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Los Angeles to London


Alex's POV

We spent the rest of our Sunday afternoon walking around the little shops that lined the beach in Littlehampton, not a single person recognized who he was, or if they did they didn't make a big deal out of seeing him. We had a really lovely and relaxed time, sure I was sad that he would be leaving on tour, but it wasn't going to be forever. We could text, call, FaceTime, Skype and everything else possible to keep in touch. I knew I'd be busy with work anyways so at least I'd have that as a distraction.

"Hungry?" Harry asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Starving." I smiled.

We walked into a fish and chips shop, I've never had fish and chips before, but I was eager to try it. I walked over to an empty table and sat down while Harry went up and ordered our food. I sat there watching him, he was so nice to the people around him, a little girl went up to him and asked for a picture, he happily agreed. That was the first person to go up to him all day. I sat back and watched him interact with her, she was probably about 7-8 years old, he was so nice to her. He had a smile on his face the entire time and even spoke with her mother for a few moments. It hit me then, I was going to miss him like crazy. I had only met him just shy of a week ago but I was deeply in love with him. My heart ached at the thought of not being with him every day.

Harry made his way back over with our food.

"Looks delicious."

"Not as delicious as you." He mumbled.

I laughed so hard at that.

"Cheesy?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I said, holding my pointer finger and thumb close together. "A little." I laughed again and so did he.

We ate our food, laughing and talking about everything from The Queen to viral vine videos, he showed me a few of his favorites and I showed him a few of mine.

Harry's POV

We were still sitting in the fish and chips shop, we had already finished our food but we were watching viral vine videos and just enjoying our time together.

"Oh! I love this one." She said, showing me one called Why I Love Being Single!

She laughed so hard. Normally I get really annoyed by a girls laugh, it's like they're trying to hard or something. But with Alex I could tell that she was genuine. She didn't pretend to be someone or something she wasn't. It actually confused me a little bit, here she was a girl from LA, a girl who lived her entire life in LA but she was so genuine. I had met a lot of girls from LA but all of them were so fake. Alex really was something special.

"I like your laugh." I said before I could stop myself.

I watched her as she blushed.

"Thank you. That's the first time I've ever heard that."

"Well that's surprising."

"Harry, can I ask you something?"

Alex's POV

"Harry, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He said with a little hesitation reaching his voice.

I put my phone down and placed me hands on the table.

"Why do you compliment me so much?"

I could tell he was taken aback by my question. He looked at me for a few seconds before answering. I could tell he didn't know what to say.

"Why do you ask?" He finally managed.

"Well I never had that before with TM. Come to think of it he hardly had a nice thing to say to me."

"Well TM sounds like a dick. And I compliment you because I love you. And every compliment I give you I mean. I promise that I will never tell you something I don't mean." He said taking my hands in his.

I squeezed his hand.

"I love you too."


It was getting late so we decided to head back to London. I was having such a good day with Harry that I had almost forgotten that tomorrow was my first day working London fashion week.

We were about 20 minutes from my place when I turned to face Harry while he was driving.

"Harry, I'm so nervous for tomorrow."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine."

"Yeah but, I'm going to be the head makeup artist. If anything goes wrong it's my ass on the line. And not to mention Cara will be there and I don't know maybe I should just, but ugh, no that won't work."

Harry placed his hand on my knee, trying to get me to relax.

"Stop it. You'll be fine, don't worry about Cara. You don't need to talk to her, hell you don't even need to be nice to her, just go in there do your thing and own it!"


"But nothing."

"Ugh. Fine. I'll be fine." I agreed.

"You'll do great."

We pulled up to my place, Harry was about to get out before I stopped him.

"Harry?" I said grabbing his arm.


"Can I stay at your place tonight."

"Of course love."

"Ok. Let me go in and get what I need. I'll be back in 5."

"Ok. I'll be waiting."

I walked inside and gathered all the things I needed, I grabbed my outfit for tomorrow, all the hair things I could possibly need to do my hair in the morning, and my train case of course. I was getting ready to walk out of my bathroom when I stopped and looked in the mirror; I took a deep breath before heading back outside.

I loaded the things into Harry's car and got in.

"You know I've been thinking." Harry said.

"About what?"

"Well I know this is a little fast and what not, but.........what if you move in with me?"


"Yeah, you already spend so much time there a and I'm going to be going on tour again so my house will just sit there, empty. So why don't you just move in?"

"I don't know Harry. Burberry went through all the trouble of getting me that apartment, and I have so much stuff I wouldn't want to feel like I was intruding."

"You wouldn't be intruding. I'm the one who offered. You don't have to decide now, just think about."

"Ok, I'll think about it."

Suddenly I felt very overwhelmed.


UH OH!! Do you think Alex is having second thought about Harry? Or do you think she's just stressed out?

Let me know what you think!

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I hope you're okay, love. You can always talk to me if you feel the need.

hair hair

Read your note <3 Hope things are okay, love. I understand how it is, though. xx

Hahaha thanks!! :D

awaywithwords awaywithwords

Just AMAZayn is all I have to say love yur stories

Aw! Haha thank you, so much! :D

awaywithwords awaywithwords