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As I arrived home, Vivian had prepared dinner, and the rest of the girls just cared for some of my needs.

“So…how’s everyone…What’s been going on while I was gone..”

“Hm…well…Drew and I are dating….Zach and Dana almost got a pregnancy scare…Hmm…and well…Zai…and Liam..well…they're….I don’t know.” I looked over at Zai who seemed to be a little tense about the whole conversation.

“Pregnancy scare? And no Ziam?” I gave her a pouty face.

“Yea…I was terrified, but we use condoms all the time now…” Dana chuckled.

“I guess not…I don’t know…After you went into your coma…things weren’t as vivacious and they used to be..”

“Well have you talked to him about it?”


“Well you should…”


Dinner was pretty silent, I laid on my bed, picking up my phone beside me.

*Hey…* I texted Harry.

*Hi* well then

*When’s your mum’s wedding? Or did I miss it…*

*It’s tomorrow actually…Didn’t think you were going to come..*

*I’ll be there…mind driving me by the boutique so I can pick up the dress…I’m not supposed to drive.*

*I’ll be out in 5*

*Thank you*

I quickly changed into leggings, a tank top crop, a plaid shirt, and combat boots. I tied the shirt around my waist, grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I sat on my stoops as I waited for Harry.

******* Harrys POV

I started up my car, and made a u turn around the road. I drove into her driveway to see her rested on the stoop. She quickly jolted up and walked over to my car.

“So, how are you feeling?”

I didn’t want to make it any more awkward than it already was. I wanted to know why she picked Elliot over me, and I wanted for her to love me…but asking her those questions would just cause much more drama.



Liarry...seems to be going through a lot....SO...I'm on the second popular page!! WUUTT.. i like was all giggly for a few minutes....but anyway...

RATE ...still at 9.9 :(


heya doll! will this or abhor be updated any time soon? probably totally random but i thought i'd try asking anyway xox

haha it's simply a celeb that I thought at the time fit the ideal persona of that character ! My names Lia too ! x

lia is my name holy shit why am i kim k

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haha yay! Harry's a charmer…as always! and thank you ! I'm still finishing up it's sequel!