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Daddies' little girl

Chapter 3

By the time I've found my class, I am late.

Gosh, I hate to have to do an entrance. I apologise and try to be as discrete as possible. But everybody is staring at me. The ones that were in my class last year, the ones that were in another class, and the few new ones. Yep, everybody.

"Well. Thank you for joining us Miiiiiiss........." He knows who I am he just tries to embarrass me "Stylinson"

"It's Tomlinson-Styles". How could he have possibly read that wrong?

"Oh, yes. Will you accept my sincerest apologies Miss Von-Tomlinson-Styles? But in the future, would you mind being on time? As important as you think you are, having two very famous dads doesn't give you the right to interrupt the class when arriving at your convenient time".

I want to cry. And answer him that had he shut his big mouth up, nothing would have been interrupted. But that would just make things worst, get me more attention and probably make me end up in the principal's office. Pap would loooooove to come, I am sure. Dad too.

"Sorry, it won't happen again". I say quietly.

Tara is looking at me. Enjoying thoroughly this moment. I wish I could get up and punch her. Breath Iris. You are just having a cranky day. I breath slowly and notice the teacher looking at me. Crap. I try to look concerned while he talks. I don't move. After 15 minutes, I realise that Meli, my best friend is in the same class as me. Finally, good news.

I have to resist the urge to laugh. Meli looks dumb right now. Mouth open and eyes wide open. God knows I love her with all my heart but she did inherit from her dad that ability to sometimes have the dumbest face. We call it the "Amanda Seyfried Syndrom". Her dad, Meli and I often do "Amanda Seyfried's dumb face off", and Liam always win. We end up laughing hysterically. I love Liam's and Meli's ability to laugh about themselves. Especially since none of them is stupid.

Her dad... Yes, Liam Payne. He had a daughter 2 months after I was born. That's how we met. But our friendship isn't only based on being the daughters' of One Direction members. We actually insisted on being in the same school and Liam conceded to let Meli come to my school, after 2 years of begging.

I only mention Liam as Meli lost her mom when she was 9 years old. She was like a mom to me. Meli will always be a sister to me. Liam hasn't dated anyone, at least seriously, since his wife passed away. I still miss her.

Shit. I am getting emotional in the middle of the class. I rub my eyes to stop the tears.

Meli is happy, as happy as you can be without your mum. Liam is a great dad. I am sometimes jealous of their relation. I wish I was alone with Dad. And Lisa and Lauren would lived with Louis. I sometime wish that Meli and I were twins and we both would live with Liam. But as soon as any of those thoughts cross my mind, I feel ashamed and regrets it.

And anyway, even without being his daughter, I am really close from Liam. I know he is there for me, I sleep often at their place. We have a good time... Well, we had. I haven't been allowed to go anywhere since last June, when I have been grounded until... Well.. Until Dad and Pap say I am not grounded anymore. I think I will be 18 before that happens.

"Your majesty? Your MAJESTY? YOUR MA-JES-TY"

Oops, I was dreaming awake. The teacher's screams woke me up. Everybody looks at me. Again.

"And we have the winner of the first detention of the year. Everybody applause Miss Stylinson for the new record : 47 minutes after the start of the year". Everybody applause.

"It's Tomlinson-Styles"

"Well, you'll stay Wednesday after school Miss Tomlinson-Styles"

Crappity Crap.


awesome story.