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Chapter 66

Harry's POV

"Maybe you should slow down, Haz," Niall says, nudging my arm. I've lost count of how many beers I've had. Doesn't matter anyway. I'm not driving, right? Lana was oddly persistent about that.

Speaking of Lana, I've barely seen her tonight. I really don't even know where she is right now. Once in a while she'll kiss my cheek or sit next to me for a while, but then she's gone before I can try to talk to her. I can tell she's trying to smooth things over without actually talking about this because she clearly doesn't want to talk. But I do.

But that probably isn't a good idea right now. It's not even midnight and I am definitely past tipsy. I can handle a lot of alcohol before it starts effecting me. Niall is probably right..maybe I should slow down.

Fuck it.

I finish my bear and put it on the counter, then get another one from our stash in the fridge and go out to the back porch. Maybe the cold air will sober me up a little. I hear someone come out, but I don't look to see who it is.

"You look bored, Styles."

I turn to see who the voice belongs to. She looks familiar but...

"How do you know my name?"

She smiles. Well, it's kind of a smile. It's more menacing than anything else. It's actually kind of creepy. "You don't remember me?"

"Not at all."

She laughs a little and steps closer, running her finger down my arm. "I had a feelilng you'd get bored with Lana. They always do."

OH! This is the bitch that hooked up with Josh when he was with Lana. That girl from the party. What's her name again? Cassy? Something with a c.

"Trust me, I'm not bored," I say, talking a step to the side to put some distance between us.

"Then why are you out here all by yourself?" I take a sip of my beer and ignore the question. None of her damn business, that's why.

Good thing I didn't say that out loud. Apparently the drunk me isn't as witty as usual.

"What, is your leash so tight you can't even talk to me?" she asks seductively, coming closer to me again.

I smirk and look her dead in the eyes. "Nope. I just think you're a whore." Her mouth drops open but she quickly closes it again and goes back to that weird smile. "Not really my type."

"Honey, I'm everyone's type."

I actually laugh at that statement. So she's trying to be a slut? Like actually telling people that. That's a new one. Interesting strategy.

"Trust me, you aren't. Can you leave me alone now?"

"Last time I saw you I didn't realize how sexy you are," she says, ignoring my request. "You can do a lot better than Lana Forester, trust me."

I'm about to rip this bitch's throat out when I hear someone behind us.

"Excuse me?" I turn to see Lana standing there, arms crossed. She's glaring at the girl. If looks could kill. What is this chick's name again?

"Please, I'm not telling him anything everyone doesn't already know."

"Okay, it's time for you to go," Lana says, walking over and putting herself in front of me. That girl still has that creepy little smile type thing on her face. Lana's voice is stern and she's way taller right now in her shoes. She's actually intimidating. I'm impressed. "I said go, Clarissa," she says, pointing to the house.

Clarissa. That's her name.

Clarissa laughs darkly, then winks at me and goes back to the house. Before she shuts the door she glares at Lana. "He'll get bored of you Lana. Don't be surprised if you find me doing the same thing I did with Josh.."

She shuts the door and walks away, manoeuvring through the crowded house and out of my sight.

"Wow, babe, I'm impressed!" I say loudly, smiling as she turns to look at me.

"What the hell are you doing out here with her?" she asks sharply, folding her arms. She does not look impressed.

"I came out for some air. She followed me. I told her to leave me alone."

"I think you need to be more convincing about your lack of interest when sluts like that flirt with you, Harry."

I was such a dick to her five minutes ago. How much more convincing could I be? I know how to be a dick. Trust me, I was being one.

"Well? Are you going to say anything?" She sounds impatient. I don't understand what we're fighting about. I put my beer down and put my hands on either side of her face and quickly put my lips against hers before she can protest. She doesn't kiss me back, but I continue working my lips against hers until she does. She finally softens, moving her lips in sync with mine and pressing herself up against me. I slide my tongue into her mouth. She doesn't protest, to my surprise. When I'm sure she's not going to pull away, I move one of my hands to the back of her head while the other slides down her waist to rest on the top of her ass.

I groan when she pulls back.

"People can see us, Harry," she whispers. I lean my forehead against hers and try to slow my breathing.

"I miss you," I say, planting a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"I'm right here," she says quietly. I pull back and look at her, but she doesn't meet my eyes.

"Do you still love me?"

"What?" she asks, snapping her head up to look at me. She's clearly surprised by my question.

"Do you?" I ask again, wrapping my arms around her and nuzzling my nose against her neck.

"Harry, how much have you had to drink?"

"Not that much. Answer the question." She's avoiding the question. Does she not love me anymore!?

Drunk Harry is needy apparently.

"I don't believe you, but okay," she says, laughing a little and wrapping her arms around my neck. "Of course I still love you," she whispers, kissing my cheek a few times.

I pull away, smiling like an idiot. "Really?"

"You are so adorable," she says, pushing some ringlets away from my face.

"And you're sexy as hell," I respond, leaning down to kiss her again. I keep it short, but I'm kind of going crazy here. "You're not making my life easy."

"Try to keep it in your pants, Styles," she teases, tapping my nose. I chuckle and lean down to kiss her again, but she puts her hands on my face and stops me. "I'm serious."

"Me too."



"Let's go back inside," she suggests, pulling away and taking my hand. I turn to take my beer off the railing and follow her inside.

"Thank goodness," Louis calls as we come in. Lana leads me to the counter where the others are standing. "I thought you two were going to start goin' at it on the porch."

"We don't do it in public places, Louis," Lana says as I wrap my arms around her from behind.

"Much," I add. Lana hits my arm and I laugh and lean down to look at her face. Yep, it's red. Just as I thought. "What time is it?"

"11:30," Niall says, looking at his phone quickly. He suddenly looks at it again and I swear I could see the colour drain from his face.

"Niall?" Brooke asks, obviously seeing what I did. "Is everything okay?" He continues staring at his phone.

"Niall!" I shout. Pretty loud apparently, because half the people in the room are looking at us now. Niall looks up and puts his phone back in his pocket. I feel Lana laugh against my chest. "What?" I ask, leaning down to look at her again.

"You're cute when you're drunk," she says, rubbing her nose against my cheek. She stops quickly though and touches her nose with the tips of her fingers. "Geez, when was the last time you shaved?"

"A while," I admit. "You would know that if you'd spent any time with me this week. Shows how little you've kissed me."

She pulls away and turns to look at me. Well, I would probably call it a glare. I didn't mean for that to be a dig, but I guess that's how it sounded. I'm about to take it back when she turns and storms out of the room.

"Nice, Harry," Brooke says, following Lana out of the room. El does the same.

"I have to say, drunk Harry is different with a girlfriend. You're so needy," Niall says as I take a beer out of the fridge and sit on the counter beside where he's standing.

"Shut up, Niall," I say, opening the bottle and chugging half of it back.

"You're still an ass though, that hasn't changed," he continues.

"What was on you're phone?" I ask, trying to switch the conversation a little bit. He shrugs and takes a sip of his drink. "Niall."

"It was Zayn."

Shit. "What did he say?"

"Don't worry about it, Harry."

"For fucks sake Niall, just tell me."

"It's nothing, okay?"

"No, it's not. Anything Zayn says needs to be told to me. He's threatening my girlfriend, not yours."

He sighs and Louis comes closer to hear what the message said. "He told me to tell you Lana looks hot in that sparkly dress."

What the fuck? "How the fuck does he know what Lana's wearing?" I yell, jumping off the counter and looking at Niall.

"I don't know, Harry, relax."

"I'm not going to relax! He's here!" I shout, drawing attention to myself again. Niall looks around nervously and walks to the back of the ouse and into his dad's office. I have to refrain from punching or throwing something.

"Harry, get it together," Louis says, hitting my arm.

"I need to find her," I say suddenly, walking back out into the crowd. She's off somewhere with the girls and I'm probably the person she wants to see right now, but frankly I don't give a shit. If Zayn is here, then I need to protect her. Whether she likes it or not, that's how it's going to be. People mostly move out of my path, but if they don't I don't really care. I just push through them. I'm bigger than most other people, and a lot of these guys are scared of me. Let's just say rumour of me and Niall's prior involvement in a gang spread pretty quickly. I make two rounds of the main floor and meet up with Lou and Niall again in the kitchen.

"You didn't see her?" I ask them, suddenly nervous. They both shake their heads and I make a bee-line for the stairs, taking them two at a time. I open the first three doors, and don't find anything. I go to the door of Niall's bedroom and try to open it, but it's locked. Niall and Louis finally get up the stairs and I turn to them. "She's in here, I think."

"So go in," Niall says simply.

"Gee thanks, Niall," I say sarcastically. "It's locked, dumbass."

"Yep drunk Harry is definitely still an ass," he confirms to Louis. I roll my eyes and pound on the door.

"Lana are you in there?" I shout, then lean my hands on the door so put my ear against it. I don't really hear anything. "Lana?"

Suddenly the door swings open and I stumble forward a little. "Shit, Harry. How much have you actually had to drink tonight?" she asks, putting her hand under my arm to help me get my balance back.

"That's not important," I say, taking her hands in mine.

"Yes it is. You're the most coordinated person on the planet."

"We need to go," I say, pulling her towards the door. She tugs her hand out of mine and takes a step back.

"What's the rush? It's not even midnight." I turn to look at her. She looks confused.

"We just need to go," I say desperately. She raises an eyebrow at me and looks around me at the other four by the door. She takes a step closer to me so she can speak quietly.

"I'm not leaving because you want to have sex," she says plainly. I roll my eyes.

"Damn it, Lana, that isn't why I want to leave!" I shout.

She takes a small step back, frightened by my sudden outburst. Fuck, why did I drink so much? I can't deal with this without a clear mind.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, not when you're like this," she says, folding her arms protectively. Is she scared of me?

"Haz, calm down," Niall says, coming up behind me.

"What's the problem?" Lana asks, looking behind me at Niall.

"Harry's just overreacting about something, that's all." I turn and glare at him, hoping he'll get the hint and shut the fuck up before Lana figures out what's happening.

"Harry?" I slowly turn back to her. She raises her eyebrows expectantly. "If you want me to consider going anywhere with you, then you should explain what's happening right now."

"Why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut?" I bark at Niall. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Right, because you were totally playing it cool."

"Someone please explain what this is about," Lana says again.

"It isn't safe for you here," I say, before I can stop myself. So. Stupid.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, we just need to go home," I say, taking a step towards her.

"I'm supposed to drive everyone, Harry, we can't just leave."

Why is she fighting me on this? Oh, probably because I'm drunk and I yelled at her and I'm not making any sense right now.

"Fine, but I'm not letting you out of my sight," I say, gesturing towards the door. She stares at me for a second. I expect her to start arguing or something, but she just rolls her eyes and walks past me. I follow, close on her heels. She sudden spins around and we collide a little. Somehow I manage not to fall over and to catch Lana before she does as well. I hear her gasp a little and smirk down at her. Isn't this how we first met?

"Careful, love," I whisper, looking down at her lips.

"You are so bipolar right now," she says, straightening her dress and pulling away from me. I follow her down the stairs and I can hear the others coming down behind us as well. We go into the kitchen where it is now less crowded. Lana hops up on the counter and I take a beer out of the fridge for myself, then stand between her legs. I pop the lid off and hold it out to her.

"Do you want some?"

"I'm driving, remember?" She says nervously.

"One sip won't do anything," I say, holding it higher to her mouth. She pushes it away.

"No, Harry."

"Fine. More for me," I say, shrugging and smiling at her. I drink most of it and she laughs and shakes her head at me. "Is there a reason you've been avoiding me tonight?"

"Who says I've been avoiding you?"

"I've barely seen you. I don't want to brag, but normally you can't keep your hands off me at parties," I say, leaning in closer to her face. She scrunches her nose.

"Your breath smells like beer," she says, leaning back a little.

"That would make sense."

She pushes me back gently. "It's making me nauseous, Harry."

My eyebrows pull together in confusion. "What?"

Lana's POV

Shit. I did not just say that. My eyes are wide, I can feel it. I probably look like a deer in headlights.

"Why would that make you feel sick?" he asks.

"I just don't like beer."

"Yes you do, you drink it all the time," he argues. Fuck. Apparently his memory is in tact.

"I don't know, I just don't like the smell, okay?" I say, probably a little to harshly. He looks more confused than ever.

"What's the problem right now?" he asks, putting the beer down. His eyes are glossy. I've never seen him this drunk.

"Nothing, Harry. I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine."

"Neither do you. How many of those have you had?" I ask, pointing to the beer.

He shrugs and looks at the bottle for a minute. "Maybe like twelve?"

"Try 16," Niall says, opening the fridge.

"What!" I look back at Harry who is smiling like a little kid. I raise my eyebrows at him and he shrugs. He is so adorable right now and apparently easily didstracted. He picks up his beer and downs the rest, then turns to Niall.

"Pass me the next one," he says, holding out his hand to Niall. Niall gives him one, to my surprise. Harry opens it, but I hold it down before he can put it to his mouth.

"Is that a good idea?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair. A lazy smile appears on his face, eyes flickering at the touch.

"Well I can thinking of something else to do that's probably a better one," he says quietly, staring at my lips. His free hand slides up my leg, going under the skirt of my dress.

"Subtle," I say pushing his hand back down.

"Subtlety was never one of my greatest skills, babe." He leans forward and kisses me. It's sloppy from his drinking. He pulls away after a minute and takes a sip of his beer. "Oh, so you'd rather drink?" I ask, surprised he isn't pursuing this like I thought he would.

"I've barely seen you, I doubt you're about to let me have my way with you in the bathroom," he says, a little too loudly. Louis starts laughing beside me.

"Oh boy," he says, turning so he's not facing us anymore.

"So the bathroom?" he suggests, taking another sip of his beer. The smell is so gross right now, I can't even handle it. I don't want to think about why that might be.

"Not as long as you're drinking that," I say, pointing to the bottle.

He looks at it and smiles at me. "Don't make me choose, babe."

"Watch yourself, Styles," I warn, narrowing my eyes at him. He laughs and continues drinking it.

"It's almost midnight!" El squeals suddenly, jumping down off the counter and dragging Louis by the hand and onto the back porch.

"Where is she going?" I ask, sliding off the countertop.

"We get a great view of fireworks from here. They're pretty close, too. No idea where they're from, though," Niall says, slinging an arm around Brooke's shoulder and going outside with her. I take Harry's hand to help him outside and he grabs another beer on the way out. I've never seen him drink like this.

Harry trips over the doorstep on the way outside and starts laughing hysterically at himself. I watch him for a minute, so surprised by his actions, but I can't help but laugh with him. It's like one of those baby laughs that just sounds so happy and pure it just makes you need to laugh too.

Hold on. Did I just think about a baby...

Everyone else laughs too and Harry stumbles over to the railing, leaning on it and starting his next beer. I stand between him and El and he slings his arm around my shoulder, leaning a lot of his weight on me. He keeps saying the most random things, and everyone is busting a gut laughing at his strange mood.

"It's so cold," he whines, leaning his head on the top of mine.

"Harry, you're radiating heat right now."

"I never said I was cold. Just saying it is cold."

"You're weird."

"No, you know what's weird?" he says, suddenly standing on his own and looking at me with a serious expression. His hair is an absolute mess right now.

"What's weird?" El asks. I turn and look at her. She's the only one giving her full attention to Harry and taking him seriously. She's probably more drunk than he is right now. The other three are laughing and watching the exchange, making jokes about the two of them.

"Here we go," Niall says, waiting to hear what Harry's about to tell us. Everyone is looking at Harry, waiting for him to tell us what is so weird.

"Harry," I encourage him to continue. He looks down at me and smiles.

"Hey, baby," he says, grinning widely.

"Hello," I laugh. "Are you going to tell us what is weird?"

"What?" I roll my eyes and everyone laughs at his lapse in memory. "I'll tell you what is weird, though. That I can get a girl as hot as you," he says hungrily, bending down and kissing my neck.

"Alright, one minute to midnight!" El yells. I finally manage to push Harry back, but he just winks and tells me we'll continue this later.

Suddenly my heart starts racing. Not because of the new year or anything. I just suddenly feel the urge to tell Harry what's happening with me.

I wrap my arms around his neck slowly so I don't knock him over. "Harry, I need to tell you something," I whisper in his ear. He probably won't even remember this tomorrow, right?

"Thirty seconds!" El yells.

"Okay, make it quick, though. I don't want to miss the new year."

I laugh softly and take a deep breath. "I think I might actually be pregnant."

He doesn't really react and I don't try to look at his face. "With a baby?" he asks calmly. I laugh again and pull away to look at him.

"No, with a kitten."

"We would make the cutest kitten ever," he slurs.

I hear everyone start counting down from ten. "With a baby, Harry." He nods and I can see that he's starting to realize what I'm saying.

"5...4...3...2...1..HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone shouts behind me.

"Happy new year indeed," Harry whispers.


i dont really know how i feel about this chapter...cant decide if im satisfied with it or not. i hope you guys like it

let me know what you thinkkkk :)


i am in the process of posting it on wattpad :)

shygurl11 shygurl11

Can I please, please, PLEASE put your story on Wattpad.?? I'll give you credit and everything.!

ive tried doing that with another story but because it's already finished i just forget :/ and i had that one up for a while and i barely got any reads, so i gave up lol.
but thank you :)

shygurl11 shygurl11

You should seriously publish this book on wattpad, cuz u really are an awesome author.. so you're talent can be heard

would it be okay if I published this story on wattpad, if no one else has done so already? I love this fanfiction so much and I though it would be great for more people to see this. I would give you full creds! get back to me soon xx