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It Takes Patience II: Guarded

Chapter 13: How to Be

*Reagan’s POV*
As we made our way out of the house we didn’t walk side by side or even close together for that matter. Harry was in front of me moving quickly through the crowd of people. I only caught up to him when he stopped to say something to Liam and Zayn. After he spoke, four eyes met with mine, one set shown with disapproval and the other with caution. I continued to follow Harry out and as I did I could feel both of them staring as if their gazes were burning holes into my back. Harry fumbled with his keys until he pushed the button on his remote to unlock the door.

“Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” The words came timidly out of my mouth as if I was an introvert talking to a stranger for the first time. We’re treading on such thin ice with each other I felt that if I spoke any louder everything would fall apart.

“I’m fine.” The soft, caring Harry that I was just with is now nowhere to be found and he’s back to being short and angry with me.

“I’ll pay for a taxi and you can come get your car tomorrow.”

“Reagan, I’m fine! If you want to get a taxi get it!” I slammed the door to his car and walked in front of it while dialing a cab service. I won’t put up with him being rude no matter how badly I want to be with him and I won’t risk him hurting himself or anyone else just because he’s not thinking straight. Harry scoffed before he shouted to me again.

“So familiar. You’re leaving again what a surprise!” I turned around and frustratingly ran a hand through my hair tugging at it as I stared at Harry's red rimmed glassy eyes. He means to drive me crazy and I fall for it every time.

“I had to leave Harry! I was going to have to leave regardless to what happened between us! And I’m not leaving now I’m calling us a cab!”

“But it made it that much easier for you didn’t it?! It was easy for you to go!”

“Harry, stop!” I held the phone against my ear with my shoulder giving the address and trying to ignore Harry’s rant until the call was over.

“It was easy for you to leave just like you’re leaving now!”

“I’m not leaving you now! I just don’t want you to get into an accident! Why would I ask to try to work on things and then leave?”

“You tell me!” This argument is going nowhere fast and the middle of the street is nowhere to talk about our relationship. I walked back towards the car and got in ending the phone call deciding that this was the best place to wait on our ride if we would be fighting the whole time.

Harry got in after me and went to put his keys in the ignition only for me to yank them out of his hand. He looked at me with forest green shown in his iris’s that only appears there when he’s furious or turned on and due to the context of the previous shouting bout, I know the dark shade wasn’t there for the latter reason.

Harry sat back in his seat exasperatedly with his eyebrows furrowed pinching his bottom lip. As we made eye contact once more he turned in his seat to face me. I'm sure that he was going to ask for his keys again, but quickly decided against it when he saw the menacing look in my eyes daring him to go there with me again.

When the taxi came, we both got out of the car and I locked it back using the remote. Harry glared at me again, but got into the cab giving his address.

“You can drop him off first please and then take me to the Savoy hotel plea–”

“You’re not going there you’re coming with me! Just the one address please.”

I looked up to the taxi driver through his rear-view mirror and then back to Harry. This time it was my eyebrows that knotted, but instead saying anything to correct it I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I’m tired of going back and forth with him tonight and I know that’s what would happen again if I continued to protest against him.

The car ride was silent besides the radio of the taxi that bellowed with foreign music in a language that I couldn’t pin point, French? Maybe it’s French. When we pulled over in front of Harry’s house, H. took out his wallet and paid the man telling him to keep the change. Harry caught up with me placing his hand on the small of my back as we walked towards his house. b As soon as we got to the door, all contact ceased as he turned around and looked at me leaning against the bricks, crossing his arms and quirking an eyebrow before he spoke.

“Can I have my keys back now or am I too drunk to unlock my door?” I took the keys out of my pocket and tossed them to him annoyed and fed up with his attitude. Harry turned to unlock the door and when he got it open he began to quickly punch numbers into an alarm system that wasn’t there the last time I remember being at his house. He closed and locked the door behind me before he climbed the stairs to his room stopping at the top of them.

“What are you doing? Come on!” H. whisper shouted at me before I climbed the stairwell and followed him into his bedroom.

“Close the door.”

Harry started to take off his clothes to get into bed and I closed the door behind me then stood uneasily in the door way unsure of what to do. I can tell that he is still angry at me and I’m still angry and hurt at him for what he said last night and that little stunt he pulled in the taxi. Taking off my clothes in front of him right now and getting into bed having him so close to me, is the last thing I want to do, but from the looks of it I don't have any other option.

Harry got into bed wearing only his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs and ran a hand through his hair before looking over at me.

“So you’re going to stand there all night and pout like a child or are you going to start talking?”

His glossy glare that he had gained from having too much to drink began to fade into a more normal texture as he spoke in a tone that wasn’t quiet, but it wasn’t too loud either. I assume it’s because his mom is here. It's disrespectful enough as it is that I'm here for the night without her being aware, it would be ten times worse to wake her out of her sleep due to mine and her son's arguing.

“Start talking about what Harry? I don’t want to talk right now. It’s really not a good time for either of us to say anything to each other. You’re drunk and every time I try to come to you like an adult you start shouting at me and throwing tantrums. You’re the child here not me.” Harry chuckled and folded his arms against his chest.

“I’m not drunk Reagan. Not the slightest bit, and are you really in any position to throw accusations around like you've done nothing wrong? I highly doubt you are.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

I cross over to the front of the bed from the doorway with my arms folded waiting for an answer. My voice raised a little louder at his previous statement and it makes me think that we should have gone to more neutral ground to have this discussion. I don't want a shouting match to happen, but when it comes to arguments between Harry and I it’s inevitable.

“You’re the cheat Reagan not me! You have no reason to be mad, absolutely none! I’ve done nothing to you yet you walk around like an arrogant bitch who thinks that I should bow down in front of you!”

I flinch from his words and look into his eyes that burn forest green. I know that what happened over the summer was my fault and I started the initial blow, but he can’t possibly think that he’s an innocent in everything. I swallow deeply to fight back tears and sit down on the love seat in the corner of his room before I speak again, thinking carefully over my words before I say them.

“Harry I’ve apologized for what I did. I know that a ‘sorry’ doesn’t take it back and I know you’re still hurting from it, but we’ll never be able to move on if you keep throwing in my face! I’m not trying to act like I did nothing wrong. I know I did, but it’s not fair for you to-”

“Don’t talk to me about what’s not fair! It’s not fair what you did! It’s not fair that you just got to leave and leave everything behind a mess without you even trying to clean it up!" Harry's voice cracked and I could feel my eyes water with in the minute, "I tried to kill myself because the thought of not being here seemed easier to bear than the thought of–”

His words came out like a punch to the chest and I can barely breathe from it. We haven’t mentioned his suicide attempt and I can tell that he was shocked by his own confession. He stopped himself before he finished his sentence and I’m glad that he did. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if he continued on and said what I think he was going to say. I can see his eyes water but he holds back tears only letting one emotion come through. Anger.

“Harry, don’t! Please don’t! Don’t say it, please don’t say it! The thought of you not being here Harry. When I found out...” Tears roll down my face as my breathing gets more and more erratic and I can see Harry’s features soften as I try to gasp for air.

“Reagan?” Anger is replaced by curiosity and concern when he stands up from his bed and crosses over the room to me. Tears continue to stream down my face and I turn away from Harry still not able to breathe.

“Reagan look at me. What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

I try to wipe my tears away but they continue to fall freely down my face. I began to tremble while I gasped for air and I’m sure I’m having a migraine of some sort. I’m so tired of arguing with him.

“Reagan are you okay?” Harry grabs my face in his hands and wipes away tears with the pad of his thumbs before he furrows his eyebrows in realization. He pulls my hand to stand me from the love seat and when I get to my feet, he carry’s me over to his bed before he lies my head on his shoulder as he strokes my hair.

“Shh shh shh. You have to try to calm down, breathe focus on your breathing.” I can tell he’s still angry but he changes his tone to a soothing level in order to put me at ease.

When I open my eyes, Harry is lying next to me rubbing my back with his eyebrows furrowed. Concern covers his angelic features as he looks at me. His eyes search mine, completely focused before he speaks again.

“Did you just have an anxiety attack?”

“Why do you care all of a sudden? Go ahead and finish yelling at me Harry! Tell me how I’m wrong, I messed everything up, and everything is my fault. But please don't tell me that I'm the reason that you tried to–”

“No! That's not your fault. I would never blame you for that. It was something stupid to do on my part. I blame you for a lot of things, but that's not one of them.That’s enough for tonight. I’m done talking about it for now. Since when do you have anxiety attacks?” Harry’s eyebrows stayed furrowed and I took a deep breath in frustration.

“Harry I’m tired and I don’t feel like talking about it. Can we just go to sleep please? I have work tomorrow and it’s already almost one.” Harry looked at me with a mixture of concern, anger, and possibly guilt before he turned over on his side putting his back to me. He took one of the pillows that was under his head and tossed it in my direction still not looking at me and I rose out of bed to remove my jeans to get more comfortable while his gaze was in the other direction. I slid under the covers and took the pillow that Harry threw at me to as a barrier between us before I fell asleep.

*Harry’s POV*
I woke up the next morning with the worst headache that I only get from too much whiskey and that annoying buzzing sound from Reagan’s goddamn alarm isn’t helping.

“Off!....Turn it off!” I could feel her shift in the bed, but not because she was next to me, because she was intertwined with me. She removed herself from under my arm and unwound her legs from between mine and I find myself somewhat amused that we ended up this way. I distinctly remember turning over so I wouldn't get close to her and that she put a pillow between us to keep the space in the middle of the bed.

Said pillow is now on the ground.

The annoying buzzing stopped and Reagan quickly stood out of bed in order to shimmy her jeans back up her legs. I tried not to look at her. I’m still pissed at her, but I can’t help myself. I can see the tiny love bites that I left on the inside of her thighs and the bruises that are still on her wrist and I turn my head away from her to grab my phone off of my bedside table. I can’t believe I allowed myself to hurt her that way. I should have never touched her.

I dial for a taxi to take her back to the hotel and take me back to get my car when I get out of bed, putting my phone between my shoulder and my ear as I balance pulling a pair of joggers up my legs.

“You didn’t have to do that. I could have called.” Reagan buttoned and zipped her pants before looking up at me.

“It’s not that big a deal. I needed one anyway so I can go get my car.” I really called to be considerate of her job. I know how much her work means to her, and I could have told her that. I just really don’t know how to act or how to approach simple conversation with her at the moment.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot.” Reagan dropped her head and stuffed her hands in her pockets awkwardly standing, mirroring my same feelings and thoughts.

I looked at her then walked past opening the door. We still have a lot to talk about like these anxiety attacks for one, but there was almost an unspoken agreement between us to wait until we have more time to do it, preferably when she won’t have to work.

“Harry what time did you get in last night? And before you leave for work today make sure you-” My mum stopped in her tracks on the stairs when she made eye contact with Reagan. I thought she'd left for work already.

“Hello Reagan.”

“Hello Ms. Cox.” Reagan looks so uncomfortable under my mums gaze and I feel kind of bad for her. I step in front of her and open the fridge in order get my mums attention off her and back to me.

“Make sure I what?”


“You were saying when you came down the stairs before I leave for work make sure I?”

“Oh, right, make sure you take the trash and put it in the bin outside.” My mum looked at me and then back to Reagan before she spoke again.

“Right, I’m already running late for work. Have a good day...both of you. Harry I’ll see you later.”

My mum walked over and kissed me on the cheek before she waved to Reagan and left the house. I know what that meant, ‘I’ll see you later’ stands for’ be ready to talk about some shit that’s none of my business’ in mum speak. Reagan looked at me and dropped her head again before heading outside for the taxi.

The wind blew crisp cool seven a.m. fall air and Reagan wrapped herself in her arms rubbing her hands vigorously up and down her sides to try and keep warm. It wasn’t until now that I noticed that she wasn’t wearing a jacket last night. Her hair blew in the wind and allowed the familiar scent of Reagan's strawberry and pineapple shampoo that she uses to waft through my nose and I can’t help but grin to myself. She used it that day we took a shower together. I shake the memory and take off my jacket wrapping her in it, much to her surprise.

“Welcome to fall in London. Sometimes it gets cold outside. This is called a jacket. Its main purpose is to keep you warm.” Reagan looked at me and rolled her eyes before thanking me and trying to fight back a smile.

She can never fight back a smile.

The taxi ride was quiet, but not a stiff silence like last night. I instructed the driver to take her to her hotel first so she won’t be late for work and when the car stopped she turned to look at me.

“Here. You can take your jacket back.”

“Keep it...I’ll get it later.” Her facial expression changes and she tries not to smile yet again.

“Won’t you be cold?”

“No, my car has heat glass- Reagan.” There was an awkward pause before she nodded her head up and down and turned to get out of the taxi. I don’t want to leave it like this. I can’t.

I grabbed her hand as gently as I could before she got out of the car, careful not to touch her wrists that I savagely marked. When she turned to look at me, I grabbed her face and pressed a kiss to the top of her forehead before telling her bye. She looked shocked by my actions, but pleased by them at the same time. She gives me a small smile before closing the door, and I convinced myself that there might be real hope for us as I watch her walk back into the hotel.


Hello to my Beautiful subscribers. How are you all today? The very first thing I want to say is THANK YOU! Thank you all so much for the lovely comments and feed back that you gave me last chapter! I hope I can continue to get feedback like that as i continue to post. You guys are so inspirational and the reason that I write the story so it means a lot to me when I get feedback like that from you all. You guys really are The Best! :D New update YAY! So what did you think of this chapter? Do you think that Harry's mom has an issue with Reagan being back like his friends do? Leave me your theories comment, give me more feedback and be sure to subscribe and vote if you're reading my lil story and enjoying it so far. LOVE YOU ALL IMMENSELY FOR READING Xx :D


haha mine too they always try to put an extra "a" in it


Thank you, everybody is confused when I spell my name and try to correct me. Lol

Aww thank you :) I like your name too it's spelled different than it usually is


You have a unique name. My name is Katelynn.

Haha yes I'm able to drink. My name is Mya what's yours?
