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Thank You El.

Chapter 26

I ran until I reached my spot. It was about a 10 minute before I was feeling the effects of being an American teenager. I slowed down to catch my breath and check behind me just to make sure he wasn’t following me. I stopped in an alley to stop my head from spinning and dry my face. I heard footsteps approaching so I hid behind a trashcan.

I hid for about 5 minutes before the footsteps continued going past me. I made my way from the alley and started my slow jog to my spot again. Once I made it, I immediately dropped to the ground and leaned on the tree behind me. I looked up to the clear night sky and took off my shoes. I wish I would have grabbed a jacket before I ran out here.

Harry POV:
I turned back around to start cooking my mom’s famous lasagna. I heard the barstool screech and Demetria running out. I thought she had to go to the bathroom or something but I saw the front door wide open. I looked down the street and saw her running. I began running after her when I heard the water start boiling. I ran back inside the house and turned off the eye and grabbed my jacket. I slammed the front door close and ran down the street.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. It went straight to voicemail. Shit I forgot her phone died back at the house. I began running after her again and repeatedly calling her name. Why is she running? Did I say something wrong?

After searching for her for an hour or so, I made my way to Demetria’s house. I know the one person who could help me on my journey to find her.

I knocked loudly on the door as I waited for someone to open it. To my surprise Taylor opened the door. “Hey babe.’’ She came closer to me and pulled me into a very large hug. The hug almost reminded of the old Taylor and I found myself thinking about what I was doing. Why am I chasing Demetria when the Taylor I used to like is right here in front of me? My arms quickly found her waist and I tightened the hug. Maybe this is what I needed.

“Where is Louis and Eleanor?’’ I ask while we’re still hugging. She pulls back from the hug, “they’re asleep. I’ve been staying up waiting on you.” She grabs my hand and leads me to the living room. I notice the television on one of those singing shows she enjoyed watching before she became a bitch.

“What happened to you?” the words slip out of my mouth before I can recover. I didn’t mean to ask like that but I guess it’s exactly what I needed to ask her. She mutes the television and turns to face me, ‘’I realized that I was truly on the verge of losing someone as special as you. You really are a great guy and I’d be a fool not to see it and appreciate it.” I smile brightly as the Taylor I was starting to fall in love with comes back to me.

A yawn slips out of my mouth, ‘’let’s get you to be mister.’’ She turns the television off and leads me down the hallway. We make our way to room that feels familiar to me but I can’t focus on how. She helps me take off my clothes and she begins kissing me deeply. I allow her to as her hands fiddle around with my length. I lead her to the bed and began stripping her clothes off of her. I’m doing everything slow and I can tell she’s getting annoyed with me but I don’t mind. I want to make sweet love to her tonight and forget about everything else.

“Wait Harry, there’s something underneath me.’’ I lift off of her slightly and watch her pull whatever it was from underneath her back. She throws it to the ground and pulls me back down to kiss her. My curiosity takes over me, “What was underneath you?” I asked her. She rolls her eyes, “one of her dumb bears. It had a big heart in the middle and the nose was digging me in the back.”She starts moaning my name as I nibble down her neck. I’m almost completely ready to stop teasing her but, luckily, sensible Harry comes out.

Wait. What does she mean her dumb bear, with a heart in the middle, and a hard nose? Whose room are in?





I just wanted to say, i love Taylor's character description ;). Great update :)!


xCatienator xCatienator


xCatienator xCatienator

wow wow wow please updatee

xCatienator xCatienator

WTF just happened here

gummybear5678 gummybear5678