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Only You

Chapter Nineteen

“Would you like some pizza?” Harry asked grabbing his phone.

“Sure, I’m starving” I rubbed my belly and heard him chuckle.
We had decided on watching an animation movie. I wasn’t in the mood for scary movies.

“Finding Nemo?” Harry suggested picking up the dvd.

“I love Finding Nemo” I made myself comfortable of the large couch.

“Do you mind if I sleep over again” I asked. It might be annoying having me sleep over for 2 days.

“Not at all” He answered immediately.

“Oh and pizza will be here in 10 minutes” He said before the door bell rang.
Harry had a confused look on his face before going to get the door.
I sat down patiently until I heard voices echoing from the hall. A couple seconds later Harry came back but with new people. I only recognised Niall.

“Uh… Mia these are my friends” I walked to them and shook their hands one by one.

“Hey Niall!” I said as I came to him.

“Mia! I didn’t know you were dating Harry?” He said loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Oh uh Harry and I are just f-friends” I told him. I’m sure I was blushing like crazy.

“Oooh” His mouth shaped an ‘o’.
I looked at Harry to find him smirking. Of course he was.

“Uh, I’m going to change” I said to Harry.

“I put some clothes on the bed” He smiled and I ran up the stairs.

“That was so awkward” I sighed to myself.

“Yeah that was!” a voice said behind me followed by giggles.

I turned around to see 3 girls. I hadn’t seen them .

“Oh hi” I waved.

“I’m Eleanor. Louis’ girlfriend” A girl with brown hair pulled me in for a hug.

“I’m Danielle. Liam’s girl.”

“And I’m Perrieeee.Zayn’s girlfriend”

“I’m Mia” I smiled. They all seemed so nice.

“We know” Eleanor nodded.

“Harry talks about you so much” Perrie said noticing my confused look.
“He does?”

“Mhmm…” She nodded and I laughed. I loved them already.
I quickly changed into the clothes Harry gave me while talking to the girls about random things.


“Oh my god, did he really do that!” I laughed while walking down the stairs.

They just told me about the time Harry got drunk and sang to a cat.

“You should’ve seen him” Danielle laughed.

“I wish” I laughed at sat down between Niall and Harry. “Let the movie begin” Louis sang coming in with pizza.

“Pizza!” Me and Niall shouted getting a piece and everyone laughed.


this was a really shitty chapter. I'm sorry
But if you get me to 50 votes I swear i'll make the chapter very long!!!
I love y'all



Thanks for reading

Oh, girl you're shining, like a 5th avenue diamond.

Byee xx


Now 5 really!!!!!!!!!!

Please, please update

have you really not updated in 4 months.

Have you ended the story?