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The Bad Boy I Didn't Expect *On Hold*


A/N: Yes, this is a chapter I have for you beautiful people :) I would have had this up last night but I was just so tired I figured I would post it today. I don't have much to say but this chapter is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY high in adult content. I do not want to give anything away but I want to say for my young readers, if you are in anyway uncomfortable with reading this. You may skip it. Skip to the last paragraph at least. I will not change the way I write for you young ones sorry, I write to my liking and my ideas. No offence. Also, If anyone ever asks you to do drugs and you are uncomfortable with it. You say NO, do not give in to peer pressure. I just don't want you to think (After you read this chapter) that it is okay to do drugs. It is different for EVERYBODY. I just want everyone to be careful and I don't want people to think that because of this chapter it is okay to do whatever you want. But it is up to you what you do with your life, I am not your boss and I am not your mother. Like I said, I just care about you and I want you to be careful.

A quick shout too mamma_direction and LIZZY THAT GIRL for there awesome comments. I know a lot of you do comment and I love them, I do. But theres touched my heart. So thank you :)

But anyways, this chapter has a song to it :) (If you want, remember you don't have too) The song is
Off The Chain I seriously love this song and I think it goes good for the chapter. Don't forget to look for these <><><> to start it :) I don't know if this is going to make any sense but at that certain part to the end is supposed to be sped up. Everything goes quick and hopefully you get what I'm saying xD But anyways, enjoy ;) and caution..

*Chapter 23- Move*
“I would like you to go to fashion week with me this year..” Fashion week? I only went one other time. Again? Why? “Why?” She looks at me disheveled a bit “I want you to be my assistant for the show this year..” My eyes widen. Assistant? For the show? Oh goodness

“Mom, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle that”

“Sure you can sweetheart you know how everything works and I’ve taught you what you need to know. I know you can do it..”

“But what about Zayn?” I ask sadly.

She thinks for a moment “I don’t know sweet heart”

A week without Zayn? I don’t know if I can do that..

“Well it’s your choice darling, I would love for you to go; we have to head to New York City the day after your party. You let me know..”

“You alright baby?” Zayn’s hand is on my thigh, watching me cautiously. Looking around a bit I remember we are still in the car, on our way back from my mother’s. I look back at him smiling “I’m okay..” He nods not asking anything more, patting my leg once more before his hand is back on the steering wheel.


“Can we watch Netflix?” Alexis asks as we pull into the driveway. I chuckle a bit “Of course” They yelp with excitement to my response. Katie tells Alexis they should watch SpongeBob and color while they do. Zayn smiles shaking his head as he hops out of the car.

Walking inside Zayn and the girls walk by me, I guess Zayn into my room and the girls jump on the couches. Staying in the kitchen I pull out my phone, searching for Allison’s contact I click it and it begins to ring. Putting it between my shoulder and ear I open the fridge, grabbing the lettuce, tomato and a few other ingredients we’ll need for dinner. We’re having tacos. Finally after the fourth ring Allison picks up “Hello?” Getting right to the point I make it short and sweet, as I do so I grab a knife and start chopping the lettuce “Hey Allison! How you been? I haven’t seen you in the past week..” there’s a bit of a silence before she speaks “Yeah I’m sorry, I’ve been with Liam. How are you and Zayn?” I smile at the thought. Wonderful. “We’ve been great, it’s been quiet around here since you and Liam haven’t been here” I hear her smile through the phone, adding a slight chuckle I continue “We went to see my mother today. She really likes Zayn”

“Oh really how did it go?”

Finishing the lettuce I start cutting the tomatoes “It went great, she actually talked to him privately which I haven’t heard anything that was said but I’m sure it was good. Zayn’s acting fine and he said he enjoyed himself even though he was nervous. She loved the girls too, other than that it went great” I end with satisfaction “That’s good..” She trails, silent again. Something is obviously up, she’s never this quiet “You alright Al?” There’s silence again. Putting my knife down I hold the phone with my hand, giving her my full attention “Al?”

“Liam asked me to move in with him..” I hear worry in her voice, I let out a sigh of relief as I continue cutting up the tomatoes “That’s great Allison! How do you feel about it?” I hear a long sigh on the other end “Oh my goodness, you’re not angry? You’re okay with it?” Why wouldn’t I be? Well yeah, you two haven’t known eachother that long but.. Oh wait.. Raising an eyebrow I continue “Why wouldn’t I be okay with that? If you love Liam and you think it’s a good idea, then go for it. I can’t stop you. It’s your decision and whatever you decide I will love you no matter what” I finish with a smile, I’m glad she’s moving on with herself.. Now that the tomatoes are all chopped up, I scoop them all into a bowl “I thought you would be upset I was leaving” She replies sadly, breaking the silence. I chuckle to her remark “Yeah, I’m sad you’re leaving but I know you’ll be happy and I’ll still be able to see you. It’s not like you’re moving out of state..”

“No, we aren’t leaving state, I’ll be only a few blocks away” I hear her small smile.
“That’s good, listen. I’m cooking dinner so I’m gonna let you go. I’ll see you later okay?”
“Alright, love you Aub. We’ll be there within a week to collect my things”

After saying our goodbyes I hang up, throwing my phone aside I go back to making dinner. Taking the meat out of the packaging I plop it into a frying pan, breaking it up with a spatula it begins to sizzle; bits of the red begin to turn brown. While it sizzles, I decide that checking up on everyone wouldn’t hurt. Setting the flame on low I walk out into the living room “WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA!?” The television screams “Hi girls, enjoying the show?” I place my hands on the back of the couch as their backs face me; they both turn around for a split second before watching the television again “It’s great! What’s for dinner?” Alexis asks “We are having tacos, is that okay?” I smile, even though they aren’t looking “Yayy tacos!” They both say happily, I chuckle as I walk away to find Zayn.

Walking down the decently dark hallway, I notice something small on the floor. Being that the lights aren’t on, I can’t really see what it is. Stepping closer it comes into view, kneeling down to it; it’s a small bag. Picking it up to get a better view of it; I see it’s a small bag with tiny green leaves and specs. No fucking way. Drugs? Zayn is bringing drugs into my house and not even telling me? How could he do this to himself? He IS NOT getting away with this. Walking towards my bedroom door furious and highly upset I slam the door open with a bang. Zayn lays on the bed with his nose in his phone “Hey” he smiles, giving me a toothy grin and a shy eyebrow. I almost cave for a moment, those pretty brown eyes staring at me sweetly and that cute mouth of his making there gesture towards me; I almost forget why I was mad and why I came in here. Almost. I continue to stand my ground “Zayn..” I grit my teeth a bit; I want him to know I’m angry. He sets his phone down as he sits up “What’s up?” He asks curiously, unsure of what’s going on.

Holding up the very visible bag I ask “What’s this?” I change my feature a bit, showing more anger then before. This shit shouldn’t be in my house and he DEFIENTLY shouldn’t even have it on him. His emotion changes also, his eyes widen a bit; fear dreading down his face. I know exactly what it is; I just want him to explain why he has it and why I randomly found it on the floor. He calmly steps off the bed, disappointment and eagerness now showing. Clearing his throat he says “I don’t know” Oh, so now you’re going to lie to me? I snort a bit, holding the bag away from him “Don’t lie Zayn, drugs? That’s the way you go?” I snarl in disgust, furrowing my brows a bit. This is so bad for you, I knew he had some complications with his life but not this.. He sighs, the air rushing out of his nose as he seems to be unsure of what to do or say “Aubrey, let me explain..”

“Explain what? My boyfriend does drugs!?” I say, almost yelling. I’m angry, furious. I hate being mean but he shouldn’t have this shit on him. He reaches forward to grab it from me, but I’m too quick and hide it behind my back “Aubrey, I’m sorry. I was going to tell you, I just wasn’t sure how; and this is exactly the reaction I was afraid I would get” Ignoring his excuse I speak up “Zayn, this shit can kill you! Do you know how many people die from this!?” I now shake it in front of his face, his eyes watch it go back and forth; he looks slightly disappointed again before his smug look is back on his mouth. He shakes his head “It doesn’t kill you”

I ignore him “If you get caught, you could get into serious trouble for having possession of it!”
“Aubrey you can’t get caught unless you’re stupid with it! This is shit you learned in high school right? They lie to you to make you think it can hurt you, they tell you it hurts you so you DON’T do it. It doesn’t kill you” He says with satisfactory. I go silent for a moment; do I want to believe him? Should I believe him? What if he’s lying? What if he’s just saying it because he’s just so mixed up into it that it’s affected his cute little brain? “Aubrey..” Zayn relieves a breath, grabbing my arm he guides me to the bed. Sitting we stare at eachother as I wait for him to continue “This” he points to the bag that sits in my palm “Can only kill you if it’s laced” He pauses for a moment “And it’s not. See..” He points to it, the green specs sit gently in the pouch “I can’t tell” I say. Feeling stupid and a bit dumbfounded (Because I can’t tell a difference and know nothing about it) I hold my open palm to him, he takes it gently; holding it in between his fingers.

“If it was laced it would have a powdery substance, which could be cocaine or some other drug. In this case it doesn’t“ He points at it with his finger. He talks a little more about it, giving me a lesson on pot “If it WAS laced, then it could kill you. I don’t get it laced neither do the other boys. Regular pot Is just fine..” We sit silently for a beat “You promise it can’t kill you?” I bite my lip, hoping for the right answer and hoping he’s being honest. He smiles, nodding a bit “I promise, why do you think cancer patients smoke it? It helps with their pain and slows the cancer down” That’s right, why didn’t I think about it before? I read something a little while ago that the marijuana helps your pain and the tumors/cancer in your body slow down and sometimes can disappear because of it. Wow, I feel stupid I’m just being over dramatic about this whole thing.

“The girls don’t know. I’m not stupid with it like other people; if I was I would be showing it off constantly. This was just an accident, it fell out of my pocket and luckily you found it” he lamely chuckles, shoving it in his pocket. Placing his arm around me, pulling me closer his lips plant a soft kiss to my forehead “I promise I won’t get hurt” He whispers. I smile, as if he was apologizing for scaring the shit out of me. “Aubrey the kitchen is making a scary noise!” Katie calls from the living room. I instantly remember the meat I left on the stove. Shit!

Running out of the room, I make my way to the kitchen. The pan has smoke rising as it sizzles and cracks from the meat, grabbing the spatula I hurriedly start flipping the meat. The bottom pieces look black as I swoosh it around in the pan. Shit, I burned it. “You’re going to be the one killing us!” I hear Zayn enter the room as he devilishly chuckles. Yeah yeah yeah stick it in your ass Malik. I roll my eyes as I finish.


Setting plates and the rest of the items we need for dinner down Zayn calls the girls “Dinner’s ready girls, pause your show” They do as he asks, rushing to the table Alexis sits next to me as Katie sits next to Zayn ”Hard or soft shell?” I ask Alexis “Soft please” A small smile on her mouth, grabbing her tortilla I plop it on her plate. Letting her do the rest on her own I hear Katie yelling at Zayn “I wanna do it myself Zayn! Let me do it myself!” He sets the sour cream in front of her, raising his hands in defense “Fine, you can do it yourself” He says playfully, in no way being mean. I giggle, placing my fingers over my mouth so no one notices, Alexis giggles next to me as she starts putting the taco in her mouth.

We all eat in a comfortable silence, Zayn winking and smiling to me as he eats all three of his tacos “Hm, is it me. Or is this meat.. Burnt?” I sigh in a playful angry manner, when is he going to get off my back? Giving him a playfully evil glare “Well, I haven’t heard your sisters complain. If you don’t like my cooking I guess I’ll just cook for the three of us. So quit whining” I feel like he’s purposely trying to do this to turn this into a playful fight so he turns me on and then we mess around later. Hmm. Katie and Alexis giggle with food in their mouths as they stare at Zayn, waiting for him to give me a comeback. Surprisingly he doesn’t, instead he wipes his mouth with a napkin and bites into his taco; adding a wink with it.


“I’m done can I go watch SpongeBob now?” Alexis asks putting her half eaten second taco on her plate, looking up to Zayn for permission he nods “Go ahead” I smile “Me too, I’m done too” I nod to Katie as well as they both hop off their chairs, not two seconds go by until you hear the TV playing again. Instantly getting up, I grab my plate. Putting it in the sink I continue to pick up the table. Wrapping things and putting things away as Zayn finishes up. The fridge sits behind him, so as I bend over to put the lettuce, tomato and other things away I feel a smack to my ass. I jump, giving an “Eep!” and rubbing my bum, I turn around. Shocked and unaware of what just happened I stand straight to look at the perv who did it. Zayn’s back faces me as he walks calmly to the sink, putting his dish there. Evilly watching him as I close the fridge, he turns back around; burping he kisses my cheek “Dinner was great” And with that he walks away, acting as if nothing happened.

Finishing up I head into my bedroom, knowing that Zayn is already in here I open the door slowly “Zayn?” I call. There’s no answer but I continue to open the door slowly, there he sits. His back facing me as he sits at my desk, arching over for some odd reason. Etching closer, I see that the small baggy sits next to him, as his fingers collect the small specs putting it in a brown paper. What the fuck is he doing? Are you serious? “Zayn?” I ask more serious now, he looks up innocently “What are you doing?” Anger showing in my voice He takes a deep breath, standing up he places his hands on my shoulders “I am rolling up one so we can smoke it” My eyes bug out “Excuse me?” Oh hell no, I am not doing this. This is illegal! No, nope. I won’t. “You’ll love it. I promise”

“Are you trying to peer pressure me? When the hell did this get on the agenda? I will NOT smoke pot with you Zayn. Are you on crack?” He chuckles “Maybe” My mouth opens in shock “I’m joking!” He laughs, rubbing my shoulders again “Listen, just try it once. It won’t hurt”
“No” I look away, crossing my arms. He lets out a frustrated sigh, giving me a puppy dog look he continues “Everything you’ve been worrying about, things that have been upsetting you or pain you have been having. It’ll all disappear..” I bite my lip. Am I seriously taking this into consideration? Smoking weed!? I mean, the whole thing with my mom has been bothering me. And just. Ughh, Do I even have the balls to do this?

What if I don’t and Zayn won’t like me anymore?
“Just once..” I hold up one finger, coming up with such a quick decision. He smiles, sitting back in his seat he continues to add more to the brown paper “I hate to sound really stupid, but I have no clue what to do or what to expect” He’s silent for a beat before he speaks, I lean over him as I watch him do his thing “Well, It’s just like a cigarette. Except, it’s in brown paper, a bit bigger, and it smells differently” He shrugs; now rolling the paper he licks it side to side (Getting it to stick I’m guessing) “Have you ever smoked a cigarette before?” he asks, putting it down and sticking his hand in his pocket. I smile to myself, there actually was ONE time.

When my mom smoked I stole one from her purse, went in my room and smoked it. I only took one puff from it before I put it out and threw it out my window; I couldn’t stop coughing for the past hour after that. I haven’t touched one since
“Once” I smile “Ahh, my girlfriend actually is a badass” He chuckles, I give him a light shove for being so cocky. He pulls something out of his pocket, a little white round thing. He picks the brown cigarette up, sticking the white thing on the opening side “What’s that?” I ask, watching him trying to insert it carefully “It’s a filter, so none of it gets into your mouth” I nod as he adores his finished piece of work. He pulls a lighter out of his pocket, and that’s when the nerves set in. My heart begins to pump faster and my palms start to sweat. He flicks the lighter so the flame burns bright; he waves it at the end of the paper as it starts to burn and the ashes show “Oh shit, open your window” He says quickly, I do as he says; running to the window and opening it.

As he stands next to me he sets it in his mouth, sucking in a deep breath, he holds it in. I watch him as he holds it in for a few seconds before he’s holding a choked back “C’mere” he pulls me closer as he places his mouth over mine; I kiss him before the smoke is rushing into my mouth. The taste is horrible, it was unexpected so now I’m gagging and coughing my brains out. He starts to laugh at me as he takes another puff “You could have told me, I would have held it in” I scold mildly. His hand is on the back of my neck as he does it again, this time I suck it in. Holding it for a few seconds before blowing it out the window. I stare at him evilly “I don’t feel anything..” I say stubbornly, folding my arms. He chuckles again as he breathes it out of his nose “Give it a minute, you’ll feel it I promise” Just as he says that, I do feel slightly different, I begin to laugh (At what? I’m not sure) “What’s so funny?” Zayn chuckles with me as well “Oh my gosh, I just did something really bad” I giggle again, holding my hand over my mouth. I laugh again and everything seems to slow right down.

Zayn pulls me closer again, our lips interlocking; the smoke runs in my mouth as I breathe it into my lungs, holding it there for a while before letting it out “You feeling it?” Zayn asks giving me a lopsided smile, I laugh again. He looks so silly but so gorgeous all at the same time “This is the only time Zayn, I don’t want to get in trouble” I giggle once more, I’m still myself I just feel different, and happier “Zayn?..” I ask as I stand still “You okay sweetheart?” he asks seriously, stepping closer to me “Everything is so slow” A gurgled laugh escapes his mouth “Yup, you’re there” He throws his head back, laughing again. I stand for a moment, wow; I’m feeling so good right now. Who knew it was like this!? I feel so nice and.. I’m feeling a bit turned on and I really want Zayn right now.. Watching him in the corner of my eye, he breathes in the last of it, I step closer; pulling his mouth to mine. Pushing the smoke into my mouth I continue to kiss him. I want you Zayn, please.. I want him to hear my silent plea; this has done something to me. But I don’t care I want him so bad.


My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer into me. His hands trail down my body, our breathing heavier as we get harder, rougher. Moving so I bite onto his neck, he grunts lightly; I feel his nails dig into my skin. Whimpering in his ear the next thing I know he’s picking me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. Now he kisses along my collar bone, up and along my neck as my back bumps into something hard, my head hitting a little too hard on the wall. But I don’t care, I just want him “Zayn, please. Don’t stop” I hush into his ear as I feel my shirt being lifted over my head. Biting his lip, I start pulling his jacket off his arms. He helps by whipping it off as it slides across the floor. Being against the wall, bra and shorts he still needs less clothes as I pull at his T-shirt. He rips that off as well, throwing it in the opposite direction of his jacket. His bare skin is pushed against my almost bare skin, and he’s warm; I just don’t want to stop touching him. He starts biting my neck; I get more and more turned on as he touches me. His hands glide down my back, scratching me here and there before his fingers are unbuttoning my shorts. Pulling them down, I stand; letting him finish. Back against the wall, we go back into our position.

His left hand is against the wall as his other is on my neck, I can’t take this anymore. I want him to touch me where I want it the most. Pulling his hand from my neck, I guide him to my heat “Touch me, please..” I plead, moaning into his mouth. He groans, appraising me, doing as I ask. His fingers intertwine in the lining of my underwear, with a hard yank they rip off my waist; yelping in surprise and happiness his finger finds its way to my pubic bone. Massaging lightly he teases me, I feel his devilish grin against my neck; I moan for him to continue and that’s what he does. His finger runs along my clit, already sensitive and ready for erotic pleasure he touches gently, then begins to rub in circles. “You’re so wet..” He goes slowly then speeding up before going back to a regular pace again, I moan and whimper from the pleasure. Our breathing is heavy, and I feel so high from both the drugs and Zayn. I remember he still has his jeans on before I’m pulling at his belt. Undoing it and unbuttoning his pants he kicks them off. Standing in his boxers I rub him maliciously, his rock hard dick ready to be controlled and released.

He moans into my mouth as we continue to touch each other, against the wall for another split second he stops. I open my eyes to see what’s happening before I’m pushed onto the bed. Flopping onto it, my stomach touches the mattress before I have time to think; my foot is being grabbed and pulled to the edge as Zayn grabs onto me, kissing me and running his finger along my clit onto and he’s deep inside me. Moaning loudly he continues to push in and out quickly, feeling his body hover over me, his mouth is next to my ear “Aubrey, can I eat you out please..” he asks in a whimper, I've never had that before and I've never really thought about it. But I’m so turned on I could care less. My mind is made up as I nod to him, he lingers himself down my body. Spreading my legs with his hands, he holds onto my hips. The next thing I know he’s kissing my pubic bone and his tongue is running inside my slit. I take a deep breath; I didn't know this was just as good.

His wet tongue is sensational against my wet heat. Letting out moans I couldn't hold back he does all sorts of movements I can’t translate. My hands find something to grab onto, the sheets are my only friend right now. Breathing heavily and whimpering so loud I think I might have woken up the neighborhood, he continues to lick. In pure bliss I think there’s nothing more he can do to make me go over the top. But I was wrong, already close to coming as it is his mouth continues to make me feel amazing; his finger is slowly inserted inside me. Bucking myself off the bed and moaning even louder; he holds me down.

The sheets entangle between my fingers as I come to the edge “Zayn oh my goodness..” I try to breathe for a moment “I’m going to come” I whine. Zayn hears my plea as he goes deeper and faster, I fuss with my body more trying not to move for him, but I can’t help it. I groan loudly before my juices leak out, his face is still there as my body releases. His finger glides up my heat, collecting the wetness on his finger. I hear him suck on his finger lightly before his hands grab my arms, pulling me up to face him. Our eyes locking, he kisses me; hard. I’m just so turned on at this point I don’t care what happens; I just want him. My hands trail along his torso, feeling all of his ridges and his amazing body on my fingertips. Trailing farther down I pull his boxers down, they fall around his ankles as my hand wraps around his dick. Pumping him roughly, he groans; his head lolling back and his mouth apart. I smile to his reaction even giggling a bit to see him in pure bliss.

His hands are placed on the back of my head, his hands grabbing a handful of my hair as he guides me towards him. I look up at him innocently as I move along with him; his mouth is formed into a devilish grin as he awaits my bidding. Opening my mouth, his tip enters before he’s pushing deeper. Opening my mouth wider, his cock is pushed until hitting the back of my throat. Sucking gently I pull him out before he’s back in again, his thickness almost chokes me this time; but I hold back and take him easily. As if I was a pro. His hands are away now and on his hips, letting me take control I do as I wish. Going in and out faster, pumping him as I do spit is running out of my mouth; his dick covered in saliva as it drips on the floor. I hum a “Mm” while sucking him dry, Zayn sucks in through his teeth “Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous when you suck my dick” He groans, his head falling back again. Pulling him out I pump him roughly, my wrist twisting as I do. Trying to be sexy and sensual I look up at him again, I run my tongue along his shaft before stopping at the tip; licking slow and gently Zayn can’t help himself but moan again. He can’t take it any longer before he explodes.

Now bobbing my head up and down I move faster and faster, I want him to cum. I want to finish what I started. He stands tall, looking down on me as I suck him off. I feel him begin to quiver above me, his breathing immaculate; brows furrowed and mouth open slightly. Before I know it he’s pulling out, pushing me down on the bed as he’s whispering “I wanna come on you so bad” my back hitting the mattress I smile sensually, biting my lip he holds his dick; about to erupt he stands over me. His come hitting hot and heavy on my stomach, I giggle as he does so; he’s trying so hard to please me and himself all at the same time. As he squirts on me he looks up at me, biting his lip “Feel good?” he smiles, giggling along with me. Smiling, I nod; pulling him down to my mouth I kiss him. He lies next to me, out of breath and tired from his release.


Lying naked next to each other, he holds me against his back. Our highs over with and happy “You’re beautiful” he says as he kisses my neck; smiling into that sweet kiss I savor it. Then it hits me, everything that he’s done for me. Everything that we do for each other; We do because we love each other, Allison is moving out.. What if.. What if I asked Zayn and the girls to stay here. What would he say? Would he be okay with it? Is it too early? What if he says no? So many question run through my mind and I don’t know where to start. My Birthday is coming up and.. Fashion week. I can’t leave Zayn, not even for a week. I need him, he is my everything.. Turning over, he watches me carefully; a smile on his mouth “Hello” but seeing the not-so-happy smile on my face he frowns “You alright? Did I hurt you?” His grip on me becomes tighter and I smile slightly before it disappears again. Shaking my head I reply “No, I’m okay” His fingers trail along my hair, it feels nice and I savor it as he continues running his fingers along “What’s wrong?” a little more concern in his voice now.

“I called Allison today..” I look away before I continue again “She’s moving out” a sad look is on my face again before I’m looking Zayn in his eyes again “Aww, it’ll be okay” He tries comforting me but that’s not what I’m really worried about “She’s moving in with Liam” He tilts his head a bit, unsure on what to do or say “Liam, that lucky bastard” He says in a silly voice, and I giggle giving him a quick peck. I smile again; maybe it won’t be that bad “Zayn?” Looking me in the eyes he waits “Why don’t..” He raises an eyebrow, being completely silent “Why don’t you and the girls stay here..” I bite my lip, waiting for him to yell at me for asking such a silly question. His eyes bug for a minute, running his hand through his hair before smiling wide “Wait, are you asking us to move in?” Sitting up, I place my hand on his shoulder “I know we haven’t been together that long and I know that it hasn't been that long but I really think it could work. And If you don’t want to I completely understand and maybe it was stupid for me to ask but I think..” I’m instantly shut up from his lips being connected with mine, I feel his smile against mine; pulling away his teeth show “I agree with you and I would be happy to live here with you. I’m sure Katie and Alexis would too” He smiles again before hugging me tightly, but it still wanders in my mind on how he will feel about me leaving..


A/N: Well there it is! What did you think? :) Vote/comment/subscribe? Please let me know what you thought I totally think I could have done better. But yeah, so anyways. I plan on doing a twit cam soon, I just gotta figure out a time and date etc etc. But could you guys let me know if you would come watch. It won't be boring I promise :) follow me on tumblr www.lousflowercrown.tumblr.com if you have any questions you can ask me below or on my Tumblr :) Thanks so much and I love you Pancakes!



I did that but it's not showing up. What's her username?

make sure every first letter of every word is capped :)

Great Chapter! I've waited for this. What's your Wattpad username? I searched for this book, and I couldn't find it :(

AMAZING!!!!!!!!! When do you update?

Can't wait!