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Starry Eyed

I could feel the vibrations of my brand new iPhone, of course I could, but I chose to ignore it. Sure, I loved my parents but I needed to get away from there. I needed to get away from him. 'Just a few more minutes of this place and you'll be gone. Out of here. Free,' I kept telling myself. My boarding pass was laying in my hand as I sat waiting for my plane to arrive at LAX, so I could get out of here. Start a new life in a somewhat new place. Well, Ireland wasn't that new of a place to me, but I never lived there at least not until now.
'Calling all passengers to board flight 217 to Dublin, Ireland' I heard over the intercom.
"Thank the fucking lord," I mumbled to myself.
Pushing myself out of the uncomfortable chair, I made my way over to board the plane that would be taking me to my newest adventure, to a place where I would know no one. Most of my family lives there, mind you, but I would not know anyone from my university or from my neighborhood. Mullingar. Just far enough from my family where I would not have to deal with any family issues, but could still see them on occasion. Anyway, I found my seat not too far from the front and threw my carry-on in the overhead compartment before plopping my legging covered butt down in my seat. 'God I hope I sit next to someone who is normal on this 11 freaking hour flight,' I thought, staring at the empty isle seat beside me. And just my luck, the seat was taken by no one, and I could sleep peacefully to avoid too much jetlag when I landed.

My eyes fluttered open as I heard a flight attendant using the intercom to inform us that we would be landing in about five minutes. "Finally," I whispered to myself, sighing. Throwing headphones in my ears, Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding started to flow through as I sang along quietly. A few minutes after the song ended, we landed. Stretching up to the ceiling, I stood to grab my bags from the overhead compartment, and started to walk towards the tunnel signifying my new life beginning in this lovely place I could now call home.
Unlocking my white iPhone I shot a quick iMessage to my cousin Emma who would be picking me up and bringing be to my apartm-well, flat.
Me: hey em, just landed! see ya in a few just grabbing my bags! -b
A few seconds later my phone buzzed with a new text.
Em<3: hey love, can't wait to see you! I will me you there xx.
My eyes roamed the crowded airport seeing people rushing here and there, a green color flowing through the place, and people exchanging accented greetings as my feet brought me over to the baggage claim. Watching the luggage going round and round on the belt I spotted my navy blue and yellow polka-dotted suitcases. Squeezing my way through the people trying to find their luggage I finally grabbed mine only managing to elbow someone in the ribs, and softly mumble a sorry as I walked away. I turned to see the girl I had missed so much in the 4 years since I had last been to Ireland. Her light caramel brown hair and peircing blue eyes stared back at me as a huge smile formed on her lips and she ran as fast as she could in her 3-inch heels and long tan (well, spray tan because we all know us Irish are a bit lacking in the skin color area).
"Emma!" I screamed embracing my 20 year old cousin.
"My god I've missed yous! How's the family back home?" She questioned as she back away slightly from the hug.
"They're okay I guess, Mary's married and living with Connor now, and Jonathan is long gone as you know with two adorable young ones, so it was really just me and the oldies back home until now," I explained. My family consisted of me, my 24 year old sister Mary, and my 27 year old brother Jonathan, but once they both moved out I was the center of attention which was great for the first month. but was starting to bore me. And that was another one of the reasons that I moved here; the attention was just too much for me. Sure, I got everything I wanted, the clothes, the technology, but I didn't want the anymore. I had enough, I didn't need any more. Of course I kept this from my cousin, not wanting to ruin the mood.
"We'll go get you moved into your flat then go shopping yeah?"
"Sounds great!" I replied as we walked out of the glass doors into the light summer rain. 'Thank God I'm not dressed nice' I said to myself.
"Hun wrong side of de car," she laughed in my direction.
"Damnit I even thought about that as I walked up to it!"
"Common mistake, love. Don't worry about it!"
I walked to the other side of the car and slid in as Emma closed the back doors of her Range Rover, and we were off.
"Oh B, I forgot to tell you, but next week is our family reunion and mum told me to make you come...you in?"
I nodded, not having a good enough excuse to not go, "Sure, I'll be there, but can I have a ride and maybe your help in picking out an outfit?"
"But of course!" She sweetly replied before looking back out at the road. She turned out onto an exit looking up at her GPS as she went, getting closer and closer to my flat until soon enough a modern looking building was sitting right in front of us. I unbuckled my seatbelt, opening the door as I stood to look at my new flat.
"Welcome Home!" Emma called across to me.


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