."
He looked up at me because I was standing on the bed by now looking down at him. "Too bad there isn't a lady here to pick first."
I gasped. "I get the bed." he demanded flipping me over his shoulder and walking out of the hotel room. I didn't fight. What's the point? he's stronger than me. He's made that sure.
"Harry?" Harry turned around to the sound of his name. Liam was looking at him with an eyebrow up. "What are you doing with Becca?"
"Oh, she was begin stubborn so, I decided to just carry her down." He said patting my butt.
I hit his back and breathed. "Don't do that again."
"Isn't that right, babe?"He said patting my butt once more. I could just hear that smirk on his face.
"Just walk." I breathed.
He chuckled and continued walking. We met the rest of the group at the elevator and he put me down.
"So, what are we going to eat?" Louis asked around.
"Anything, i'm starving over here." Niall said leaning on the wall patting his stomach.
Everyone laugh a bit before Eleanor said."Paul said there was a buffet in the eating area they had here."
Everyone nodded and Niall jumped up. "I was sold at buffet."
We laughed and he went into the first elevator with Liam and Danielle. I was just about to go in with them before I got pulled back by Louis. "Your boyfriend is over here." then pushed me into Harry.
I cringed at the sound of boyfriend. Harry awkwardly put his arm around my shoulder while I awkwardly put mine around his waist.
"Louis, for goodness sake just tell them we know. They are hurting my eyes." Eleanor squealed covering her eyes jokingly.
"What?" both Harry and I said in unison.
"Babe, I was enjoying their discomfort." he sighed.
"Well, Perrie, Danielle, and I were not." She said.
"Someone tell me what's going on." Harry said.
"They know the secret." Zayn said wrapping his arm around Perrie's waist. Sigh, I want that.
"Oh thank god." Both Harry and I said releasing each other. "That was torture." Harry said.
"Harry, really?" Perrie asked.
"Yes, she's horrible." He said not realizing that actually hurt. What if I am horrible? what if that's why Reese cheated?
You see, after seeing Louis, Liam, and Zayn act the way they do towards their girlfriends, I got in that state after someone breaks up with you. That state where you keep thinking 'What's wrong with me?' and all that jazz. You know what I'm taking about?
I'm vulnerable at the moment. Trust me all girls get this way at some point. All these boys treating the girls so right and I just want that... gahhh.
The elevator dinged. They all got in while I was just stood their staring at the floor. I was thinking about Reese even thought I hate his guts.
"Becca?" I looked up and saw a worried Louis. "You going?"
I looked down and shock my head walking away. I heard someone hit Harry and Perrie saying "See what you did."
Then Harry saying. "What?" right before the doors closed.
I sighed and walked into my hotel room grabbing my dance bag. I hope to god they have a space for me. I walked out leaving my phone in the room. I know Louis will call and see if i'm alright.
Stupid Harry. Stupid Reese. Stupid boys.
I walked down to the gym/pool area. I walked around and saw an actual wide space with nothing, but hardwood floors, and a mirror going across the wall. I think this is where you can lift those weights. No one was there, so I took my opportunity.
I placed down my docking station and plugged in my ipod going to a song I love. Macey and I actually made a dance for it.
I warmed up first and that was ten minutes. I then turned on the song and started Diamonds by Rihanna.
(No copyright, stklukov video is not mine.)
Rebecca is the girl on the right with white sweats.
I danced that a couple times just getting out everything I felt. Some moves were sharper then some at times, but I eventually got it perfect for my liking. It still wasn't judge worthy, but I can fix that. Not sure if this is the one, but you never know.
I performed it one more time and when finished, I heard clapping. I turned around fast and saw Danielle clapping like an idiot.
"Uhh... Hi." I said awkwardly.
"You are amazing." She smiled walking to me.
"Not as great as you, i've seen you dance." I said stopping the music.
"Thank babe, but you are really good." She smiled.
"Thanks." I said looking at her. "Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?"
She then gave an apologetic look. "Louis told everyone what Harry said."
"Oh, it's fine. It's not the worst he's said to me." I said sitting down.
"Well, obviously it hit you hard." She said sitting next to me.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"You danced the crap out of that song." She laughed.
I laughed. "Yeah.."
"So, what made you hurt?" She asked.
"The fact that i'm a horrible person." I sighed.
"What?" she asked in shock. "Rebecca, I haven't known you long, but the lads speak very highly of you. Well, maybe not Harry, but he's a prick."
"No, I am. That must be the reason why Reese cheated on me." I said really thinking I am.
"Ahh," she said leaning her back on the mirror. "I see."
"See what?" I asked looking back to her.
"You're in the 'What's wrong with me' state." she said.
I nodded. "I just.. don't know why he would do that."
"So, this has nothing to do with Harry?" She asked.
I shook my head. "No and yes. Him, I don't really worry about. I know he's a prick. It's just lately everything he says to me I take it to heart. I mean, i'm heartbroken over here."
"Well, do me a favor and don't listen to him. He's just angry because we are trying to help him. As for Reese, he was the one with the problem. Not you." She smiled. "You are a sweet girl and i've seen nothing that would make me want to cheat on you."
I giggled at that part, but then it faded. "I wasn't easy."
"What?" She asked.
"He wanted to get in my pants and I wouldn't let him, so he went somewhere else to get some." I sighed leaning back.
"See, I knew you didn't do anything wrong. It's on him Rebecca. I'm actually proud of you not giving yourself up like that. He seems like one of those players." she said.
"Guess so." I said. "Man, why was I so stupid?"
She laughed. "You weren't it happens to all us girls."
"It happened to you?" I asked.
"Quite a few times yes, but then I met Liam. He's an angel." She blushed just thinking about him.
"See, right there." I said pointing at her cheeks. "I want that."
"Want what? a pimple?" she asked trying to look at her cheek.
I laughed. "No, love."
She blushed again. "You'll get love soon enough babe, don't rush."
"Sure," I rolled my eyes. "whatever you say."
We stood up. "Now, we've got to dance together before I leave." she said pulling me into a hug.
"Definitely." I said hugging back.
"We better go, everyone was looking for you." She said taking my hand.
"Yeah." I grabbed my bag and docking station walking up with Danielle.
We made it to her hotel room and she said. "Sweet dreams."
"Sweet dreams, and thanks for the talk." I smiled.
"Anytime." She winked walking into her and Liam's room.
I see a great friendship blooming, don't you?
I walked to my hotel room and walked in. Louis was yelling something at Harry until I came into view.
"Oh my god, I thought I lost you." Louis said running and hugging me.
"Sorry," I said. "just needed a breather."
He pulled back. "Sorry about Harry."
I shook my head. "Wasn't him." I said.
"See." Harry stood up from the bed.
I glared at him. "Somewhat." I said.
He rolled his eyes.
"Where did you go?" he asked looking at my dance bag.
"Not important." I said and walked over to the door. "Goodnight Louis."
He walked out. "Goodnight." and walked away.
I walked to my suitcase and grabbed some clothes. "You know, I meant what I said."
I turned around and walked to the bathroom and turned around at the door. "I know."
I then closed the door.


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Hi, Samantha. Please stop posting this story. It's mine.

Jules96 Jules96

Simon prob made them say no

you know....if u don't stop this u might get reported?

so drop it k?

lolla123 lolla123

Hi, Samantha, It's me Julianne again. I see that you're still stealing my story still. I'm not completely sure as to why you are, but I'd like to know. If you want to talk, we can. We can talk on quotev if you want considering that's where you've taken my story from, or we can talk on here, or another site. Just let me know. I'm not angry that you stole my story. I'm more disappointed because I did work hard on this and to know you stole this without giving me credit for MY story hurts, so lets talk.

Jules96 Jules96