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Business Proposal


Heading back to her car, feeling better than she had in weeks, Mel took Aria to the local supermarket, where they roamed the aisles with glee and loading their carts with all pieces of food for the week, remembering that she was cooking for two but with Harry missing.
By the time Mel looked at her watch again it was close to 6:30. Time to go home, drop everything off, feed and shower Aria before leaving her with Lucy, harry housekeeper, and then head out again. After a week of being a responsible mother, her friends had in visited her out. She didn’t wants to attend because of Aria being at home with someone else, but at the same time she wanted to see her old college friends and she was grateful for the invitation. She was looking forward to just relaxing and Margaritas were definitely on the agenda but not too much Margaritas.

Harry POV
Working in to my house, with a child laughing and a voice that sound like some else, but definitely not Rose.After hanging my coat in the closet, he walked into the lounge room while Aria and Lucy where reading a book. Aria took noticed of his silhouette and run up to him, his first instinct was to put on a show, he picked her up in an embrace but he was still shocked.
“Hey Daddy, your back.” She said. For once besides Rose, Aria was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and he was happy that Rose didn’t listen to him about not having Aria at his home. After his talk with Liam, he realised that if he wants people to believe that their marriage was real and not an arrangement he’d accept Aria as his daughter too.
“Sure, so what are you too doing?”
“We are reading a story book, because Aria didn’t want to watch the kid show that is playing now,” said Lucy.
Still holding on to Aria, “And where is my wife?”
“Huh she went out and she would be back soon, sir.”
“Okay, Aria!”
“Yes daddy.”
“Can you please return back to your reading, while I take care of some things in my study okay?”
“Okay, bye daddy,” she said before giving me a sweet peck on my check and smiled.
Harry walked into his study with a huge smiled on his face. Aria might not be his biological daughter but she had his trademark, she had four huge dimples on her cheeks, two on both sides. He was delightful of the way she called him daddy and the feelings that it brought to his heart. Now not only doesn’t he had to deal with his feelings for his very emotionally wife but he also has to deal with being a responsible dad some that he didn’t experience during his childhood.
It was 8:00 and Rose still wasn’t at home. Harry went back to the lounge room, and Lucy was heading upstairs with sleeping Aria. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.
“Huh, Lucy I’d that her to her room and thanks for taking care of her,” he said as Lucy hand over Aria. He walked Lucy to door and closed the door, he then walked upstairs to Aria’s room that was between his and Rose room. The room had being transformed into a child room. It walls were now painted in aqua blue with words written around the room, and with white bedroom furniture’s. Harry gently placed Aria in her bed and covered her with her blanket and softly kissed her forehead.
Harry went downstairs and Rose was still not at home, he was getting worried confused and sacred that something might have happened to her. He tried calling her but went straight to her voice message. He wanted to call her secretary, Ronda, her family but he was more scared of the answer that he would received what if she wasn’t there.
He walked into his bar looking for a scotch to burning the emotions, sitting by the bar he noticed Rose car driving into the garage.


@CEO Harry Styles
Thanks for loving this book and also the positive comment

lilannabeth lilannabeth

I love this story i started to read it today! I finished already! I simply love it! You are a great writer by the way

Love this story!!!! Can't wait for more!!!
I would write the sequel just give me some time to figure out the story line please.
thanks to the 70 votes and 101 subscribers I am really grateful and thanks so much :)
Please make a sequel !