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They Don't Know About Us

Chapter 11

Harry's P.O.V
“What's this I hear about you having a girlfriend?” My mum, Anne, asked after squeezing me in a tight hug when I made the drive to my childhood home. My red cheeks were enough to let her know that the rumors were true. My mum smiled widely, “Well, is she nice?”
I nodded, “She's really kind and can make friends easily.”
“Where is she from?” My mom asked continuing with her questions.
“She's from Alabama.” I answered trying to remember the exact city and failing.
My mum's dark eyebrows pulled together. “Where did you meet her?” She asked as confused as the fans and media.
“Her and a friend were in Nashville when we performed.” I answered taking a seat at the table.
“Oh, what's her name?” My mum was determined to learn all that she could.
“Justice.” I responded hoping for Gemma or Robin to appear at any moment and save me from the inquisition.
“When can I meet her?”
“Mum,” I groaned.
She shook her head persistently. “I just want to meet the girl who has my son smiling from ear to ear.”
I clasped my hands leaning on the table. “It's a fairly new relationship. I don't think introducing you-”
“I'll be nice.” My mum assured me. She smiled when she saw my defense crumbling.
“Fine. She's coming for the movie premiere. You can meet her then.” I decided sighing in relief when my sister appeared.
“Who is she meeting?” Gemma asked as she hugged me in greeting.
“I'm meeting your brother's girlfriend.”
“You have a girlfriend?” Gemma asked sounded surprised. “With that mug?” I glared at her and she held up her hands. “I'm kidding. I'm sure she's nice. I can't wait to meet her.”
“What's her name?”
“Justice,” my mum answered as my mobile sounded. I pulled it from my pocket smiling when I saw Justice's name on the screen. It was afternoon here which meant that it was early morning for her. Excusing myself I walked out of the kitchen to take the call.
“Hello beautiful.” I smiled when Justice cooed at my greeting.
“That's so sweet. I definitely do not look beautiful right now.” She responded sounding distant.
“Nonsense. Why are you awake so early?” I asked. I had learned that Justice liked to her sleep. It was easier to wake Zayn than it was to wake her.
“I have to drive my brothers to practice and it starts at eight-thirty. I didn't call at a bad time did I? I wasn't sure.”
“No, I'm actually at my mum's visiting.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I can let you go.” My thoughtful girlfriend, strange, offered sounding concerned that she had interrupted something.
“It's fine babe. Her and Gemma are in the kitchen discussing you.”
My head bobbed up and down although she couldn't see me. “My mum wants to meet you.”
“W-w-when?” Justice's voice rose slightly in pitch. She was getting nervous.
“Next week when you come to London.” I informed her. It was silent almost as if the call had ended. I checked to make sure it hadn't. “Justice? Babe?”
A shake breath sounded on the other end of the call. “That's so soon. Oh my gosh. What if she doesn't like me?” Her rapid words were followed by panicked breaths. I could see her hyperventilating now.
“Calm down. It will be fine. You don't have to meet.” I responded while thinking of a way to explain to my mum.
“Is that her?” Gemma asked walking into the front room where I was sitting. I nodded hoping she would get the point and walk away. Instead she reached out and took my mobile. “I want to talk to her.” She exclaimed putting the phone to her ear with an excited expression. “Hi! This is Gemma, Harry's sister.” She was silent listening to Justice's response. “Yeah, I took his phone.” Gemma explained taking a seat in the lounge chair directly across from me. “So, how are you?” Another paused. “I'm good, but why are you freaking out?” My sister gave me a quick roll of her eyes. “Don't be nervous. Our mum's honestly not that bad. She's excited to meet you.” She paused listening intently before throwing her head back in laughter. “I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll be here for moral support.”
Realizing that I wouldn't get my mobile back any time soon, I got comfortable listening to the part of the conversation I could hear. A smile played on my lips the longer they talked. Gemma seemed to like Justice and they hadn't even met yet. Gemma nodded promising to get Justice's number from me before saying a quick goodbye and handing over my mobile. I waited until she was no longer in the room before speaking.
“I'm sorry about that. She just took the phone from me.” I explained quickly.
Justice laughed, “It's fine. I like her.”
I smiled, “That's good. Are you still nervous about meeting my mum?” I asked instantly regretting the question as a sharp intake of breath was heard. I could almost see her chocolate eyes widening in fright. It was amazing how much of her traits I've picked up on.
“No, I think it'll be fine. I'm actually kind of excited now.”
“You don't think it's too soon?” I asked lowering my voice so as to not be overheard.
“I mean I guess it is, but we clearly aren't the average couple.” Justice responded. I had to agree with her. We weren't an average couple. Only three days into our relationship and it felt like months. “I miss you.” She sighed.
“Really?” I asked slightly caught off guard.
“Yeah, but I did just spend like a week with you so...”
My eyes rolled subconsciously. “I miss you too.” I admitted. “Only eight more days.” I reminded her.
“Eight more excruciatingly long days. Seriously I don't remember time moving this slow.”
“Maybe it'll stand still when we're together.” My cheesy line gained an adorable coo from my girlfriend while my mum entered and smiled proudly at me. Fearing a repeat of earlier with Gemma, I decided to end the conversation before my family gave Justice a chance to reconsider being in a relationship with me. “I have to go, but I'll try to call before you go to bed.” I promised.
“Okay. Talk to you later.”
“Bye.” I ended the call putting away my mobile and looking to my mum. She still wore her proud smile.
“You really fancy her, don't you?” She asked taking a seat near me.
I shrugged, “Yeah.” I admitted. There was no point in trying to hide anything from her.
“Well, I've always been in a believer of love at first sight and darling I think you are too.” She kissed my cheek before walking out of the room leaving me alone to think.
Love at first sight? Did I believe in it? Sure, but everyone did hoping that someday that would find the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. That didn't mean that I was thinking that way. Justice and I had known each other all of three months and been a couple for three days. It was clear to anyone that I had strong feelings for her. I threw her a freaking birthday party with a massive cake. But my mum said something about love. That was the part that I wasn't sure about.
Justice's P.O.V
I sighed setting my iPhone on the kitchen counter and turning to face my older sister who had come over to visit.
“I don't think the smile on your face could get any bigger.” Quanza teased.
My hands flew to my tight cheeks. “What? I'm not smiling.”
“Ugh, yeah you are. You were smiling the whole time you were on the phone.” She informed me adjusting the elastic headband holding back her large afro.
“Oh, My bad. I just...”
“You're just in love with a guy who can fly you around the world and back without a sweat.” Quanza finished my sentence.
My eyes rolled. “I've known him three months. I am not in love.” I informed her as Katie entered the kitchen dressed for work.
“Who's in love?” She asked pulling her growing red hair back into a ponytail.
My sister pointed to me with a sly grin. “She is.”
Katie looked to me and an understanding expression came over her face. “Oh yeah Jay is so in love. It would be sickening to watch if I hadn't contributed.” Quanza laughed nodding her head in agreement as I groaned in annoyance. “It's okay girl. Just think on your wedding day a year from now I'll look at you and say I told you so.” Katie patted my arm comfortingly.
“Right after I hand you your bouquet and say it too.” Quanza added.
“Harry already proposed?” Shardai asked walking into the kitchen. “Dang it. I had money on Christmas.” She snapped in disappointment.
I looked at them all incredulously. “There's a bet.” The three too involved people nodded. My head shook in disbelief as I walked to my bedroom. Closing the door behind me I grabbed my laptop off my desk and instantly began typing.
@JayQuin94: If she has money on Christmas then what is everyone else betting on? #ridiculous


Let me know what you think.


Soo good.! Update.!! :D

I love how you put a black female as the female heroine. So different and I've always hoped someone would come up with something like this.


Your Welcome

@hazzas gurl
Thank you! I appreciate the read.

JusticeQuin JusticeQuin

Omg I just started reading this...(and im only on chap.5 but whateves.) And im already in love like ONLY IF THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO YOU LIKE JUST OOMMMMGGG!!!
anyways your a great writer and just keep doing what your doing. :D