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Los Angeles to London


Harry's POV

One Month Later. January 25th.

Christmas at Ella's was a lot more enjoyable than I thought. I was feeling guilty about not being with my family at my mum's, but my mum understood and reassured me that it was fine to visit her when Alex and I got back to England.

Prior to leaving for London, I had only read the one journal entry from Alex, so I was anxious to read more. I think Alex purposely kept us busy for the remainder of our trip so that I wouldn't read the rest of the journal. While on the plane, Alex feel asleep which gave me a chance to read what else she had written.

October 16, 2013


"Our small, stupid conversations mean more to me than you'll ever know."

With you being gone, we don't have the much time to talk. I love that you squeeze in chances to talk to me on the phone whenever you can. Don't get me wrong, I love that you text me, but actually getting to hear your voice is nothing compared to texting. Even if you call me for thirty seconds to tell me that you're eating cheese on toast; I value that 30 second phone call more than 100 text messages. (Not that I don't value the texts, it's just... let me take my foot out of my mouth now before I choke on it.)

I love how she writes to me like she's talking to me. I remember reading that part and trying to suppress my laughter so that I didn't wake her, but my suppression turned into coughing, which made the air hostess come over to ask me if I was okay. After reassuring her that I was in fact okay and waving her off, I returned my attention to the journal.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to check in on me. Thank you for making me feel like I matter. Thank you for talking to me, and just talking to me. I've never had someone to just talk to (except my mom of course). I value you more than you could ever know. You inspire me and I adore you.

After finishing that entry I looked over at Alex and studied her. She looked so peaceful and worry free. Ever since her last encounter with Max, she's been so carefree. That was the most relaxed I'd ever seen her, in the entire time I've known her. We haven't fought or ignored each other. Christmas at her moms was a turning point for our relationship. I think it finally clicked in her mind that we are meant to be together. And being able to read her thoughts through this journal has been the best gift she has ever given me, next to our baby.

October 21,2013


"You are worth every mile between us."

"I get butterflies just thinking about the next time I'll see you."

"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."

Notice how there are three quotes? They all relay the same message that I'm trying to get across, but I couldn't pick just one; they're all perfect.

You'll be home in exactly three weeks, and it's been four weeks since the last time I saw you in the flesh. Maybe this sounds bad, and I'm sorry if it does, but it's just the way I feel but, our relationship started full force. You told me you loved me after four days of knowing each other, and maybe to an outsider, you telling me you loved me after such a short time is absolutely crazy. And maybe I am absolutely crazy, but I knew by the look in your eyes that you one hundred percent meant what you said. And when I repeated it back to you, I meant it one hundred percent as well. Now here comes the "fucked up" part, I'm actually kind of glad that you had to leave so soon after we started our relationship. This time with you away has solidified my feelings for you. I can't help but think, that had you not left that we would be at each others throats and that our relationship would have ended sooner than it began.

Even though being apart isn't ideal to the "normal" couple, (trust me, we are far from normal, but then again I never do things the "normal" way) I wouldn't trade the way our relationship is for the world. Sure it would be nice to see you everyday, but not seeing you everyday makes the times that I do see you, that much more special. If it means that the sex is going to be mind blowing the next time I see you, then I'll take seeing you on skype for a month, but you better be ready to get to business the next time I see you, because I'm practically bursting at the seams.

Once again I couldn't help but laugh at what she had written me.

Okay, sorry that this part is written in blue instead of black, after writing that last part I had to take control of my hormones by taking a cold shower, and now I've lost my black pen. Sorry.

Where was I? Oh right, space so soon into the relationship. I don't really know what else to say except thank you. I don't even know what I'm thanking you for, but it feels like the right thing to do. I love you.

I flipped the page, the date was October 26, 2013, which means two things. 1. She didn't write in the journal for a few days. 2. October 26th is her birthday.

October 26,2013


"We all have moments of uncertainty, but we also have the potential to be brilliant in our own right. Don't let fear stop you."

Today didn't exactly turn out how I had expected it to. I thought that I'd spend my morning eating my most favorite pancakes made by my mom, my afternoon would be spent shopping, and my night would be spent at a club or a nice restaurant. Instead I spent my day feeling sick, and after throwing up in a Primark bathroom, I spent my day/evening at the hospital. Today I found out that I'm pregnant.

In a normal situation I should be jumping for joy, but our situation isn't normal. Just days before I met you I had unprotected sex with Max, even though we have spent the last two years having unprotected sex, I can't help but think that this baby is his and not yours. I just have this gut feeling that it is. (No pun intended.)

Even during a situation like this, she still manages to have a bit of humor laced in there.

I just hope that when I tell you that you'll still be here for me because even though me haven't been together very long I'd like to do this with you.

I can't help but feel guilty for reacting the way that I did when she told me, but all that was going through my mind was that this was another Cara situation. I was afraid too, but hearing her cry downstairs while I moped upstairs tugged at my heart in a way that Cara's crying didn't. I remember hearing the slamming of thee front door and that's when I broke down because I knew then that I wanted to raise a baby with her. I knew that if she left me that there was something in her that I wouldn't find in someone else, even if I searched the entire world, I knew that there wasn't another person out there like her. I knew I couldn't loose her. So when she finally returned and crawled into bed I was expecting her to at least lay close to me, but when she scooted as far away from me as possible I knew that she was contemplating her next move, whether that be go back to Max or her mom, I didn't know.

I know that this is probably wrong of me to ask you, but I'm just hoping that even if this baby turns out to be Max's that you'll still be there for me, and if not as my other half, at the very least be there for me as a friend. I could really use a friend right now because I'm scared out of my mind. I'm afraid that Max is the father, I'm afraid that you'll leave me, and I'm afraid that I'll have to raise this baby on my own. I'm not holding my breath, but please don't fail me because at the end of the day I love you, and I can't stop myself from falling in love with you more and more each day.

It's crazy to be reading this entry and to see exactly how she felt after she found out she was pregnant. I wish I would have been there with her, and under normal circumstance I would have been. She wrote this entry about three months ago, and it's even crazier to me to be reading her doubts now that we know that I am in fact the dad.

The hospital that Alex visited Dr. Croft at, had a mix up in the tests. Dr. Croft herself had called us once we were back in London and told us that someone had mislabeled our test with someone else's test and she asked if we would like to come back and redo the test. Alex and I were apprehensive to return to that doctors office after what had happened, but we reasoned that people make mistakes and that no one is perfect. So we made an appointment and went back, once the test was conducted, Dr. Croft put a rush on the results. After a few more hours of agony we were over joyed to find out that I'm the dad. Dr. Croft also asked if we would like to find out the sex of the baby, but Alex and I agreed that we wanted it to be a surprise. Dr. Croft also estimated the due date to be June 30th. Which hopefully everything goes as planned, because the lads and I will be on tour, and we happen to have June 30th off. So after our show in Milan that night, I plan on flying home for the few days that we have off.

Management was pissed off at me that I didn't tell them that we were pregnant before I told everyone one else. They called me in for a meeting and lectured me for hours about how this baby could mean the last of One Direction and how the fans were going to be furious, but actually for the most part the fans have been really supportive. And after the initial shock of us being pregnant, management came around and they're happy for us too.

I often check twitter where I'm bombarded with congratulations and questions about Alex and the baby are. For the most part, my fans like Alex and nice to her. There are a few that are nasty about our relationship but Alex has proven to be really strong about the whole thing. She also gets a lot of really nice tweets.

The paparazzi have been worse than ever though, they would mainly only follow me around before our announcement. A few would follow Alex, but now what feels like hundreds follow her. Even something as simple as going to the grocery store, they follow her. They'd even follow her to and from work. That's another thing, she finally took out time to learn how to drive in England, after a few short lessons with her, we went and got her her own car. She can drive with her american drivers license for twelve months, so we'll worry about her getting a UK drivers license later.

I had remembered Alex saying that she had always wanted a Range Rover, so I decided that she would have one also. She complained the entire time we were at the dealership, telling me that it was too much money, but I finally convinced her it was okay that I would pay for it, all she had to do was pick a color. She chose a maroon Range Rover Sport, and again after a little convincing I got her to agree on the 2014 rather than the 2012 like she was originally going for.

Today she's driving, we're on our way to look at furniture for the nursery and to pick out a paint color.

"You know, you look really sexy driving this car." I commented while placing my hand on her thigh and trailing it up her leg.

Her eyes dropped to my hand for a second before focusing on the road again. "You might want to stop that or we're going to crash."

I laughed before squeezing her leg and moving my hands up in a surrendering position.

Alex's POV

"I think we made a lot of progress today, don't you?" I asked as we walked into our bedroom.

"I guess, but we won't need like any of this stuff until like months after the baby is born." He sighed before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

I finished taking my jacket off and threw it on the ottoman at the end of the bed before walking over and standing in between his legs. I placed my hands on his shoulders while his hands made themselves comfortable on my hips. "I guess you're right, but once the baby is here, then things will be more hectic." I countered before kissing him.

He hummed into the kiss, but broke it to speak. "True." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to him. He laid back on to the bed and brought me down with him, so that I was laying on top of him. I couldn't help but giggle once his lips made contact with my neck. "You think that's funny?" I could feel his smirk against my neck as he continued kissing it. Before I could answer he flipped us over so that now he was on top of me.

You'd think it might be awkward having sex while pregnant, but actually it was quite the opposite. My stomach was still small enough that it didn't really get in the way. But not only that, my orgasms were more intense now that I'm pregnant. And honestly I'm hornier now than ever. I could have sex all day and never tire from it. I know that sometimes Harry has a hard time keeping up with me, but for the most part he's on the same page as me.

Once both of our clothes were strewn around the room Harry wasted no time getting down to business. Before being pregnant I liked it when we took our time, and sometimes we still do take our time, but I really liked the fast and passionate sex that we've been having recently.

"How do you manage to stay so tight, we fuck all of the time." Harry grunted into my ear as he thrusted at the same time. That was another thing, before being pregnant he never whispered dirty things to me. But one day I asked him to, and I had the most intense orgasm to date, and he's continued ever since.

I moaned in a response, feeling my stomach clench as he thrusted deeper and deeper. I liked feeling him in me. We only ever had sex I think once or twice with a condom, but I never wanted to return to that. I liked feeling his skin against mine.

"Fuck Alex." He gasped. I could feel him nearing his high as I did the same.

"Harry." I moaned.

I felt my walls clench around him as I came undone around him. He thrusted a few more times before he came undone as well.

Once we finished up we decided to take a bath together. I was seated in between Harry's legs and had my back resting against his chest. He was tracing circles onto my upper right arm; occasionally leaving kisses onto the top of my right shoulder.

"You know," He broke the silence that was around us. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was the kind of silence that just lets you enjoy being around the person that you're with. He placed a kiss to my shoulder before continuing. "I've been thinking."

"About what?" I asked when he didn't elaborate any further.

"About moving."

"Moving?" I asked him as I drew matching circles onto his right knee cap as he continued to trace circles on to my upper arm.

"Yes moving. I think we should get a place together that is truly ours. A place where we can raise our family. Something more suburban. Still in London because I love London, but more on the outskirts of London."

"I like that idea, but wouldn't it make my commute to work much longer."

"Not by much, but I think it would be worth it."

"I guess you're right."

"So we'll start looking then?"



So I hoped you liked this chapter! I'm sorry that I kind of just tied up a bunch of loose ends in one chapter, please don't hate me, but I kind of wanted to get everything settled and move on to the rest of the story. And to be honest I was kind of getting bored with the story and I don't want you guys to get bored either!

So now begins the next chapter of their lives, get ready for baby! ;)

Also, I know that "real" Harry doesn't live like right in central London, but this Harry does. And this is how I picture his house to be right now. Or something kind of like this! But all white on the front!

Anyways, I believe I already have a name picked out for their baby, but feel free to leave your suggestions, and maybe I'll change my mind! Haha!

Oh and this is how I picture Alex's car.

I don't know if you can tell, but it's maroon. And keep the rims, I like them!

haha anyways, I should be updating sometime this week!



I hope you're okay, love. You can always talk to me if you feel the need.

hair hair

Read your note <3 Hope things are okay, love. I understand how it is, though. xx

Hahaha thanks!! :D

awaywithwords awaywithwords

Just AMAZayn is all I have to say love yur stories

Aw! Haha thank you, so much! :D

awaywithwords awaywithwords