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Juliet took a deep breath as she found her house key. She slowly put it in the lock, turned it, and opened the door. She only had one luggage because her clothes were already here. She took a deep breath and walked into her old home. She heard her dad snoring upstairs and someone baking in the kitchen. She put her luggage down and walked into the kitchen to see her mother mixing something in a bowl. She crossed her arms and leaned back.

" What ya making ma? "

" Oh just some…" She turned around so fast she dropped her spoon.

" Juliet Electra Thomas what are you doing here?" She said but that didn't matter. Jules just hugged her mother tightly for she had missed her hugs.

" Suprise! You have me for two weeks!"

Her mom stopped hugging her and touched her daughter's teary face.

" How I've missed you. I was just about to wake your father. Here sit in his chair, I'll go wake him up and bring him down here. "

As her mother ran upstairs, Juliet sat in the chair that she was never allowed to sit in and waited for the footsteps of her parents. She looked around the area when finally she heard her father.

" Beth, it smells delicious what do you need…"

My mother was in mid tears as my dad stopped and stared at me. His face was priceless.

" Hi daddy." He broke down and grabbed me. He didn't say a word all I heard was his sniffling and my crying. When he finally let go, he gave me a kiss right in the middle of my forehead.

" Hey butterbut. Welcome home." I started crying again when both my parents wrapped there arms around me and broke down with me. They last time I'd been home, me and Lorelei were making YouTube videos and my crush on Harry was only a dream. It felt so good to be home. I was gonna tell them everything but right now I'm gonna soak in all the love.


Inspired by the holiday season


@Bernie Styles
I am so sorry i had no idea but he is cute so good for you again i am so srr

ohkay is your name Juliet Nowicki because if not then why am I in your fan fiction¿

juliet_n juliet_n

That's my boyfriend in real life

Bernie Styles Bernie Styles



k never mind preston is not cute
