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She's Right

I explained everything to my mom. I told her that even though it was going to be a huge change, that I was ready. I wasn’t aborting a life, I had brought into this world.

She had hoped, I would let Harry back into my life, and that we could actually be one big happy family, but I knew that wasn’t happening. She didn’t agree with my decision…but I knew it was, what was best for my child and I.

So yeah, here I am…Almost at 9 months….It’s almost time! I had kept tabs with the girls, and my mom, but no one else…None of the boys knew…and I wasn’t planning on telling them either.

I quickly snatched my light blue pregnancy pants, wiggling slightly as I pulled them up. As I picked out a shirt, I glanced over at the side mirror. Wow…big belly…

But..thankfully NO stretchmarks.. I made sure to take good care, of not only my baby girl, but my body as well.

I slipped on my shirt before heading out to see my mom. She had insisted, that she needed to see me before I gave birth. I know…what your thinking where was I? Well..my mom would work…abroad of course, and go back home whenever she was free. I stayed in Italy…I live in my parent’s old condo. It was very big, on the beach, and peaceful.

A perfect place to raise a little girl.


As I parked in front of Cafe’ Latino Vincenzo Stira, a great coffee place in Palermo. Locking my car, I walked into the café immediately spotting her in a medium length indigo dress. She shot up out of her chair smiling.

“LIA! I’m so glad you came!”

“Mom…Why would I not come..” I gave her funny looking expression, as she laid eyes on my huge bump.

“You’re so….big…geez.”

“GEE…thanks mom!”

“Do you want a coffee? We can chat a little?”

“No, caffeine…It’s really bad for the baby…I’ve been trying my best to be as healthy, and nourished for her. But they do know my usual..” I signaled at Paulo placing our

“It’s a girl!”

“Yup! I’m naming her Rose!”

“Awe that’s beautiful Lia…May I ask why?”

I smiled, remembering why I had chosen her name.

“Do you remember Santo?” She shook her head.

“Well…His wife died a few years ago, and every day he’d have a bouquet of red roses. I stopped him once…asking him why…you know…I’m always nosy…but his answer was simple. He had told me he had brought her roses every single day he’d known her, and the day she died. He promised he would continue to, until the day he died. He said that the rose resembled how beautiful she was, and how much he treasured her, and her beauty… I thought it was beautiful, and I think rose will be too…So..yeah.” I shrugged, as she stared at me, a little teary eyed but she was okay.

She stayed quiet while we ate our order, but I knew she didn’t just come here to visit.

“So mom…what’s the catch…” She looked up at me confused, but gave in, in a little less than a few seconds..

“Come home for Christmas…”

“It’s cold in England! Maybe after!”

“Lia…the girls miss you…and I’m sure the boys will be away. Please Lia…Just this once, and you don’t ever have to come back if you don’t want to..” I arched a brow at her…but agreed. If I go.. I don’t have to ever come back, and they could just visit me here.


“Good, the movers have your stuff…”

“WHAT!” I spat out my tea.


“LIA…This is what’s best for you…What happens when you need a job, and someone to take care of Rose! Lia..I’m your mother, and as a mother I know what’s best. You can’t isolate your own child, because of your own problems. You don’t have to tell Harry…Just..Come home.”

“This is ridiculous, I’m going home.”

“Lia…everything’s out of the house…It’s vacant, unless you have hidden things you’d like to take out, I suggest you go now. Your ticket is on your counter…and I’ll see you when you’re home.”

I rolled my eyes, stomping out of the café. How could she do this to me..I knew I shouldn’t have come, she planned this all along…knowing I’d play along with it. HOW

I neared the house, and flung open the front door to see, that everything was gone...Well not the furniture, but my items…Magazines…Crib…Food.. Clothes…

I shook my head in disbelief, as I took the crow bar out. A loose wood in the floor, was where I hid everything. I took out my large stash of money, my memory box, and my journal. Placing the wood beam back on and pulling the rug over, I made my way to the counter, and eyed the ticket.

I leave in 4 hours! My mom’s a sneaky witch but… she’s right…I do need someone to babysit…so maybe it wasn’t so bad after all..I could just make up a lie and tell Harry I cheated on him or something....



Oh thank goodness!

I have a few more chapters in mind! I could never let it end like this! </3

Aww boo! Now I'm crying again. Please, please, pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssseee let there be a miracle! :( it can't end like this :'( :'(

I may just be doing a double update right now! <3