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Forever and Always

Chapter twenty-two

*Earlier that day whilst shopping*

Sofia's POV:

"Hey, what do you think of this?" Oh Evie's face as I walked out of the fitting room was priceless, but she soon regained herself.

"Simply beautiful, darling!"

"I know - I look like a model!"

"Definitely" As Evie replied, I had a weird feeling that someone was watching me so I looked around, but there was no one there. How strange.

"Is something wrong?" Evie's question brought me back into the real world.

"Uh, yeah I was just thinking about the next outfit - you're going to love it!" I was giving Evie a little fashion show, but the majority of outfits I've tried on were, like the last one, simply hideous - it makes it funnier! However, this next one was stunning, so I saved it till last to show her.

"3,2,1! Presenting miss Sofia Thackeray"

"Oh my god Sofia! You look so beautiful - you need to buy that dress!"

"Really? And I wish I could, but I don't have enough money and without a job I can't afford to buy something that I may never even wear!" Right then, I felt someone tap on my shoulder; I turned around to be greeted with a woman that I have never seen before.

"Hello, my name is Donna Hempshall, and I work for the BMA modelling agency. Watching you just now, I see great potential in you and would like you to join us. Here is my card - please ring if you are interested. Believe me a beautiful face like yours could go so far"

"Um... Thank you?"


2nd update - I'll try and update again, but no promises xxxxxxxx


puhhhhleaassss Update :)
@the magical unicorn
Jessica Rondez Jessica Rondez
I'll update a few times today xxxxxxxx

@Jessica Rondez
I know tbh I don't know why I keep writing that but it just comes out and thanks xxxxxx