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It Takes Patience II: Guarded

Chapter 41: Unwavering Ultimatum

*Reagan’s POV*
Laurie walked to the table cautiously, eyeing Peyton and I both as she reached us. She smiled at me and then glaring over at Peyton as Niall pulled out a chair for her to sit down. Niall looked less than enthused to be here right now and his facial expression could have been the mirror to how I felt at the moment. I moved my chair further away from the table and it almost looked as if I didn’t belong there. I don’t want Niall to put more into the scenario than I’m sure he already is. He spoke before he glared at Peyton and then back to me. He then allowed his eyes to roam around the small bar, before the devastating blue of his irises came back full circle landing on my hazel ones. A scowl was etched into his features and my palms immediately began to sweat when I realized who it was he was searching for but wouldn’t find.

“Hi guys,” Laurie finally spoke breaking the awkward glances between her and Peyton before she sat down, “I didn’t know you would be here Reagan. How are you?” My face contorted in confusion briefly before I shook my head and smiled replying back to L.

“I’m good, I tried to call you to see if you were coming earlier but the call went straight to your voicemail...Did Peyton not tell you I was coming?” I glared over at him, but he simply shrugged and mouthed the words ‘surprise’ before he smiled small and looked over at Niall.

When Niall walked in behind Laurie I’m sure I saw Peyton’s eyebrows furrow but they smoothed themselves as Niall took his seat at the table. I was just about as shocked as Peyton was at the sight of Niall however. Our gaze met briefly again and in that millimeter of a second, my eyes begged him not to tell Harry where I was.

“No, Peyton didn’t say anything. In fact he told me that it would be just the two of us.” Niall’s presents became clearer as Laurie glared over at Peyton again. He returned her stare as he drank his beer and then set the bottle down on the table looking back at Niall as the waitress from earlier handed me my water.

“Would you like a drink Niall? On me of course. I wasn’t expecting you to come.” Peyton gestured for the waitress to stand by for Niall's drink order, but Niall scoffed.

“When Laurie told me where she was goin and who was goin t’ be here I wouldn’t let her come alone. I can pay for a drink for me self, thanks.” Niall ordered a beer and as soon as the waitress left the tension at the table rose beyond an uncomfortable level. Laurie still wouldn’t make full eye contact with me and Niall’s glance met mine again. I’m not sure if he picked up my brain signals, but I was going to fix the problem I caused for myself. Just as I was going to open my mouth to say that I was leaving, Peyton cut me off.

“I’m no threat mate, I just wanted to get something clear with Laurie and Reagan, that’s all.”

“I don’t think you’re a threat mate and I’m not worried about that. Do I think you’re a sneak? Maybe. But a threat? Far from it.” There was a cock fight going on and the use of the word ‘mate’ became more sarcastic every time that it was mentioned. None of Harry’s friends liked Peyton after what they found out what happened between he and I over the summer and when he came into the bar where H. works, I’m sure it only made matters worse. Peyton dropped his head and laughed before finishing the contents of his beer bottle. An arrogant air surrounded him before he spoke again. The waitress reappeared with Niall's drink and another beer for Peyton. She popped the caps for them quickly before she left the table.

“Is it me who’s the sneak or is it your girlfriend?” Laurie’s face went pale and I saw her shake her head 'no' slightly before Peyton continued.

“Come on Laurie, tell Reagan the truth about Maudsley and what you said.”

“Peyton stop.” Laurie said with her eyes widening in what I thought to be panic.

“No Laurie, this needs to be said now. You let Reagan think that you’re this great person and you didn’t have a problem when she put everything on me, accusing me for your jealous work.”

“What is he talking about Laurie?” I looked at her hoping that Peyton wasn’t hinting on what I thought he was, but when Laurie dropped her head all hope went out the window.

“Tell her about how you would tell me that she didn’t deserve that position with Dr. Baker.” Laurie’s eyes began to fill with tears and Peyton began to chuckle in between sips of his beer.

“Tell her how you would tell me that you could do a better job at it than her and that she needed to go back home to America.”

“I didn’t say that!” Peyton snorted then shook his head.

“Oh come now, tell the truth Laurie if you don’t I have proof that says otherwise.” I looked at Laurie again then to Niall, his eyebrows were furrowed in anger. As he typed out a message on his phone my heart began to sink further and further into my chest before anger built.

“You got me sent home? All of this that happened, it was your fault because you were jealous?!” I raised my voice and gained onlookers in the bar but at the moment I didn’t care. Niall looked to me and then to Laurie waiting for an answer, but he didn't move to leave her side.

“No Reagan it wasn’t like that! I was jealous at first but what I told you still doesn’t change. I got over it and I was over the whole internship after I met Niall. I didn’t tell on you and Harry!”

“Lying bitch. Her relationship with Harry was the perfect opportunity for you to strike and you ran with it.”

“Don’t you fuckin talk t’ her like that!” Niall stood from the table abruptly putting his phone down and got in Peyton’s face. Peyton began to laugh and then stood up himself looking down at Niall. Niall is at least half a foot shorter than Peyton is, but I’m sure that he could hold his own if it came down to it.

Security began to make their way towards us shoving through the overly crowded bar as our table earned several stares from the commotion we were causing. Laurie grabbed Niall’s arm and shook her head with tears running from her eyes still.

“It’s fine Niall stop,” Security made it to our table telling us that we had to leave but Laurie continued to argue her defense to me, “I said some of those things Reagan but I wouldn’t dare think-”

“That you would get caught! She’s lying to you Reagan! Who are you going to believe? The one who brought it to your attention in the first place or the one who can’t even let a lie go when they’ve been so blatantly put out in the open? ” My head began to race and I couldn’t bring myself to say anything; it felt as if cotton filled my mouth and my throat began to close. I feel so close to Laurie and she won’t even tell me the truth. I grabbed my purse off of the table and started to leave when Peyton grabbed my arm holding me in this new found hell.

“Peyton let me go!”

“Let her go!” Niall spoke in my defense shocking me, but Peyton ignored him looking at me with an honest expression covering his face before he whispered in my ear.

“I just wanted you to know the truth. I’m not as horrible as you think. It’s not me that you have to look out for.” I tried to pull away from him again, and when Niall saw my struggle he crossed from where he was and pushed Peyton against the bar.

Laurie began to yell for Niall to stop as a security guard grabbed both of our hands escorting us out. The air outside had gotten colder and I cursed myself for not bringing a jacket. Laurie tried to talk but I drowned her out and stood frozen when my eyes landed on ones the color of a dark evergreen.

“Harry I-” The look in his eyes flashed so full of anger and most of all hurt that I couldn’t even finish my sentence.

“Go get in the car Reagan.” He sounded so drained and different from how he was earlier today when he was happy, when it was just he and I,'before you ruined it', my focused side filled in the remainder of my sentence and I didn’t even bother to try and ignore it this time. It is my fault.
I made my way towards the car and when Harry continued to walk towards the bar walking past Niall and towards Peyton I stopped. He can’t do this. He has too much riding on him right now for him to do what I know he will if no one stops him.

“Harry what are you doing? I’m sorry! Can we please just go? Please?” Harry didn’t even bother to look back my way and when he spoke to me again, I could barely breathe.

“Reagan shut the fuck up and go get in the car! NOW!” I closed the car door and made my way towards him as fast as I could but it was too late.

*Harry’s POV*
When I got to Peyton I know he wasn’t expecting me grab him but I did. The security guard began to call the police on his mobile and as much as I want to bash this fucker’s face in I will myself to have some type of self-control before I speak. I can feel Niall pulling me away from him and I’ll let go once I get my point across. I had him in a headlock and with every word I could feel my arms get tighter and tighter around his throat.

“I’m watching you and if you contact her again even if it is for work, I will personally make it a point of mine to break your fucking ne-”

“Harry no! Don’t threaten him that will only make this worse! You out of all people can’t afford this! Let’s just go before the cops get here. Look at the state of Reagan. She’s a wreck! Just get her home. Let him go!” Niall pulled me back again and pushed me towards my car and as soon as I dropped my grasp on Peyton, he fell to the ground gasping for air as the color returned to his face.

Laurie let Reagan go from apparently holding her back from me. She ran into my arms hesitantly and I grabbed her, opening her car door and making sure she was in before I made it to my side.

I jumped in slamming the door behind me and forced myself to drive off, leaving Peyton unscathed in my opinion, with the same condescending smirk that he had on his face before I got hold of him. All of me wanted to turn around and finish what I started, but when I glanced at Reagan my thoughts began to go elsewhere. It was silent in the car except for the occasional sniffle coming from glasses and it pissed me off but made me want to dry her eyes at the same time.

I drove quickly and my mind was so clouded and jumbled that I passed her hotel. I don’t know if it was intentionally or because I could barely think straight. I pulled over when I got halfway to my house and put the car in park, not being able to take the silence and the constant questions that roamed through my mind.

“What were you thinking?! What the fuck is wrong with you Reagan?!” She flinched when I yelled, and when I looked at her as much as I wanted my facial expression to harden it wouldn’t. The muscles in my face betrayed me and look of hurt came through instead of that of anger.

“You fancy him?!”

“No! Harry you know I don’t!” Her breathing is escalating and I know she doesn’t have her pills with her, but she’ll just have to deal with the attack right now.

“I don’t know, obviously! If you don’t like him then why do you keep doing this to me Reagan?! To us?! Why do we keep going back and forth with the same shit?! I love you Reagan! ME! Not him! He’s trying to tear us apart but you're too naive to even notice! You fall for his tricks and games every time! How are you supposed to be a psychology major when you can’t even read into the little shit that he does? He doesn’t give a fuck about you and you let him do this to us! Why?!”

Regan looked at me taking a deep breath before she wiped her eyes, but that wasn’t a rhetorical question.

“ANSWER ME!” I hit the steering wheel causing her to jump again. I would never hit her and she knows that, but my frustration has to go somewhere.

“I wasn’t going to stay and I didn’t know that it was going to turn into an ambush! I just wanted to know who told on us when I was interning for Dr. Baker and-” She’s making no sense and it’s pissing me off even more than I was earlier. I cut her off before she could finish not wanting to hear any more of this bullshit answer she was giving.

“Why does that FUCKING matter Reagan?! Why? It’s in the past! You’re here with me right now, but you haven’t even thought about what happens when you’re done here this time have you?” She went silent again and her facial expression changed from apologetic to dumbfounded. I chuckled humorlessly when she didn’t answer and shook my head in disbelief and frustration.

“You really haven't thought about it. Wow, Reagan. Back to square-fucking-one! And if you were trying to hurt me, that just did it. Congratulations.” I started the car and pulled off towards home and was shocked when I felt more hurt than I was angry. I can't believe she had nothing to say.

She hasn't even thought about a way to stay with me.

Reagan eventually calmed herself enough to speak when we pulled into the front dive of my house, but I didn’t want to talk to her. The only reason I brought her back here is because I’ll be damned if I let her stay in the same hotel as Peyton. Anger at the thought of her under the same roof as him began to rise and as soon as Reagan opened her mouth to talk I cut her off again.

“I’ll make it easy for you Reagan, or at least it’ll be easy for me. Keep allowing him to think that he has some type of a chance with you and we’re done. You won’t have to worry about trying to find a way to stay here, not that you’ve been doing that anyway.” I unlocked the door to the house and when she stepped in I closed it behind her.

“Harry-” She tried to grab my arm but I pulled away from her. Contact will make me give in to her right now and I mean what I said, even though the thought of leaving her brings me literal physical pain.

“Fuck off and go upstairs! Leave me alone!” I whisper shouted at her and went to the linen closet grabbing some covers out before I made my way to the basement.


Hey LOVELY NEW AND FAITHFUL SUBSCRIBERS!! Sorry the update is so late at night....or early in the day...or in the afternoon (depending on where you are in the world) but none the less here you go! What did you think? Did it end up how you predicted it would? Annnd who's telling the truth? Peyton or Laurie? Leave me loads of comments and continue to vote (can I get five more votes before the next chapter? votes and comments are so inspiring) and subscribe If you would like me to continue!~ I LOVE YOU ALL FOR READING~Xx


haha mine too they always try to put an extra "a" in it


Thank you, everybody is confused when I spell my name and try to correct me. Lol

Aww thank you :) I like your name too it's spelled different than it usually is


You have a unique name. My name is Katelynn.

Haha yes I'm able to drink. My name is Mya what's yours?
