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It Takes Patience II: Guarded

Chapter: 17: Reassured

*Reagan’s POV*
I woke up before Harry unaware of my surroundings at first but then very alert as to where I was when I looked around the room. I slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes remembering what I did last night. I smiled to myself and felt all the more sexy when i think about the look on his face while I was doing it. He never lets me take control really, but I’m glad he did last night. When I moved, Harry stirred next to me but didn’t wake. I heard footsteps down the hall and rose out of bed quickly to put on my leggings before his mom stopped at his door and knocked at it causing Harry to jump. His chest rose and fell quickly and he looked out of sorts when he woke up. I know he must have been having another nightmare when I looked at his face. His eyes softened when he looked back at me and smirked slightly before answering the second set of knocks.


“Give me a minute!” H. grumbled back at his mom groggy from sleep and then rubbed his hand over his face and through his hair still looking at me. Footsteps went down the stairs and I know that his mom went to the kitchen. Harry sunk back down in bed and sat down at the foot of it smiling at him as I put my hair up out of my face.

“Good morning.”


"Are you okay?" Harry looked at me as if he were shocked by my question before responding.

"I'm fine..." Harry continued to look at me and the perplexed look faded as he grinned at me then rested his head against the headboard and crossed his arms over his chest. His grin slowly got bigger even though now he wasn’t making eye contact with me.


“Nothing.” I know he’s thinking about last night and I smile at him and roll my eyes before I change the subject.

“Aren’t you going to go see what your mom wants?” His smile faded and he looked over to the clock on his bedside table before he took a deep breath and shook his head slowly.

“In a minute, I don’t feel like dealing with her right now.” His tone hardens and I empathize with both him and his mother. I wonder if their relationship was always like this. Sometimes Harry makes things so difficult for her and I know how she wants nothing more than for him to feel normal and happy, but she can’t continue to sacrifice her own happiness for his. An alarm on Harry’s phone goes off and I’m shocked by the shrill noise and by the fact that he has set an alarm for something. He reaches out a hand for me to hand him his phone and when I do he shuts it off and then gets out of bed throwing on some joggers before he heads for the door.

Harry nods for me to follow him down the stairs and then tells me to wait for him in the living room as he goes in the kitchen

*Harry’s POV*
When I go in the kitchen I hug my mum briefly before opening up the refrigerator grabbing two bottles of water. My mum raised a creased eyebrow at me before she walked over to the swinging door of the kitchen and peered out into the living room. I stood against the counter waiting for her to come out with it so we could get it over with. I’m tired of walking on egg shells around matter. When she turned around there was an unreadable expression on her face so I spoke for her to start it off.

“Yes that is Reagan in the common room. Yes she did sleep here last night. Yes we are trying to work on things and get back to normal, and yes I know you don’t approve. Now, ask me if I really care. It would be nice and less awkward if you didn’t treat her badly but-”

“I never said I didn’t approve Harry. I don’t want you... carrying on, in the house with her and I would rather you tell me when you’re going to have her over to spend the night, but I never said that I would treat her badly. She’s good for you I see that now.” I eyed my mum suspiciously as she spoke and looked her up and down as if she was going to begin to unzip her own skin from her body. She smoothed out the crease from her brow and laughed at my facial expression. I’ll believe it when I see it.

“Reagan? Reagan come in the kitchen with us darling.” I cocked my head to the side and as soon as Reagan came in I stepped between her and my mum waiting shielding her from any spiteful comments my mum could be getting ready to say. Reagan looked as nervous as I felt when my mum told me and her both to take a seat.

She looked at us both before she spoke. I probably should have taken my medication before she starts to talk because I can feel hostility rise within. She’s cornering me, us, and I don’t like it. My mood becomes clear on my face as she dramatically pauses searching for the words to say and when she looks at me my hands are gripping the edge of my seat. Instead of going off I let the chair go and walk towards the cabinet to get my medicine. I pop a pill and swallow it with nothing to wash it down and when I turn back around Reagan is fidgeting uncomfortably in the chair. I remember that her anxiety medicine is still in my jacket pocket upstairs. I wonder if she needs to take it and then feel my caution rise more as I take my seat again. If my mum makes her have an anxiety attack I don’t know what I’ll do.

“I understand that you two are working on things?” My mum directs the question towards Reagan and she nods and answers her politely.

“I’m glad to see you back Reagan. I truly am. When you left Harry wasn’t the same, and I was scared that the progress that he made after he was released was all going to falter and land him back in the hospital. You did cause quite a bit of damage when you left...” And there it is.

“Mum don’t I don’t need you to-”

“Shut up Harold.” My mum raised her hand in my direction to silence me but she was still calm. I sat back in my seat and gripped the chair again to stable my nerves and I bit my lip to keep from interjecting as she continued.

“You caused damage when you left Reagan. You know it and I know it, I almost lost my son, but that wasn’t your fault and I don’t blame you for it.” I furrowed my brow again and looked at Reagan who was fighting back tears. I looked back at my mum and shook my head. This needs to stop.

“And even though he left the hospital the next day, I still feel as if I would have lost him if you two hadn’t reunited again some type of way. You’re good for him and I do wish the best for the two of you. However, if you hurt my son again, I won’t be as nice.” My mum moved herself from leaning on the counter and then stepped in front of Reagan holding out her arms.

“Now come on give us a cuddle.” Reagan stood from her chair and hugged my mum and the sight of it took away some of the anxieties I had about bringing her around. My mum was one less person I had to worry about Reagan feeling comfortable around and I was thankful for it. When they let each other go, my mum looked at me and smiled and I found myself smiling back at her before I stood up and gave her a peck on the cheek surprising her and myself. My mum walked towards the door to put on her shoes for work and I couldn’t help the words that came out of my mouth,

“By the way mum we weren’t ‘carrying on in my room’ I wouldn’t do that with you here. I can’t do that here anymore anyway. I have absolutely no privacy. I can’t even ‘carry on’ by myself since you took the lock off my door...Unfortunate that.” My mum and Reagan’s faces turned as red as a crayon leaving me satisfied with their discomfort and chuckling to myself.

“Oh Harold! Do you have to be crude all of the time? Have a good day and don’t forget you have session today.” I rolled my eyes at my mum for feeling like she needed to remind me of everything all the time like I have A.D.D, but I nodded not wanting to ruin her mood before work.

*Reagan’s POV*
I couldn’t have been more thankful for what Harry’s mom said to me before she left. I thought that everyone blamed me for Harry’s suicide attempt especially her. I still blame myself for it though even if she doesn’t. I shake away the thought of it before I upset myself and turn around to see Harry heading for the stairs beckoning me to follow him.

“Come on glasses.” I follow him up the stairs, but instead of going to his room he heads for the bathroom and turns on the water in the bathtub. I pause at the door and the last time we took a shower together pops into my head sending a throbbing feeling to my center. Last night was new and different and I wouldn’t mind doing that again. It turned me on, and he let me take control, but it didn’t satisfy the way I needed it to. I need him and I have to convince him that I’m fine.

“Are you suggesting we shower together?” I stepped into the bathroom and Harry removed his hand from under the faucet to turn on the shower head. When he stood up he grinned at me, wiggled his eyebrows and then said ‘no’.

“We’re going to shower separate.”


“Reagan don’t start! You know why.”

“We don’t have to have sex. We can shower together without that.”

“Too dangerous right now, look will you please just give me a few days and then we can try. I just can’t now.”

“How long is a few days Harry?” Harry breathed out exasperatedly and then rubbed a hand over his face and through his hair.

“I don’t know a week! Will you please just stop?”

I started to off my clothes in front of him to try to sway his decision. He stood and watched me strip but instead of taking off his clothes to join me like I hoped he would, he told me to get in the shower and closed the curtain.

When I emerged, Harry set my change of clothes on the sink and when I went into his room, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, wrapped in a towel with water dripping off of his hair from under the towel he had on his head. He looked up at me from his phone and I couldn’t help but get a bad shiver down my spine. It reminded me of the time when I saw him the day of the argument. I snapped out of it when I noticed that he was grinning at me before he asked me a question.

“What are you doing today?”

“I was hoping to hang out with you?” Harry looked up at me and grinned before he shook his head sending some water droplets flying on my skin. I could have sworn I felt them sizzle. He looks so hot....and naked...he’s naked under that towel...I need him so bad.

“I’ve got to go to session and I work early today, that’s what that alarm was for to remind me about session so I don’t miss it. I have to head to work as soon as I leave session.” I let out an annoyed sigh before he grabbed my hand and pulled me in-between his legs looking up at me.

“Why can’t you call in and see if your boss will let you work today?” Dr. Koch’s stone ridden face came into my mind as soon as Harry suggested it. He dismissed me today because I was on my phone at the seminar.

“He made it clear that he doesn’t want to see me today.”

“What’s his name again?” Harry’s eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think and I put my finger between them to rub away the creases making him look up at me.

“Dr. Koch, he’s doing research today and I’m missing out.”

“Koch, Koch, Koch....” Harry repeated his name as if he were trying to remember something and furrowed his eyebrows again when his memory failed to be jogged. He shrugged his shoulders and stood up turning us around before he made me sit down on the bed.

He took the towel off of his head and threw it at me as he looked in his drawer to find a shirt to wear, and then underwear and jeans. I folded the towel and almost passed out when he casually removed the other towel that hung on his hips as he began to dress himself. He must have felt me staring because he turned his head and chuckled after he got his boxers on. I forced myself to put my mind on something else before the image of him naked in front of me drove me crazy with need.

“How is Dr. Baker? I saw her at the seminar. It turns out Dr. Koch was her intern years ago. That’s interesting right?” Harry narrowed his brow again as he pulled his shirt over his head and made another pensive facial expression when he looked at me.

“Yeah that’s interesting...She’s fine I guess. She’s going to talk my mum into letting me move out.” I looked at Harry and stood from the bed as he made his way out of his room grabbing his keys and his coat and handing me my pills out of the pocket of his jacket. I don’t think that he should move out and be alone yet, but he seems excited about it. Instead of turning it into an argument I buried my thoughts and grinned at him.

“Is this why you’re working so much and I can’t spend time with you today?” Harry nodded his head yes before he spoke again.

“I really started working there after, I tried to...after my accident. The boys thought it would be a good way to get over you if I had something to do every day, but yeah I guess it’s for that now.” I visibly tensed and Harry noticed and apologized for bringing it up again. He licked his bottom lip and my eyes landed on the tiny scar there.

“Have you talked to Niall? You know sense the two of you have fought?”

“How do you know I fought Niall?” Harry’s tone changed. It still must be a sore subject for him.

“I’m friends with Laurie, she told me.” Harry pursed his lips as we got into the car and his tone never changed.

“No I haven’t talked to him. I have nothing to say to him.” My heart sunk at the thought of him blocking off his friend because of me.

“Why Harry?”

“Not your problem Reagan. Just leave it alone.”

“You shouldn’t cut him off Harry. He was just looking out for you, he was trying to be a good friend. I would have done the same th-”

“Reagan drop it!” Harry’s fist tightened around the steering wheel and I could tell that he was getting agitated. We rode quietly for a little while before I brought it up again. I will not be to blame for a friendship going to the wayside.

“You were all together when you were at that party...”

“I was with Zayn and Louis. Liam and that other tosser came separately. It will be fine Reagan, but will you leave it alone for now please?! Christ you’re so fucking stubborn sometimes drop it means drop it!” I rolled my eyes at him and felt my hip vibrate before I gave him a kiss and got out of the car.


Hi guys Updateee Yayyyy! HELLO NEW SUBSCRIBERS AND FAITHFUL ONES!! What do did you think? What do you think it is that Harry is trying to remember? Who just texted Reagan at the end of the chapter? Leave me plenty of comments and feed back (good or bad) below in the comment section! By the way THANK YOU GUYS for all the lovely comments that I've gotten you guys are all the best! I'm happy that you're enjoying it so far I can't wait until we get further into the story. Be sure to VOTE VOTE VOTE and subscribe if you're enjoying it so far and haven't yet done so! LOVE YOU ALL FOR READING Xx!!! :D

P.S. I might change the title of this chapter because I'm not really feeling it lol just thought you should know.


haha mine too they always try to put an extra "a" in it


Thank you, everybody is confused when I spell my name and try to correct me. Lol

Aww thank you :) I like your name too it's spelled different than it usually is


You have a unique name. My name is Katelynn.

Haha yes I'm able to drink. My name is Mya what's yours?
