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Thank You El.

Chapter 12

*2 months later*
The next morning when I woke up, there was a tray of pancakes, orange juice, and a note. ”Good morning love, I hope you enjoy your breakfast and it convinces you to go on a date with me tonight. If yes, be ready by 7:00. If no, be ready by 10:00. Hugs and kisses from your curly head love.”
I quickly ran to Eleanor’s room to see her and Louis making out. “Hey! Why are you here and harry isn’t?” He stopped sucking her face long enough to answer, “because harry had to go in earlier than me.”
I sat beside them on the bed and sighed. “Do you think I should go on a date with harry? I mean he’s extremely cute and all but he has baggage. That baggage is Taylor Swift.” I loudly groan and cover my face with my hands. “I think you should give it a chance. I mean, he has proven to you that he doesn’t really care about her. Plus what is the worst that can happen
I peeked through my hands at Eleanor. She was right, what did I have to lose? I got up to get dressed for school and met Eleanor in the car.

*7 hours later*
After school, we went to McDonalds to have a quick snack and catch up. It was 4:30 when we finished.
“Are you going to need help picking out an outfit?” Eleanor asked. I nodded my head yes and quickly shot him a text. How should I dress for tonight? Instead of a text back, he called my phone. “Wear something you’re comfortable in. not too dressy but not to average. Also, don’t eat anything from now until the date! Goodbye love”
I relayed this information back to Eleanor as she drove us home. “Sounds like a dinner date! How exciting! I wonder where you guys are going.” I stared out the window wondering the same thing. I hope he takes me somewhere I don’t have to act all fancy because I suck at that part.
We pulled into our driveway to see Liam holding 3 pieces of paper. Hey can you guys help us? We are stuck between choosing which movie to watch tonight.” I look at the titles: “Mortal Kombat,” “Jeepers Creepers,” and “X-MEN.” I point to Jeepers Creepers because it’s the only movie I’m extremely afraid of. Liam moves out of the way to let us in the house. I look at my watch and its 5:00. 2 more hours
I head to my room to be stopped by Niall. “Demetria I need your help. I’m going on a date tonight and I don’t know what restaurant to take her to. Choose one of these 3.” I look at the 3 restaurant menus in front of me: “Chili’s,” “Olive Garden,” and “The French Room.” “Well since it’s your first date, maybe try something casual but not overwhelming. Also somewhere that has a lot of different food choices. Chili’s.” He quickly nods his head and leaves the room. Check the time and its 5:15. 1 hour and 45 minutes.
After my shower, Eleanor came in my room to help me pick an outfit. It took us an hour to find the perfect outfit and now we were working on my hair.
The doorbell rang as I was getting the finishing touches on my makeup. I took one last glance in my mirror and felt insanely pretty. Eleanor and I shared a quick high-five. “You look amazing Demetria! Remember: be open minded on the date and don’t think about his baggage. Just think about learning more about him and enjoying yourself. Also, don’t hold back and let him see that beautiful girl with the amazing personality. If you need AMYTHING, don’t hesitate to call. I will pick up on the second ring.” “Thank you babe! I love you Eleanor.” I said while pulling her in for a hug. “I love you too! Now go out there and show him you are the girl for him.”
I went to answer the door and there he stood looking extremely gorgeous with a plain white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and brown boots. He held a single pink rose tied with a black ribbon. “Hey Demetria! Uhm… this is for you! You look great tonight! Are you ready to go?” I nodded my head and took the single rose. While we were walking to his car, he intertwined our hands and it felt natural. Like our hands were supposed to be molded together like this. I looked up to see him shyly smiling down at me. I gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand gently. When we got to the car, he opened my door for me and helped me inside with his free hand. Once I settled in, he snuck in a quick kiss on my cheek and ran to his side.
“So where are we going?” I asked as we began the quiet drive.
“Now why would I tell you that?”


Merry Late Christmas! Here is a chapter for you! Kinda boring more of a filler but kind of romantic as well. I have exciting news im starting two new stories so in total I will have 4 stories. Im not sure when I have the first chapter for both but I will let you know!


I just wanted to say, i love Taylor's character description ;). Great update :)!


xCatienator xCatienator


xCatienator xCatienator

wow wow wow please updatee

xCatienator xCatienator

WTF just happened here

gummybear5678 gummybear5678