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Chapter 1

Song for the chapter: The other side - Parachute

I lay my head back and push the play button on my iPod.
Parachute starts singing and for the some seconds there is nothing else. Just lines I sung thousands of times before and it feels like nothing is going to change.
That is something I love about music, you can hear it wherever you are, but the songs always come along with memories and situations you were in you heard them the first time. They always makes me feel like coming home.

But this feeling actually just leasts for some seconds, until the lady beside me decides that she really kneeds to go to the toilet. I have to stand up and let her trough. I can not understand, how people can go to the toilet, when they are on a plane at all. It is so shacky and tight in these cabins.

I sit back on my place next to my sister. She is watching an episode of "The big bang theory" over the small monitor. No one is ever believing that she is my little sister.
I think I better have to say "younger" sister because she is already one head taller than me, even though she is 3 and half years younger than me. She actually looks older than she is. My mum uses to say, that she came early into puberty.
She wasn`t talking much to any of us, since we boarded in Hamburg, Germany.

Good old Germany. Good old home. Just lost 4 inhabitants.

My mum and her new husband decided to open their own company and they got the chance to work with another couple.
So far, so great. But this other couple lives in the UK. Suprise, suprise!

It is not that I do not like England, but be likely to spend some holidays abroad over there, is definetly something different than moving, leaving your friends (even if it is just a hand full) and family behind, pack all your stuff into 2 bags and go straight to the airport, is a whole other!
And since my sister and me are not able to make our own decisions yet we had no other chance than to follow what we were told and pretend to be happy about it.

Happy was definetly not the word that I would use to described what I feel like now. All I am now is tired, exhausted, nervous and still really messed up from that sad scene at the airport.
Let`s just say there were way to many tears and not enough long hugs and promises that we all will keep in touch. A really frightening thought is that we will be on an island now, which means that we are not even a part of a real "country" anymore. That is so weird!

I do not think that we all will hold these promises, since myself is not really good with kepping in touch with people I do not see every week. Probably they will be to busy with their own lives at all.

So their will only be one more hour until we will breathe the Englisch air for the first time and we will discover were we will spend at least the next two years. Yippih! I am trying not to think about it all and just deal with it, when I am in the situation, otherwise I probalby wouldn`t have talked to mum and Mike (her husband) just like my sister Maddy did.

All I want to do now is listen to some more of my favorite music, close my eyes and pretend that I am in my old room, laying on the bed, knowing that everything is secure and safe and I will be fine. I will pretend that I am not so far away from home with an unknown future. And that is actually all I can do.

Listen. Listen to the soundtrack of my old life.


Sorry, if they are any mistakes! I am actually German, so this is the best English I can come up with! :D

Let me know what you guys thing! Please leave a comment and subscribe! xx
I kind of stole the idea with the song, but I thought it is perfect, since I am always inspired by music while writing! So hope you like it! :)



Haha, that´s him. :))

tyler f****n oakly


Thanks! :)
It was good.