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Nothing But A Player

What Have You Done To Our Girls???

Charlie's P.O.V
Once we all got to the club people were shouting all kinds of sexual comments towards me, Erin, Eleanor, Perrie and Dani. Louis immediately grabbed El by the waist and pulled her into his side.
"Lou you texted the guys right and they're already here right?" I ask just to make sure
"Yes for the millionth time they are already here" Louis says sassily
"Whatever" I mumble while rolling my eyes
Once we walk in we see all the guys sitting at a booth in the back. Louis and Eleanor go and sit with them while the rest of us go and sit in the booth across them so we could hear their conversation and come over at the right momen to catch their attention.
"Hey guys" Louis says while sitting down and pulling Eleanor onto his lap.
"Hey lo- whoa Eleanor you look great tonight" Harry says while looking up
"Yeah Louis's one lucky guy" Niall says agreeing. While Eleanor just looks down and starts bushing.
"I think we all agree Eleanor looks stunning tonight but do you know if Dani is here yet I really need to explain to her what I meant earlier and apologize" Liam says while looking over at Eleanor.
"Yeah I need to apologize to Perrie too. I was out of line and she's been ignoring me all day and I really miss her." Zayn said while slouching further down into the booth.Once Zayn and Liam finished talking Perrie and Dani both awed while me and Erin just rolled our eyes
"Okay listen girls stick to the plan no matter how much they sweet talk you just remember how annoyed you were earlier. Lets make them squirm then at the end of the night when I give you guys the signal you guys can finally give in and give them some much needed love" I say while turning toward the girls.
"Erin since me and you aren't dating those idiots yet we're gonna put on a MASSIVE show since we don't have to give in at the end of the night like the rest of them" I say to Erin while smirking
"Oh i'm way ahead of you " Erin says while smirking back at me. I already know we both aren't gonna hold anything back . Me and Erin can get pretty crazy when we party together and a lot of the times we would just be all over eachother just to shock or turn people on for fun.
"Okay lets go over there to get El and go get drinks. Remember act like they aren't even there just go over give Lou a kiss on the cheek and a quick Hi." I say to the girls while standing up.
We all walk over to the group and everyone of the guys has their mouth hanging open while Louis and Eleanor are just smiling.On the way over I notice Victoria sitting on Nialls lap looking over at Harry and a girl sitting on his lap. When we got a bit closer I could feel Erin tense up beside me. Well I guess she noticed Victoria on Nialls lap. UGGHG Niall and Harry make me soo mad its unbelievable. Erin is practically in love with Niall and it seemed like he liked her back but now it looks like he was just playing her.
"Hey El do you want to come get a drink with us?" I ask while facing El and Louis and completely ignoring the rest of them feeling their stares on the side of me face.
"Obviously I wanna spend some time with my girls" El says while standing up off of Louis lap.
"I'll see you later okay babe" She says while leaning over and giving him a kiss.
"Lou you better not be showing up here looking fine as fuck and forget my kiss" Erin says while smirking while pointing to her lips.
"How could I forget with you looking like that" He says while standing up grabbing the sides of her face and giving her a long and deep kiss.
"Oh and you better not think I could forget about you little miss trouble maker" He says while grabbing my hips and pulling me in close. I could feel everyone looking so I decided to make a show of it. I lightly grind my hips against his as we continue to makeout I can feel everyones eyes on us as I bring my hands up and run them through his hair.We continue it getting more and more heated by the second until someone clears their throat. I look up to see a very angry Harry.
"What the fuck Lou?!?!? If your gonna cheat don't do it with your girlfriends friends and especially don't do it when she's standing right next to you." Harry practically yells.
"Dude chill I have a pass given to me by El I'm a free man tonight and i'm gonna take full advantage of it." Louis says while shrugging. Then starts to lean in for another kiss but I stop him
"Save some for later tiger I still need to go get a drink with the girls" I say while winking and gesturing behind me towards all the girls
"Hey lou" Perrie says while coming up and giving him a kiss on the cheek and a really long hug. After Perrie , Dani comes up and does the same
"Hey umm Dani can we talk?" Liam asks while standing up
"Ohh I so would but since im soo sturdy and predictable you must already know im going to say might as well not waist anyones time" She says while shrugging
"What about you will you talk to me?" Zayn asks Perrie
"Dani's right you guys must know what were going to say. Since We're just so predictable" Perrie says while turning around as we all walk towards the bar. Once we get there we all just burst out laughing.

Harry's P.O.V
Once the girls all left I asked the girl on my lap to leave and told her I was going to call her. Before all the girls got here I actually thought she was hot and was pretty exited about hooking up with her but now I've seen Charlie she's the only one here I want. I look over beside me and see Niall sliding Victoria off his lap and beside him in the booth.
"What the fuck was that lou?!?" I shout once the girls are at the bar and I know for sure they can't hear us
"What was what?" He asks while casually taking a drink of his beer "Cut the shit Lou why were the girls all over you" Niall snaps
"Ohhhh that. Well Erin and Charlie are single so they don't really need a explanation and Dani and Perrie are pissed that you guys basically said they're boring, predicable and that they aren't sexy. And Els my girlfriend of course she's going to be all over me" Louis tells us.
" What the fuck I didn't even say that Liams the one that said they were sturdy why am I in trouble for it?" Zayn asked obviously mad he's in trouble because of Liams big mouth
"Well they obviously proved me wrong just look at them they all look soo fucking sexy." Liam says
"Oh yea you can thank Charlie for that apparently she practically forced the girls to get those dresses and she did their hair and makeup" Louis tells us
"Wait hold on why is Eleanor even letting you have a pass tonight, don't you think its a little ridiculous shes letting you hook up with anyone tonight?" I asked a little annoyed that he's gotten further with Charlie than I have in one night.
"No I don't think it's ridiculous I actually think its really cool.And the reason i'm getting this pass is because I actually think before I speak unlike you idiots" Louis says while laughing
"I think thats just fucking stupid. Your girlfriend must be a idiot for letting you hook up with other girls. And why the fuck do you and Niall even care your not dating any of them just come enjoy your night with me" Victoria says everyone. I honestly forgot she was even here.
"Excuse you El is not stupid shes fucking amazing the only reason your even saying shit is because your a jealous cunt that no one wants because your so used up. Just get out of my fucking face and go home you little fucking whore no one even wants you here spreading your nasty little diseases" Louis snaps and start raising his voice while she starts to tear up.
"That right go home and cry like the little bitch you are. and NEVER talk about my girl friend like that again she 10 times the women you are" Louis spits disgusted, Victoria just stands up out of the booth and runs towards the exit.
"That was really harsh mate" I say feeling kind of bad for her
"She deserved it no one talks about my El and gets away with it." He says chugging the rest of his beer and standing up.
"Im not gonna let her ruin my night I have a fucking pass tonight im going to make the best of if. I'm gonna go get the girl" Louis says
"Try and convince them to come back over here I really need Perrie to forgive me especially if shes wearing that" Zayn says licking his lips and looking over at Perrie standing at the bar.

Charlie P.O.V
"What the fuck was that whore doing sitting on Nialls lap?" Erin asked outraged before quickly taking a shot of vodka
"I don't know , why would harry have some slut sitting on his lap if he was trying to get with me.He even admitted he like me and thought there was something between us" I say getting angry to and taking a shot of vodka
" You know what fuck em. Lets just kick this plan up a notch me and you and gonna go fucking hard tonight" Erin says smiling and high fiving me.
"Your guys plan is working. right when you guys left to come over here they started asking about you" Louis says while standing next to me and El.
"Zayn and liam want me to bring Perrie and Dani over to them" He says while laughing
"Okay well its going perfect then, Per and Dani you guys need to go over to the dance floor and grind on each other then start whispering shit into each others ears. Then you guys will start making out. I guarantee this is gonna catch their attention. When you guys are done making out come back to the table and the guys will for sure apologize and beg you to forgive them." I say with a serious face
"Holy shit you really do get the male mind. Remind me to never piss you off" Louis says while laughing.
"Wait what are we supposed to whisper to each other?" Dani asked nervously
"Anything it doesn't matter its not like they can hear you its just for the appearance" Erin says while laughing .
"Okay girls its show time" Perrie says while her and Dani take two shots each and head towards the dance floor. While me, Erin , El and Louis head back to the boys.
On the way back to the table El's phone rings so we all head to the bathrooms so she could hear.Once she gets off the phone she explains to us that she has to leave because her friend shannon really needed her because apparently her boyfriend hit her.
"Oh my god babe here i'll come with you" Louis offers
"No your staying here. You told me you were going to do this favour for me and thats whats going to happen" El says sternly
"But babe i'd much rather be you" He says while taking her hand
"Nope your going to stay here and makeout with these girls and act like theyre the hottest people you've ever seen, Just do whatever they ask please do it for me" El says while giving her best puppy dog eyes.
"Okay but if anything happens and you need me don't be afraid to call" Louis says while giving her a kiss. Louis Erin and I walk back to the booth while El walks out of the club.
"Where did El go" Liam asks as we all sit down
"She had to help a friend"I say while shrugging
"Holy shit what have you done to our girls" Zayn says while looking at perrie and Dani making out on the dance floor
"I just opened their minds to trying new things" I say while shrugging
"I dont think I can take any more surprises tonight any more and im going to have a heart attack" Liam says while laughing still not taking his eyes off the girls
"Well you better call a ambulance and tell them to stay close by" I say chuckling while Louis and Erin laugh.


Probably a lot of mistake im not reading through it and checking.


This story fucked me up in a good way.

lolastyles10101 lolastyles10101

Whoaaaaaaa This can't be left unresolved. I have invested myself into this story xD Louis needs to get with Charlie. #Loulie and Eleanor can go to Hell and take Harry with her (she would probably like that). And Perrie...TELL HIM. NOW. RIGHT NOW.

Plz update sooooon

Destinyruiz101 Destinyruiz101

Oh my gosh I just finished reading all of this and I can't wait to see what happens. Ur an amazing writer!!!

one direction is life.